Russia AOS1 Quotes Flashcards
W.H. Chamberlain on the Significance of the Tsar & Tsarina
“The characters of the Tsar and Tsarina accelerated and made inevitable the doom of the Romanov dynasty.”
Tsar Nicholas Upon Coming to Power
“I know nothing of the business of ruling”
Mikhail Rodzinko on Rasputin
“The appearance in the royal court of Grigory Rasputin…mark the beginning of the decay of Russian society and the loss of prestige for the throne and for the person of the Tsar himself.”
Kerensky on Being Prime Minister
“I want to take the middle road, but no one will help me”
Michael Lynch on Lenin & Trotsky’s Role in the October Revolution
“If Lenin was undeniably the inspiration behind the October Revolution, Trotsky was indisputably the executive figure who organised the actual rising.”
Saying Among Russian Government Officials
“The most powerful man in Russia is he who last spoke to the Tsar.”
Steve Smith on Why the Tsarist Regime Failed
“The collapse of the autocracy was rooted in a crisis of modernisation”
Vyacheslav Plehve (Minister of the Interior) on the Russo-Japanese War
“A little victorious war to stem the tide of revolution.”
Le Matin Newspaper on Bloody Sunday
“They are almost all children, women, and young people…soldiers aim at the people’s heads”
A Russian Commander During the Russo-Japanese War
“The Japanese are beating us with machine guns, but never mind: we’ll beat them with icons.”
Father Gapon During Bloody Sunday
“There is no god any longer. There is no Tsar.”
The October Manifesto (17th October 1905)
“Grant the population the essential foundations of civil freedom…no law shall take effect without confirmation by the State Duma”
Tsar Nicholas on the Duma
“I created the Duma, not to be directed by it, but to be advised.”
The Fundamental Laws (23rd April 1906)
“The All-Russian Emperor possesses the supreme autocratic power.”
Pavel Miliukov Speech 14th November 1916
Grand Duke Nikolai (Commander in Chief) During WW1
“I have no rifles, no shells, no boots!”
Orlando Figes on the February Revolution
“Russia overnight was effectively transformed into ‘the freest country in the world’.” (Quote from Lenin)
Tsarina Alexandra to Nicholas During February Revolution
“This is a hooligan movement…if the weather were very cold they would probably all stay home.”
Mikhail Rodzianko to Tsar 26th February 1917
“The situation is serious. The capital is in a state of anarchy.”
Provisional Government Notice 2nd March 1917
“Citizens! The Provisional Committee…has at present scored…success over the dark forces of the old regime.”
Worker Protest Banners April 1917 Petrograd
“Down with Miliukov and Guchkov!” “Down with the Imperialist War!” “Down with the Provisional Government!”
Soviet Order No.1 (1st March 1917)
“Orders from [the Provisional Government] may be executed only in cases where they do not contradict the orders…of the Soviet.”
April Thesis (4th April 1917)
“No support for the Provisional Government; the utter falsity of all its promises should be made clear.”
Menshevik Alexander Bogdanov on April Thesis
“This is the ravings of a madman!”
General Kornilov During Affair
“It’s time to hang the German supporters and spies, with Lenin at their head.”
Lenin 15th September 1917 on Gaining Majority in Soviets
“The Bolsheviks, having obtained a majority in the soviets…can and must take power.”
Sergei Witte on the October Manifesto 1905
“The slogan of ‘freedom’ must become the slogan of government activity. There is no other way of saving the state.”
Alexander Guchkov (Minister) on the Provisional Government
“The Provisional Government does not possess any real power…[it] exists only so long as it is permitted by the Soviet.”
Petition to the Tsar 9th January 1905
“We are impoverished and oppressed…[our requests are] to reduce the working day to 8 hours…increase wages of unskilled workers…[hold elections] to the Consitutent Assembly…under universal, secret…suffrage.”