SA Musculoskeletal Conditions - Bone Disease and Bisphosphonates. Flashcards
Common sites of osteosarcoma?
Distal radius.
Proximal humerus.
Proximal tibia.
Distal femur.
(distal tibia and proximal femur).
Generally in the metaphyseal area of the long bone.
Patients may present with pathological fractures due to weakening of the bone.
- Osteosarcoma signalment.
- Osteosarcoma clinical signs.
- Middle aged.
Large/giant breeds (occasionally in smaller breeds).
Can be seen in younger dogs
- tends to be more aggressive. - Lame (can be acute).
Pathological fractures.
Tx options for osteosarcoma?
*By time apparent in the bone, may have already metastasised elsewhere.
Euthanasia - reasonable option.
Medical / symptomatic - limited pain relief.
Bisphosphonates - delays mets and analgesic.
Radiation - no effect on mets, but analgesic w/ 4-6mths survival.
Amputation - no effect on mets, but analgesic w/ 4-5mths survival.
Amputation and chemo - delays growth of mets w/ 8-12mths survival (Cisplatin/Carboplatin).
Limb sparing and chemo - delays growth of mets w. 8-10mths survival (Cisplatin/Carboplatin).
- Panosteitis aetiology.
- Panosteitis pathogenesis.
- Panosteitis signalment.
- Clinical signs of panosteitis.
- Unknown (viral, excess nutrition, hereditary).
- Degeneration of intramedullary adipocytes.
Intramedullary ossification. - 5-18mths, large breed male dogs, GSD.
- Lame, NWB, shifting, migratory.
Dull, anorexia, pyrexia, painful bone on palpation.
Dx of panosteitis.
Patchy increased density of medulla of bone.
- distal humerus.
- proximal ulna.
Near nutrient foramen.
Worth taking radiographs of several limbs as lameness may occur w/o lesion in limb.
Tx and Px of panosteitis.
Symptomatic treatment of pain w/ good prognosis as condition will resolve w/ age.
- Metaphyseal osteopathy aetiology?
- Metaphyseal osteopathy signalment?
- Metaphyseal osteopathy clinical signs?
- Infection, hereditary, nutrition.
- Large and giant breed dogs aged 2-8mths.
- Inappetance, reluctance to stand, lameness.
Bilaterally symmetrical changes.
Swollen painful and hot metaphyseal areas of lower limb bones.
Dx of metaphyseal osteopathy.
Distal tibia and antebrachium.
Sclerotic line immediately adjacent to normal physis.
Radiolucent zone adjacent to sclerotic line.
ST swelling.
Periosteal new bone formation.
Tx of metaphyseal osteopathy?
Balanced diet / no supplements.
Analgesia - NSAIDs/opiates.
ABX / steroids.
Px of metaphyseal osteopathy.
May have residual bone deformity which may cause problems.
Prolonged course/recurrences.
- What is physitis?
- Aetiopathogenesis of physitis?
- Clinical signs of physitis?
- Enlargement of physeal region of long bones in growing horses.
- Unclear - rapid growth.
- Variable lameness/stiffness.
Widening of the bone at level of physis.
Especially distal radius, tibia and metacarpus/metatarsus.
May be seen w/ other developmental orthopaedic diseases e.g. angular limb deformities, osteochondrosis, flexural deformities, wobbler syndrome.
- Dx of physitis.
- Tx of physitis.
- Radiography.
Flaring of the metaphysis and epiphysis adjacent to physis.
Irregularity of physis and sclerosis. - Reduction of energy content of ration to slow down growth, ensure correct mineral balance in ration.
- Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism aetiology?
- Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism.
- Diet high in phosphorus / low in calcium e.g. all meat diet.
- If Ca in blood low, stimulates release of parathormone to return levels to normal.
Calcium reabsorbed from bone.
Osteopenia / osteoporosis cause pathological fractures.
Normal bone still produced and normal growth plates.
Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism clinical signs.
Puppies and kittens post-weaning.
Lameness, pathological fractures, lax ligaments, neuro deficits.
Growth and teeth deformity.
Dx of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism.
- cortices thin – little differentiation between cortex and medulla.
- normal growth plates.
- low / normal calcium and phosphorus.
- high parathormone.