S Handbook Flashcards
Dialogue (C. 1)
Ahmed: Is-salaamu ‘aley-kum. Sidi: Wa ‘aley-kum is-salaam. Ahmed: Iyaak lebaas? Sidi: Lebaas, il-Hamdulillah. Ahmed: Iyaak il-kheyr? Sidi: Ella il kheyr, il-Hamdulillah. Ahmed: Ish Taari? Sidi: Lebaas, mashallah.
Ahmed: Peace be upon you Sidi: And peace be with you Ahmed: There is nothing bad? Sidi: Not bad/No problems. Thanks be to God Ahmed: Is there (only) happiness? Sidi: Only happiness/peace. Thanks be to God Ahmed: What’s new? / What’s happening? Sidi: Not bad/ No problems
Is-salaamu ‘aley-kum
Peace be with (upon) you
Wa ‘aley-kum is-salaam
And peace be with you
Iyaak lebaas?
There is nothing bad?
Iyaak (ella) il kheyr?
Is there (only) happiness ?
Iyaak iS-SaHa?
You are in health?
Iyaak maa yewj’ (-ak, -ik, -kum) shi?
You have no pains/illness (-masc, -fem, -plural)? (do not hurt)
Iyaak maa Taari shi?
Is there nothing new?
Lebaas mashallah!
Not bad, No problems. As God has willed
Lebaas il-Hamdulillah!
Not bad/No problems. Thanks be to God
Zein / Jeyyid mashallah!
Good. As God has willed
Zein / Jeyyid il-Hamdulilah!
Good. Thanks be to God
(Ella) il kheyr mashallah!
Only happiness/peaces. As God has willed
(Ella) il kheyr il-Hamdulilah
Only happiness/peaces. Thanks be to God
(Ella) iS-SaHa mashallah!
Only good health. As God has willed
(Ella) iS-SaHa il-Hamdulilah!
Only good health. Thanks be to God
Maa yewja’-ni shi mashallah!
Nothing ails me. As God has willed
Maa yewja’-ni shi il-Hamdulilah!
Nothing ails me. Thanks be to God
Ish Taari?
Ma Taari shi
Ma Taari (ye)kuun il kheyr
Ma Taari baas
What’s new? What’s happening?
There is nothing but happiness/peace. There is no evil.
Ish Haal-ak, -ik, -kum ?
How are you (masc./fem./pl.)?
How are you?
Il yuum
Night (12 am - 6 am)
Day (daytime; as opposed to night)
IT-Tluu’ ish-shems
Idh-dhuhuur ish-shems
Morning (6-11 am)
Mid-day (11 am - 1 pm)
Limgiil (iDH-DHuhar*)
Early afternoon around lunchtime (12h-16h). idh-dhuhar is also the name of the prayer Dhuhr
Id-daHmiis (il ‘aSar*)
Afternoon (3 pm - 7 pm). il ‘asar is also the name of the prayer Asr
Just before sunset
Il Maghreb*
Nightfall, just after sunset. Also, the name of the prayer Maghreb
9pm-11pm; around dinner time. Also the name of the prayer Isha
Night, associated with sleeping.
Il vejir*
Just before sunrise. Also the name of the prayer Fajr
Ish-Haal iS-SbaaH?
Good morning. (Ask in the morning)
Ish-Haal limbaat?
How was the night? (Ask in the morning)
Ish Haal il-marwaH?
Good evening. (Ask after sunset)
Ish-Haal limgiil? Il maqiil?
Good afternoon (Ask 16h-18h)
Ish kiv iS-SbaaH?
Good morning. (Ask in the morning)
Ish kiv limbaat?
How was the night? (Ask in the morning)
Ish kiv il-marwaH?
Good evening. (Ask after sunset)
Ish kiv limgiil? Il maqiil?
Good afternoon (Ask 16h-18h)
Although ―kum is the plural form, it is also often used when speaking to someone older (or coworkers higher up in the hierarchy), in order to show respect.
MereHbe (wu sehle u wehle)
Welcome / good to see you
MereHebe u sehle
Welcome / delighted to see you
Ehlen we sehlen
Welcome / make yourself at home
Welcome / come in / go ahead
Tvaddal (m.)/ tvadli (f.)/ tvadlu (pl.)
Welcome/ have a seat
M’a s-selaam
Goodbye; With peace
Come again anytime (welcome)
Weda’tak il Mulaana
I leave you (masc.) with God
Weda’tik il Mulaana
I leave you (fem.) with God
Weda’tkum il Mulaana
I leave you (pl.) with God
Weda’nak il Mulaana
We leave you (sing.) with God
Weda’nakum il Mulaana
We leave you (pl.) with God
Ile l-liqaa!
Until next time; see you soon
Leyla sa’iide
Good night
Shukran (jeziilan)
Thank you (very much)
La shukkra cale wajiib.
You’re welcome
Min vadl-ak (-ik, -kum)
SmaH l-i
Excuse me
I’m sorry
Isellem ‘le
To greet (“peace upon…”)
Wa, we, wu
li / il
For, to
Ish Haalak (-ik, kum) m’a il hummaan?
How are you (dealing) with the heat?
Ish Haalak (-ik, kum) m’a il berd?
How are you (dealing) with the cold weather?
Ish Haalak (-ik, kum) m’a ish-shaqle
How are you (dealing) with work?
Ish Haalak (-ik, kum) m’a il vetra?
How are you (dealing) with tiredness?
Ish Haalak (-ik, kum) m’a iS-Sevar?
How are you (dealing) with the trip?
Ish Haalak (-ik, kum) m’a is-s’Haab?
How are you (dealing) with the rain?
Ish Haalak (-ik, kum) m’a ir-riyaaH?
How are you (dealing) with the wind?
Ish Haalak (-ik, kum) m’a ir-rivi?
How are you (dealing) with the hot wind?