Russification under Communists Flashcards
How did Russification generally occur under Lenin, Stalin and Khruschev?
-aim to create a federal system
-some degree of autonomy but generally guided by Moscow.
What dates were the 3 communist constitutions?
What did the 1918 constitution do?
-created the RSFR
-russia including central asia, kazakhstan, uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
What did the 1924 constitution do?
-created the USSR
-ukraine allowed to join
-allowed own government and symbols of soverignty but answerable to the Sovnarkom
What did the 1936 constitution do?
-appeared to give greater representation
-in theory give ability to leave USSR.
How did the communists treat the Baltic states?
-1936 constitution annexed 3 states- tight control in Moscow.
-mass deportations in fear of Nazi collaberation.
How did the communists treat Finland post WW1?
-Treaty of Brest Litovsk- independence.
-pork mutiny 1922
-Treaty of Tartu 1920
What was the treaty of Tartu of 1920 (Finland)
-brief peace
-gained petsamo at the expense of East Kareliaβs independence.
How did the communists treat Finland post WW2?
-WW2- Finland refused request from Stalin to store millitary basis
-bombed Helsinki
-sparked the winter war
What was the winter war in Finland?
-highlighted millitary weakness
-50k deaths
-ceaded border space.
How did communist relations end with Finland?
-treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance in 1948.
-neutral + left alone.
How did the communists treat the Ukrainians?
-independence following WW1
-Couldnβt resist red army during the war
-grain supply- heavily collectivised + Kulak blame.
How did the 1936 kind of improve communist relations with the Ukraine?
-improved but stil accused of being German collaberators + executed/ deported.
How did the communists treat the caucuses?
-independence in 1920 retaken by red army a year later.
-Armenia and Azbekistan wanted same terms as ukraine
What conflict occured between Lenin, Stalin and the caucuses?
-Stalin sent his rep to georgia who attacked an official
-Lenin condemed this
-1936- full republic status given.
How did the communists treat Turkmenistan?
-virgin lands
-dumping ground for political prisioners.
-communist systems etablished
How did the communists treat Manchuria?
-returned to the reigon to adress spheres of influence/
What was the pork mutiny of 1922? (Finland)
-red guards crossing the border, looting property and persuading the fins to join them with money and guns