500-SL-CH1-VOCABULARY Flashcards
(noun) bias biases
(adjective) biased ≠ unbiased (verb) bias
an opinion about whether a person, group, or idea is good or bad that influences how you deal with it → discrimination
(noun) campaign
a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement
(noun) commitment
(adjective) noncommital committed ≠ uncommitted (verb) commit
a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way
(noun) consumer
(noun) consumption
(verb) consume
someone who buys and uses products and services
(noun) data
information or facts
(noun) diversity
(adjective) diverse
(adverb) diversely
the fact of including many different types of people or things; variety
(noun) facilitator
(verb) facilitate
someone who helps a group of people discuss things with each other or do something effectively
(noun) format
the size, shape, design etc in which something such as a book or magazine is produced
(noun) investor
(noun) investment
(verb) invest
someone who gives money to a company, business, or bank in order to get a profit
(noun) option
(adjective) optional
(adverb) optionally
a choice you can make in a particular situation
(noun) presence
when someone or something is present in a particular place OPP. X absence
(noun) proportion
(adjective) proportional proportionate
(verb) proportion
(adverb) proportionally proportionately
part of a number or an amount, considered in relation to the whole
(noun) status quo
وضع راهن
(noun) tenacity
coherence; stubbornness,inflexibility ;hardness; toughness
(noun) theme
the main subject or idea in a piece of writing, speech, film etc; topic; subject,
(noun) transparency
a sheet of plastic or a piece of photographic film through which light can be shone to show a picture on a large screen
(noun) triumph
to gain a victory or success after a difficult struggle
(noun) veteran
someone who has been a soldier, sailor etc in a war ; someone who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity
veteran of
(verb) access
the right to enter a place; how easy or difficult it is for people to enter a public building, to reach a place, or talk to someone
(verb) networking
the practice of meeting other people involved in the same kind of work, to share information, support each other etc
(verb) responded
to do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done SYN react; reply
(verb) simulate
to pretend to have a feeling; imitate
(adjective) demographic
relating to the population and groups of people in it
(adjective) prevalent
common at a particular time, in a particular place, or among a particular group of people
منتشر; سائد