Shipping point overview
Usually one shipping point handles deliveries from multiple plants and vice-versa
Shipping points are created one each for a mode of transport to clearly segregate the shipping activities
- Rail car shipping point
- Road shipping point
- Marine shipping point
Shipping point determination
- Shipping condition
- Loading group
- Delivering plant
Delivery header – processing tab
Captures overall status of the document
Delivery item processing tab
Captures picking, billing and POD status of the item
Delivery item picking tab
Captures picked and delivered quantity, weight, plant, storage location, warehouse transfer order status and pick status of the line
Delivery type determination
Based on the order type and is copied into delivery document using copy control configuration
Delivery types
LF - standard dleivery with order reference
LO - standard delivery without order ference
BV - Cash sale delivery
LB - Delivery for sub-contracting
NL - Replenishment Delivery process
LR - Returns Delivery process
LP - Dleivery from project process
Delivery item categories controls..
- Picking relevance
- Packing relevance
- ATP checks
- Batch determination during delivery processing
- Text determination
- Minimum deliveyr quantity checks
Delivery item category determination
- Copy control
- Delivery Type + Item Category group + Item usage + item category
- Manually in the same order of preference
Transfer orders are used if..
a warehouse enabled picking is implemented
Wave picks
Collective picking can be implemented using wave pick functionality
- Combine multiple deliveries and plan picking
- Automatic or Manual processing
- Capacity and Time constraints are considered
- Wave pick process montior available
- Lean warehouse management is a pre-requisite
Packing material types
Packaging material types need to be configured assigning handling unit type and number ranges. These are assigned to packing materials in the material master Sales
Material groups for packing
Material groups for packing are defined and these are assigned to the materials to be packed in the material master
Shipment creation
Can be created in the application by combining multiple deliveries.
A collective shipment (road) including 2 deliveries is created at a transportation planning point. It is org unit at which shipments are processed.
Shipment stages
Shipment route will have stages connecting the shipping point and ship-to address
Shipment control tab
Determined based on shipment type configurations
Shipment: collective picking
From shipment document, it is possible to do a collective picking for all deliveries
Shipment start (post goods issue)
Shiment start status is updated after the loading is completed
Shipment: collective post goods issue
Goods issue can be posted collectively for the deliveries in the shipment