Nutrients In Class Flashcards
Nitrate Conc is 6 and phosphate is 0.3. Which nutrient will run out first and how much left of the other?
Use redfield ratio, phosphate run out first
Have 1.2 nitrate left
Which line is from the spring tide?
The line with saltier surface and fresher depth
Should have a more homogenized profile
Do you expect upwelling at this time?
Fresher inside and saltier outside
FW will flow out of the inlet and saltier water flow in below and cause upwelling
Why is 16:1 ratio so close in the ocean
Denitrification pulls N down where O2 is low – no dependence on N:P ratio (lowers N:P ratio)
Nitrogen fixation increases N:P ratio – energy intensive (only happens when N deficit)
So phytoplankton essentially create the 16:1 conditions for themselves, they control the ratio in the ocean
During a stratified summer period
after the spring bloom, where in
the water column do we expect
to see near-zero nutrient
It will occur all the way down to the compensation depth
When is a fall bloom likely to start?
When the MLD is at the summer Dc (nutricline) and will continue until the MLD falls below the Dcr
What causes a PAR profile to drop and then increase again at a deeper depth?
This is caused by a shadow of the boat or the clouds
Decreases PAR when that happens then moves and increases again.
How do you find the euphotic zone on a partly shaded PAR profile?
You can log transform the graph so it linearizes it and from there extrapolate to the surface