S2 - Root canal anatomy Flashcards
Mx central incisor (overall length, no. of canals)
Dr Rodrigo’s strategy for mx central RCT
WL 0.5-1mm from patency length
very end filled with sealer
vertical condensation not lateral condensation
Mx lateral incisor (overall L, canals, morphology and implication)
1 (3% have 2)
DP curvature (not straight root) -> must bend SS files* or may get ledge or perforation
*dont need to for NiTi
Mx canine
26(can be longer)
1 canal
DP curvature
Good tools for access cavity
burs: Endo-Z (best- to smooth walls and provide correct inclination), Tungsten carbide flat fissure bur, round burs
ultrasound tips: used to remove calcification in pulp floor and smooth walls, then use endo explorer to stab/find canals (DO NOT use burs in pulp floor)
*when ‘drop’ into pulp chamber felt, don’t keep drilling with burs, use Endo Z or other non-cutting tip bur and remove pulp roof
Access cavity for Mx centrals
- place bur perpendicular to palatal surface, drill 2-3mm
- change inclination along long axis of tooth until pulp chamber reached
need correct shape and be conservative
incisors = elongated triangle, canine = more oval
Mx 1st PM
mostly 2 root 2 canals - B and P (85%)
1 (8%)
3 (7%- like molar roots -2B, 1P)
Mx 2nd PM
1 (50%), 2 (50%)
1 root but 1-2 canals
Access cavity for PMs
start at middle between B and P cusps and make oval access cavity slowly, once you feel the drop, use a bur with non-cutting tip to smooth the walls (otherwise may drill into furcation)
Mx 1st molar
3 canals (30-40%) - 3 roots MB, DB, P
4 (60-80%) - MB2 (closer to P, most often MB2 and 1 merge but not always)
Issue with mx 1st molar
MB2 not always visible, must explore for it
Which is usually a bigger issue. Missing a MB2 that merges with MB1 or independent?
independent, some degree of disinfection of MB2 when merge at end (but bacteria still left in upper part) whereas if independent MB2 missed its a bigger issue
Mx 2nd molar
3 (75%), 2 (15%), 1 (10%), 4 (0.7% - difficult, narrow canal but need to look for it, use ultrasound tip and explorer)
Access cavity for mx molars
2B roots, 1P
-> triangle shaped access (base is B, apex P)
Md central and lateral
central 20.8mm
1 (73%), 2 (27% - B and L)
lateal 22mm
1(85%), 2 (15%)
(flattened canal - need to use Hedstroem file in circumferential filing motion at end to touch all the walls w canal flooded w NaOCl)