Russia Flashcards
How many prisoners by 1960
Zemstva introduced
When was split bolsheviks and Mensheviks
Stalins economic regime?
Command economy 5 year plans
1936 constitution what was the article
Article 126
Membership from 1921 to 1928
73000 to 1000000
Parties legal till?
Limitations of Dumas
1st duma executed by stolypin
3rd duma stolypin enforces article 87 for autocracy
What decrees did Lenin bring in 1917
Workers and land and peace
Order Soviet’s did to take army
Order no.1
Justices of peace?
Judiciary reform
1921 terror
1864 jury
1917 revolutionary justice
What was third element
Growing want for national g
Facts about nkvd
Killed 30000
40 million gulags
What was police force in charge of grain requisitioning
Police under a 3 and n 2
Army facts
150000 joined Mrc
Purged 40% leaders
K 3.6 to 2.4
Worker riots
1885 8000
1917 150000 worker riot
How many peasant revolts after edict
Who killed a2
Peoples will
How long working day for workers
1897: 11.5 hours — 1964: 7 hours
What war grew intellgensia and how
Russo-Turkish as angered their loss in conference in Europe as they lost land
Who were removed by Stalin in 1928
Trotsky kamenev and zinoviev
Peasant riot during k term
1962 riot over food shortages
How did a2 deal with opposition
Trial of the 50, long term for populists
Describe how zemstva introduction led to populist movement
Failed 1874 to gain support
Split into people’s will
400 members eventually killed him
Name a movement of opposition against a2
Land and liberty 1876
Name a 2 reforms
Edict 1961
Milyutins reforms on military reduced to 15 years service, could be conscripted if over 20
Unis could govern themselves
1865 censorship reforms
Secondary education expanded
How did a2 uphold autocracy
Tolstoy 1871 reduced zemstva on education
Replaced personal chancellery of his imperial majesty with council of ministers 1861, give impression lessened grip
What negative effects did a2 have on peasants
647 revolts
1866 state controlled freed
75% peasants got 4 dessyatina, 5 needed for life
Redemption payments 49 years
Poor land
Positive effects a 2 had on peasants
1905 nobility land down 40%
Free from serfdom
Got land
Could marry start business
Examples how minorities not neglected by a2
1863 diet of Finland gave them government
Commission for supremacist activity 1876
Polish rebellion start of Russification
Lot of factors in 1863 polish revolt
Some Jews were allowed out of pale settlement
How were minorities neglected by a2
Let polish revolt build up
Gave liberal policy on Baltic Germans , Estonian Jakobson campaigned
A 2 industrialisation info
Reutern 2000-14000 by 1878
A 3 industry
Medeliev tariff 1891
Bunge poll tax 1886 and salt tax 1881
Peasant land bank 1883
N2 industry
1893 42 mil , 1897 161 mil income
Rail x2 by 1901
Coal x2
Iron x7
Tax up
Output up 7%
Still 10% of B GNP
Lenin industry
War communism, state capitalism, militarisation, grain requisitioning, 30000 industries nationalised
Nep, trade, own businesses
1917 supreme economic council
1917 decree on land, private
1918 decree on workers control, run factories
Stalin industry
No trade
5 year plans l, gosplan, unrealistic targets, successful plan 1947
Khrushchev industry
77 per 1000 had washing machines
Focus on light industry
7 year plan 1959 success
A 3 agricultural reforms
Land captains enforced 1881
Medeliev tariff led to 1891 famine killed 350000
by 1900 80% peasants relied on agriculture
N 2 agricultural
Stolypin reform, unused land to land bank 1906
No attention
Lenin agriculture
Decree on land 1917
Grain requisitioning
Blamed kulaks
Stalin agriculture
Peasants fought back Bryansk oblast
1941 98% peasants
Collectivisation, Stalin lied by saying 58% in collectives 1930
Dekulakisation, 30000 shot, 1928-30 1-3 mil kulaks deported
Khrushchev agriculture
Virgin land schemes, 5/6 land unusable, 1950 96 mil to 1964 165 mil
Increased electricity
Who much or Russia population in towns
1914 how many towns had access to electricity and water
200 towns for water and 74 for electricity
Living space
- 5 in 1905
5. 8 in 1935
How did stalins housing deteriorate in Moscow
Mid 1930s 25% living in shared households
How did krushchev change urban housing
Abandoned communal living
1955-1964 houses doubled
Housing cooperatives, although professionals could afford the deposit 15-30% of asking price
How did communists change rural housing
