(noun) advice
tip نصيحة
(noun) attitude
behaviour سلوك
(noun) challenge challenger
(adjective) challenging challenged ≠ unchallenged unchallengeable
(verb) challenge
(adverb) challengingly
something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting تحدي
(noun) confidence
(adjective) confident confidential
(adverb) confidently confidentially
the feeling that you can trust someone or something to be good ثقة
(noun) culture subculture
(adjective) cultural cultured
(adverb) culturally
the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society ثقافة
(noun) instruction instructor
(adjective) instructive instructional
(verb) instruct
(adverb) instructively
a statement telling someone what they must do
تعليمات \ ارشادات
(noun) opportunities
a chance to do something فرص
(noun) survey
(verb) survey
a set of questions that you ask بحث
(verb) achieve underachieve ≠ overachieve
(noun) achievement achiever underachiever ≠ overachiever underachievement ≠ overachievement (adjective) achievable
to successfully complete something or get a good result حقق\ انجز ; succeed
(verb) concentrate concentrating
(noun) concentration
(adjective) concentrated
to think very carefully about something that you are doing ركز ; focus
(verb) estimate overestimate ≠ underestimate
(noun) estimate estimation estimator overestimate ≠ underestimate
(adjective) estimated
to think something is better, more important etc than it really is تقدير/ تقييم /بالغ في التقدير / استخف
(adjective) efficient
they work well without wasting time, money, or energy
كفء / فعال
(adjective) familiar ≠ unfamiliar familial
(adverb) familiarly
(noun) familiarity ≠ unfamiliarity family familiarization
(verb) familiarize
someone or something that is familiar is well-known to you and easy to recognize معروف/ مالوف
(adjective) relevant ≠ irrelevant
(adverb) relevantly ≠ irrelevantly
(noun) relevance ≠ irrelevance
directly relating to the subject ;related ذو صلة
(adjective) self-conscious
(adjective) strategic
(noun) strategy strategist
(adverb) strategically
organized ; planning
(adverb) properly
really بصورة صحيحه / تماما/ حقا