S2 Chapter 4 - Equality Flashcards
Evaluation Question
“Pop stars and celebrities do more than the church to fight against injustice.” Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. (5 marks)
Answers may include:
Many churches - including their members - appear to have plenty of wealth, but there is little evidence of this being used in the local area.
In the past some Christians were prepared to take a stand against injustice (e.g. Martin Luther King) but the majority now don’t want to get involved.
There are high-profile events involving celebrities that seek to tackle injustice, such as Comic Relief and Live Aid.
On the other hand:
The Bible teaches that social injustice is wrong - Isaiah and Amos spoke against oppression of the poor: Jesus had a humble birth and made a point of reaching out to the marginalised in society. many Christians and churches do try to take this seriously.
There are Christian organisations, e.g. Trocaire, Tearfund and Christian Aid fighting poverty and injustice; many churches support these through fundraising activities
Some Christians get involved locally - perhaps helping in a soup kitchen for the homeless, or at Christmas time providing companionship, food and toys for families who cannot afford them.
Evaluation Question
“School assemblies should always include an act of Christian worship.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
Answers may include:
In 1944 it was made law for children to pray at school everyday; it is right that this should be continued today
Although there is increasing religious diversity in Northern Ireland, we are still basically a Christian society, so school assemblies should reflect this.
An assembly with a Bible reading and prayer is part of daily routine in school.
On the other hand:
Some people argue it is not right for schools to have daily christian act of worship, as Christianity is not the only religion practiced here.
There are children from a wide variety of faith backgrounds attending schools here; Christian worship would lead them to feeling excluded.
School assemblies could make reference to a variety of faiths, perhaps depending on the time of year.
Some might argue that assemblies should not be religious at all, but have a moral message - or that they are simply a sharing of information about the coming school day/week.
What does Article 1 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (1948) state?
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
What does Article 2 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (1948) state?
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Name some of the different types of social injustice
Economic inequality Inequality of the disabled Gender inequality Ageism Racial inequality Religious inequality
What is justice?
Justice is the right to be treated fairly.
The idea of equality is related to …
Respect for justice
What is economic inequality?
One of the main forms of social injustice is economic inequality. This refers to the unfair gap between the rich and poor. In our world some people live in complete luxury while others struggle to survive in dire poverty. People living in developing countries often have a very poor standard of living. Christians believe that this is wrong.
What does CAFOD stand for?
Catholic Agency For Overseas Development
What is inequality of the disabled?
Many people in our society are either physically or mentally disabled. Disabled people have a lot to offer society. However, as well as coping with their disability, some face discrimination in society and are not treated as equals. This is a particular problem when it comes to applying for a job or taking part in sports.
What is gender inequality?
Gender inequality refers to the obvious or hidden differences between people based on their gender. Some people believe that women are still not treated equally to men in society. They argue that women are affected by gender inequality in education, the world of work, religion and sport. However, other people argue that more recently the situation has reversed. In the home women have traditionally carried out the majority of the domestic chores and are responsible for childcare. In the Christian Church men have traditionally been the leaders with women taking a lesser role. Women are gradually being selected for higher roles within the church, with some Christian denominations more open to women in leadership roles than others.
What is ageism?
Ageism is discrimination against people because they are no longer young. Older people are often looked down upon by those younger than them and some even consider them to be of little value to society, with old-fashioned views. Unfortunately these ideas are reinforced by television and advertising. Many older people face discrimination when they try to find work or feel pressurised to retire to make way for younger people. Christians believe that they should show respect for the elderly and value their experience of life. Many old people are active, valuable to the community and proud of their individuality.
Name two organisations committed to improving the quality of life for the elderly
Age Concern
Help the Aged
What is racial inequality?
This refers to the unfair treatment of people because they belong to a particular race or because of the colour of their skin. In America in the 1960s black people were treated as second class citizens. They were separated from white people in places like schools.
What is religious inequality?
This refers to the unfair treatment of people because they belong to a particular religion. It can affect people from any religion, for example, Christians, Muslims or Jews. In Northern Ireland religious inequality has been a problem for Catholics and Protestants. In recent years many innocent Muslims face discrimination because of the terror activities of Muslim extremists.
What does the Bible say about social justice?
The Bible provides insight into how Christians should not tolerate social injustice.
The Old Testament teaches that people are created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27, Psalm 139:3-14) and that all people are created equal. People were not created to be alone, but to live in community with others (Genesis 2:18). People were given a special role in creation - to be stewards of the Earth, to work and to prosper (Genesis 1:28-30).
Christians believe that God’s creation was spoiled by violence, selfishness, greed and corruption when sin entered the world (Genesis 3-11). The issue of injustice is connected to sin throughout the Old Testament (Isaiah 59:9-16). Many of the prophets spoke out against the social injustice caused by sin and warned the people of coming judgment.