Sales Order pricing
Sales orders are priced based on pricing schema determined for the order
Sales Order pricing overview pt 1
Pricing schema contains pricing elements like gross price, discounts, taxes freight and the related master / condition data to store the element values. These are dfined as configuration and master data in the application
Sales Order pricing overview pt 2
In the sales ordr, the pricing schema is determined for the entire order and the pricing values are determined based on the order context – sales area, business partner, materials of the order
Sales Order pricing overview pt 3
Some of pricing values are releveant for the entire order, while some are applicable to individual items
Sales Order pricing overview pt 4
Net line item value and tax are displayed for each line item, while the Net document value and total tax are displayed at the overview level
Sales Order pricing overview pt 5
Manual pricing is allowed for certain scenarios when the business need recommends the user to manually apply discounts, freight etc.
Statistical condition types
Condition types just for statistical purposes. They are included in the sales order conditions tab, but are not included in calculations of the Net and Tax prices for all the items.
Sales order item pricing
Sales order item pricing is calulated by executing all the relevant pricing elements in the schema.
System loops through all conditions in the schema for each item to arrive at line item pricing values.
Sales pricing configuration overview
FOr the pricing to work properly many of the following configurations are to be in place
- Pricing schema with all pricing elemnts (condition types) defined
- Pricing schema determination
- Conditions types, condition tables and access sequences
- Condition records to store actual pricing values
Pricing Schema
Contains all the condition types relevant for priing along with some important control parameters.
Pricing schema parameters
Manual, automatic or statistical indicator
From & To indicators to set the base value for % based conditions
Alternate base value type
Alternate calculation type
Requirement routine number to implement condition exclusion, suppress pricing etc
Accural and account keys to identify G/L accounts
Different Pricing schemas
It is possible to provide different pricing schemas for different customer groups and also based on the sales order scenario
- This is achived by two indicators set; one in sold-party master and another in sales document type
Pricing schema determination
Pricng schema is determined at the entry of sales order transaction.
It is based on the sales area, and document type of the current order
Sales order - pricing shcema at header level
System applies the condition types for all the line items and calculate the prices
Header level condition types are always calculated manually
They either apply full amount to each of the line item or apportion to the line values on a proportionate basis
Pricing Condition Technique
Individual pricing element values (condition records) are determined based on the condition technique framework
Condition types
Model pricing elements - prices, discounts, taxs freight etc.
- Condition category provides classication for the conditon type
- Access sequence is assigned if price is determined automatically based on condition records
- Caluclation type identifies how the value is caluclated – amount, percentage, formula
- Condition supplements pricing procedure is assigned. Header or item condition indicator is set
Condition tables
model key combinations (from most specific to most general)
- Sales org/customer/material
- Customer/material
- Material
Access sequences
Lists condition tables in a sequence. Include the condition tables from most specific to general in a sequence. System searches for condition values in that order.
- Exclusion indicator stops the search for condition records after a record is found
Condition records
Model pricing element values and they are created for required key combinations – condition tables
Master data
Conditon technique process
System searches for the condition records by taking the order context values like sales org, customer, material and looks up in each condition table to find the condition record value
Pricing analysis
In a sales order, provides the current execution details of pricing (tells you how the price is being derived). It is helpful to identify missing prices and errors.
Header, item and group conditions
Pricing allows to configure header, item and group conditions based on the different business requirements
Header conditions
Always manual, hence no access sequnce is assigned.
Item conditions
Are both manual and automatic. If automatic, access sequence is attached. They are applicable to the sales line item.
Group conditions
Applicable to a few line items based on same material group, price group.
They can also be header conditions.
Item Condition Type
Automatically identified, (if accss sequence is assigned) in the sales order line
Condition exclusion
Used to select the best possible price among a set of conditions. It is implemented in many ways
- By setting a exlcusion indicator either in the condition type or reocrd and using reuqirment routines
- By creation of condition exclusion groups and conditon types to exclusion groups
- By default, only one active prie is active in the sales order
Exclusion by way of Condition class ‘B’
If two prices belonging to condition class ‘B’ are determined, then the system by defualt makes the last price inactive.
Free goods pricing
- Free goods pricing schema is defined and determination configuration (standard) is in place
- Free goods condition type is defined and assigned to the avoce pricing schema
- Free goods item category determination
- Free goods condition – inclusive /exclusive are defined
Free goods condition - Inclusive
Free goods are included in the total quanity
Buy 10 get 1 free (out of 10, 9 are priced)
Free goods condition - Exclusive
free goods are exclusded in the total quantity
Buy 10 get 1 free (out of 11, 10 PC are priced)
Output Management
S/4 HANA uses Adobe server (doc) output formats to communicate business documents like invoices etc.
- BRF+ transaction used to define business rules for output
- Adobe is the target architecture
- NAST based output management is not available
- Supported channels
- Print using spool
- XML (Ariba integration)
- IDOC (limited support)
Output management: transaction
Fiori App: Order performance monitor
Used to manage the order-to-cash performance