S&F 8&11 Flashcards
Frontal muscle
Head and Neck
Raises eyebrow
External oblique
Trunk muscles
Compresses abdomen
Muscles that move Lower Extremities
Moves thigh & trunk
Tibalis anterior
Muscles that move the LE
Dorsiflexes the ankle
Muscle that move the LE
Plantar flexes ankle
Orbicularis Oculi
Muscles head and Neck
Closes eye
Orbicularis oris
Muscles head and neck
Encircles lips and draws lips together
Lower Extremities
Plantar flexes ankle
Internal oblique
Muscles of Trunk
Compresses abdomen
Muscles of Trunk
Expands thoracic cavity during inspiration
Head and Neck
Elevates corners of mouth and lips
Rectus abdominis
Trunk muscles
Flexes trunk
Head and neck
Closes jaw
Rectus Femoris
LE Muscles
Extends knee
Fibularis longus
LE Muscles
Evert and plantar flex ankle
Head and neck
Closes jaw
Gluteus Maximus
LE Muscles
Extends thigh
Muscles of UE (upper extremities)
Abducts arm
Head and neck
Extends head and neck
Moves or stabilizes scapula
Small gland near roof of the third ventricle of brain
“Third eye”
Pineal gland
Female sex glands
Make sex gland
Located on the superior surface of each kidney
Adrenal glands
Islands of endocrine tissue scattered within the pancreas
Pancreatic Islets
Digestive gland near the junction of the stomach and small intestine
Maintains the corpus luteum during pregnancy
Small lumps of grandiose tissue located on the posterior surface of the thyroid
Parathyroid glands
Located in neck just inferior to the larynx
Thyroid gland
Controls many body functions of related to homeostasis
Ductless glands that secrete chemicals into the blood
Endocrine glands
Stimulates growth of the thyroid gland and stimulates it to secrete thyroid hormone
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Bony depression of sphenoid bone in skull, connected to the hypothalamus by a pituitary stalk
Pituitary Gland
Stimulates breast development during pregnancy and secretion of milk after delivery
PRL - prolactin
Stimulates growth, accelerates fat catabolism, slows glucose catabolism,
Growth hormone (GH)
Acts with FSH to stimulate estrogen secretion and follicle growth, causes ovulation and luteunization
LH ( Luteunizing Hormone )
Stimulates growth of the adrenal cortex and prompts it to secrete glucocorticoids
ACTH - adrenocorticotropic hormone
Initiates growth of the ovarian follicles each month and stimulates one or more to develop to maturity
FSH - Follicle stimulating hormone
Accelerates water reabsorption from urine in the kidney tubules into the blood , decreasing urine secretion.
ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
Stimulates uterus to contract and release milk into ducts
OT ( oxytocin)