S2 Chapter 3 - Care for the Environment Flashcards
Stewardship definition
Stewardship is the idea that because we live on the Earth and God provides for us, we have a responsibility to take care of the environment. This also involves consideration of issues concerning future generations..
Leviticus 25:8-11
In the old testament, the Jews had the responsibility of taking care of the land. They were told to let the land rest once every fifty years so that it would produce more in the future.
In the old testament, the Jews had the responsibility of taking care of the land. They were told to let the land rest once every fifty years so that it would produce more in the future.
Leviticus 25:8-11
Deuteronomy 20:19
In times of warfare, instructions were given to conserve fruit trees and not to destroy them when attacking a city.
In times of warfare, instructions were given to conserve fruit trees and not to destroy them when attacking a city.
Deuteronomy 20:19
Christians today often look to the Bible in praise of creation at harvest time. Name a Christian denomination which carries on this tradition today.
In some Christian denominations, for example the Presbyterian Church, a Harvest Thanksgiving Service is held every Autumn to thank God for the wonder of his creation and provision of their needs.
Comments on the environment - Luke’s Gospel
” … But I tell you that not even King Soloman with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these flowers.”
Church comments on the environment - Methodist Church
Climate change = Threat to people everywhere
Drought, extreme weather affects LEDC’s
Concern for the environment is linked to faith and church theology
Action required
How do our actions harm others? (Love thy neighbour)
Church comments on the environment - Roman Catholic Church
Earth = Gift from God
Share + Develop, not dominate and exploit
Actions have consequences
We are called to celebrate and not take our gift for granted
Balanced policy between consumption and conservation (Deforestation, Fish farms)
Consider welfare of future generations, earth’s resources
Church comments on the environment - Church of Ireland
Climate change = Flooding, habitat destruction, desertification, pollution, urban expansion and famine
One third of fish species and one quarter of mammal species are at risk of extinction
1 billion people now suffer from a shortage of fresh water
- Prayer
- Indigenous people
- Forefront of worship
- God calls us
- Planetary crisis initiatives
- Publicise information
- Young people experience
- Planetary crisis training programs
- Energy conservation + sustainable energy
- Simplicity of lifestyle
Church comments on the environment - Presbyterian Church
Problems - industrialisation, urbanisation, scientific and technological advances
Progressing backwards
Many people pay for our standard of living
Church comments on the environment - Baptist church
Stewards of creation
- Conservation and sustainability of resources
- Global environmental issues
- Involvement in community initiatives aimed at renewing and sustaining the environment.
Church leaders often point to the examples of certain Saints when discussing animal related issues. Name two saints who were concerned with animals rights issues.
St Francis of Assisi, patron saint day October 4th
St Philip Neri
Proverbs 12:10
“Good people take care of their animals, but wicked people are cruel to theirs”
“Good people take care of their animals, but wicked people are cruel to theirs”
Proverbs 12:10
Christian views on animal rights
Many Christian thinkers believed that human beings were greatly superior to animals. For example, Thomas Aquinas taught that a hierarchy exists in the universe.
Name some Christian charity organisations that carry out aid and development work motivated by faith.
Christian Aid
Evaluation Question
“The Bible provides very little help for Christians on issues such as pollution and recycling.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (10 marks)
Answers may include:
References in Genesis and Psalms teach that God has created the world and given the responsibility for its care to humans; there are limited references as to what these responsibilities might include.
Many of today’s environmental concerns are the result of modern living and were not a problem centuries ago, so issues such as recycling or pollution are not mentioned in the Bible.
Jesus did not stress environmental issues in his teaching, although he did use birds and wild flowers to show that God cares for everything in nature, even something relatively small and ‘unimportant’.
On the other hand:
The Bible is God’s word and contains everything that Christians need to guide them in the 21st century.
Although specific modern day environmental problems are not mentioned, the Bible teaches the general principles that humans have been put in charge of God’s creation and must have a responsible attitude.
The account of Creation in Genesis teaches that humans are to look after the planet - not to destroy it.
Humans can use the earth’s resources to their benefit, but in a responsible way.
Therefore, the Bible contains a great deal of relevant teaching on today’s environmental issues.
Evaluation Question
“Christians have a responsibility to be concerned with animal rights.” Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. (5 marks)
Answers may include:
Animals are to be cared for: “A good man takes care of his animals but wicked men are cruel to theirs” Proverbs 12:10
In the sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught how God shows concern for all creation, even small birds and wild flowers (Matthew 6:26-28)
Following the example of famous Christians (e.g. St Francis of Assissi) it is important to show kindness to animals.
Practices such as vivisection, cruel sports and factory farming are wrong; Christians should take a stand against them.
On the other hand:
We live in a world where many people have to endure living conditions far worse than those of our animals, such as starvation and homelessness; Christians should be more concerned about the rights of disadvantaged people.
Animals do not have souls; only humans are made in the image of God.
Some Christians would argue that although human beings have a responsibility to treat animals decently, animals do not have rights in the same way people do.
Evaluation Question
Explain why some Christians are against experiments on animals. (5 marks)
Answers may include:
The Bible teaches that animals are to be cared for: “A good man takes care of his animals but wicked men are cruel to theirs” (Proverbs 12:10)
Experiments on animals are cruel and unnecessary and go against the biblical idea of stewardship (Genesis 1:26-28)
Animals have the right not to be treated cruelly and animal testing involves suffering and pain.
On the other hand:
Humans have rights which animals do not have
Animals can be used in the laboratory if humans will benefit, for example testing new medicines.
Animals can be used responsibly for the benefit of humans; we are the only creatures made in God’s image.
Name some of the ways in which people are harming the environment.
Air pollution Water pollution Soil pollution Global warming/Climate change Ozone Layer (CFC's) Acid rain E-waste Non renewable resources and energy