China AOS2 Key Dates Flashcards
Marriage Law
1st May 1950
Agrarian Reform Law (Beginning of Fanshen Campaign)
28th June 1950
Mao Approves Chinese Intervention in Korean War
8th October 1950
Launch of Sanfan (Three Antis) Movement
7th December 1951
Launch of Wufan (Five Antis) Movement
1st February 1952
First Five Year Plan
Gao Gang Purged from CCP
31st March 1954
High Tide Begins
30th July 1955
Mao’s Speech “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions”
27th February 1957
Hundred Flowers Campaign
May 1956 - 8th June 1957
Founding of First People’s Commune
29th April 1958
Eighth Party Congress (Great Leap Forward Launched)
May 1958
Three Bad Years Famine
1959 - 1961
Lushan Plenum
14th July - 16th August 1959
Tenth Plenum (Launch of Socialist Education Movement)
September 1962
Hai Rui Dismissed from Office Published by Wu Han
February Outline Report
12th February 1966
May 16 Circular Released (Beginning of Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution)
16th May 1966
Mao’s Good Swim
16th July 1966
First Mass Red Guard Rally in Tiananmen Square
18th August 1966
Liu Shaoqi expelled from CCP
31st October 1968
Ninth Party Congress (end of Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution)
April 1969
Fall of Lin Biao
13th September 1971
Zhou Enlai Dies
8th January 1976
Mao Zedong Dies
9th September 1976
16 Points Released
1st - 8th August 1966
Cultural Revolution
1966-1976 (officially ended 1969)
Korean War