Russia and Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) Flashcards
What was the situation in Russia during the interwar period different from?
The situation in Russia in the interwar period was very different from that of the other European countries
Compared to Western Europe, what was Russia still?
Compared with Western Europe, Russia was still socially and economically backwards
While Russia suffered from the scars of the First World War like other European powers, why did it suffer the same kinds of wounds from the Great Depression as most of the other European powers?
Like the other European powers, Russia suffered from the scars of the First World War, but because of its economic isolation from 1917, it did not suffer the same kinds of wounds from the Great Depression as most of other European powers
Before the Bolshevik revolution, what had Russia been dominated by?
Before the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, Russian society had been dominated by a few extremely wealthy, landowning aristocratic families
Was there a middle or working class?
There was a small middle class and a small, urban industrial working class
What were the vast majority of the population?
However, the vast majority → (over ⅔ of the population) were poor peasants
When was the social order overthrown?
The social order had been overthrown by the removal of Tsar Nicholas II in 1917 (and the subsequent assassination of his whole family in 1918)
What key features dominated the period following the Tsar’s assassination?
The period that followed came to be dominated by the following key features:
- The impact of the political revolution that ended the
autocratic rule of the Tsar - The consequences of the seizure of power by the
Bolshevik Party (later known as the Communist Party) - The rise of Stalin’s dictatorship
- The rapid transformation of the Russian economy and
social structure through the rapid industrialisation and
collectivisation of all land under government control
When did Stalin come to power?
Stalin came to power after the death of Lenin in 1924
What did Stalin prove to be? and who is he often compared with?
Stalin proved to be one of the most ruthless and brutal dictators of the 20th C and is often compared with Adolf Hitler
What did the Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union and Hitler’s Nazi dictatorship prompt sociologist Hannah Arendt to do in her 1951 book ‘The Origins of Totalitarianism’?
The Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union and Hitler’s Nazi dictatorship prompted the great SOCIOLIGIST HANNAH ARENDT TO LINK THE TWO IN HER FAMOUS 1951 BOOK → ‘The Origins of Totalitarianism’
What would other sociologists and political scientists do?
Other sociologists and political scientists would follow Arendt’s lead in describing Hitler and Stalin as ‘totalitarian dictators’
How is this approach of linking the two dictators seen by 21 C historians?
This approach, however, is no longer seen as useful by 21 C historians, who prefer to study each of these dictatorships as a separate phenomena
When Stalin came to power, what were the two things his authority was based on?
When Stalin came to power he based his authority on two things:
- He claimed to be Lenin’s chosen successor & a loyal
servant of the Communist Party - He claimed to be the new prophet of Marxist
(communist) ideology
Was Stalin always the natural leader of the party?
But Stalin was not always the natural leader of the party
After Lenin’s death in 1924, what had Stalin already reached this position after?
Rather, after Lenin’s death in 1924, Stalin had already reached this position after a brief power struggle within the Communist Party with Leon Trotsky
Unlike the charismatic Trotsky who had lead the original Bolshevik seizure of power & then the Russian Red Army during the Civil War, what did Stalin present himself as?
Unlike the charismatic Trotsky → who had lead the original Bolshevik seizure of power & then the Russian Red Army during the Civil War, Stalin presented himself as solid, humble and a loyal party member
What did Stalin suggest to his fellow party members about Trotsky?
Stalin suggested to his fellow party members that Trotsky would be likely to make himself a dictator & dominate the party if he were to be made leader
What did Stalin use his position as General Secretary of the Communist Party to do?
Stalin also skilfully used his position as General Secretary of the Communist Party to build support
What did Stalin offer party members?
It was Stalin who would offer party members better jobs, better houses (so-called dachas) and improve their quality of life
What did historian Sheila Fitzpatrick call Stalin offering party members jobs, houses and etc?
HISTORIAN SHEILA FITZPATRICK → called this ‘patronage’, meaning that in the first stages of his dictatorship Stalin sued rewards for fellow party members
What was reward under the Soviet system linked to?
Reward under the soviet was linked to patronage, favours and benefits that came with party membership and loyalty
Where was the terror or fear during this patronage?
The terror, or fear, would come later
Did Stalin’s campaign work? Where did he gain the greatets support from? and what happened to Trotsky?
Stalin’s campaign worked and he ultimately gained the greatest support among party members, while Trotsky was expelled from the party and exiled from Russia
Soon after securing the leadership, who did Stalin create a ‘cult of personality’ around?
Soon after securing the leadership, Stalin started to create a ‘cult of personality’ around the dead former leader, Lenin
When Stalin delivered the Euology at Lenin’s funeral in 1924, what did he proclaim himself as? and what did he declare about Lenin?
When Stalin delivered the Eulogy at Lenin’s funeral in 1924, he proclaimed himself as Lenin’s chosen successor & declared that Lenin should be revered as some kind of communist god
What was the city of Petrograd renamed? and what happened to Lenin’s body?
The city of Petrograd was renamed Leningrad, & Lenin’s body was mummified and entombed in a huge mausoleum in Moscow
What happened to Stalin’s authority as Lenin became greater in the public memory?
The greater Lenin became in the public memory, the more authority Stalin inherited as Lenin’s successor