Stalin constructed special housing blocks
Khrushchev self contained Agro towns
What did Lenin introduce for workers
1920 rabkrin the workers and peasants inspectorate
How did communists threaten workers
Threats of purges
Fines 10% of their wages
Wages throughout the period
1903 workers insurance scheme
Communist bonus schemes for extra money to workers exceeded
1932 real wages fell by 50%
Took till 1954 to reach levels of 1920s
How did tsars treat religion
Pobedonostsev tightened senior clergy few dissented
Father John of Kronstadt supported autocracy
Communists on religion
Decree on the separation of the church from the state and school from the church
During civil war closed
Promoted atheist groups like League of the militant goddess 1925
1938 16 churches compared to 224 in 1930
Clergy reduced by 60%
1961 22nd all soviet congress moral code
How were non-orthodox religions treated
Most leaders encouraged orthodox
1883 old believers can preach in their own home no where else
Reinstated 1910
Had to go underground during communists
Secondary school change
A2 doubled attendance 1855- 1865
A3 banned peasants, bolsheviks changed
K got rid of fees
Emphasis on vocational 1931: 2.5 mil to 6.9 mil
Primary school change
1929 8 mil to 1930 18 mil
1864 major reform, board dominated by nobility, ran by zemstva
Before 1864 only rich
1877 ministry took over
1871 Tolstoy
Structure to society under tsars
Nobility decline
1900s over 80% peasants relied on agriculture
Worker and peasant blurred
Rise of middle class
Nobility reduced by 90% due to peasant purchases
Universities change
1861 students from st Petersburg uni
Moscow uni, under stolypin all non academic meetings banned, no poor
1863 statute gave unis autonomy
A3 brought an appointment system
A3 16500 students
Reasons for famine
Why was the provisional g a success
Promised elections to assembly
Bolsheviks determined
Liberal members like milyukov and guchkov
Reasons why PG doomed to fail
Lacked legitimacy
soviet large support
Peasant land problem
Allowed freedom of speech
Poor decisions
Delayed elections
How many bolsheviks newspapers in 1917
Kornilov affair
Kerensky weak
Showed pg was weak
Bolshevik heroes
Who was progressive bloc
1915 2/3 of Duma
N2 less press
Kopek paper 25000 in circulation 1894
A2 censorship
1865 reform allowed more publication
P g reforms
Secret courts ended
Okhrana gone
Elections to assembly
Economic impact of ww1
Inflation up 400%
Grain price up 100%
Coal 1913 29 mil to 1920 13 mil
Spent 3 billion roubles
Opposition from nationalities to p g
Rada in Ukraine pressed for autonomy
Sejm in Finland free from r g
P g slow for assembly
Against the fact p g faced opposition from minorities
Self rule in transcaucasus led to special transcaucasus committee
What was Crimea treaty
Treaty of Paris, r lost principalities
Russo Turkish treaty
Treaty of san Stefano 1879
Led to conference
Austria got Herzegovina and Bosnia
Angered intelligentsia
Russo Japanese treaty
Treaty of Portsmouth 1905
Admit J had presence in Korea
Leave port Arthur
Demanded reform
Poor communication
Crimea economic impact
2 mil roubles on track by reutern
Lost Bessarabia land
Restricted from Black Sea
Structure of gov Russian civil war
Sub committees after split in party
Nep for stability
Ww2 effects
5 mil prisoners
27 mil deaths
25 mil homeless
Membership 1941 3.76 to 1945 5.8
Sphere of influence
Land from Poland
Famine 1947
5 year plan after war effect
Effects of Cold War
Unrest Hungary 1856
De stalinisation
Test ban treaty 1963 USA and Russia
Anti party group
What proves k was arrogant
Cult of personality by banging shoe on table
K military cuts
3.6 to 2.4
How many people died from riots over virgin lands
Success for k economic and social
Earnings up 3%
77 per 1000 washing machines
Only poor weather 1963
Over 100 regional economic councils
What treaty with west was successful for k with west
Austrian state treaty 1955
When was Berlin Wall constructed and what were the impacts
Quick to move to repression when policies failed
Prevented West from taking Berlin
K failed minorities
Resolved Tito and Yugoslavia by appeasement encouraged Eastern European states to follow led to final collapse 1991
1960s mao denounced k
Hungary 1956
Berlin Wall
K succeeded minorities
Declined 1958 to give Soviet Union military support
Support from states over Hungary so propaganda win
Berlin Wall