Russia Flashcards
Agents Provocateurs
Agents who infiltrate opposition movements with the deliberate aim of stirring up trouble so as to expose the ringleaders.
Tsar Nicholas II tutor.
Strong conservative
Rejected the ideas of representative government, trial by jury and the free press.
A special corps of female soldiers recruited by Kerensky.
Absence of government or authority, leading to disorder.
The idea that the Bolsheviks should accept the situation that followed the February Revolution in 1917 and co-operate with the Provision Government.
Agrarian economy
The system in which food is produced on the land by arable and diary farming and then traded.
All-Russian Congress of Soviets
A gathering of representatives from all the soviets formed in Russia between February and October 1917.
American Relief Association. ARA
A body formed by Herbert Hoover (a future President of the USA. 1929-33) to provide food and medical supplies to post-First world war Europe.
Authoritarian characteristics
A dominant ideology that justifies a system of state terror being imposed.
National self government
A parliament made up of two chambers or houses, an upper and a lower.
A system that operates through bribes favours and connections.
The narrow waterway linking the Black Sea with the Dardanelles.
Bottom-up Approach
Historical analysis of what was happening at the grass-roots level of society.
The owners of capital, the boss class, who exploited the workers but who would be overthrown by them in the revolution to come.
Buffer state
An area that lies between two states and so provides a form of protection for each against the other
Party members who were sent into factories and to construction sites to spy and report back on managers and workers.
The essential finance resources that provides the means for investment and expansion. No economy can grow without it.
The predominant economic system in Europe and the USA, based on private ownership and the making of profits - condemned by Marxists as involving the exploitation of the poor by the rich.
Capitalist methods of finance
The system in which the owners of private capital (money) increase their wealth by making loans on which interest has to be paid later by the borrower.
Russia’s financiers and industrialists.
The primer used for instructing the people in the essential points of the Christian faith.
Central Committee
The decission-making body of the Bolshevik Party.
The concentration of political and economic power at the centre.
The letters of the word stood for the Russian words for ‘All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Fighting Counter-revolution, Sabotage and Speculation’ - the secret police.
A powerful but ultimately meaningless myth.
The abolition of private property and the forcing of the peasants to live and work in communes.
Short of the Communist International, a body set up in March 1919 to organise world wide revolution.
Russian for Monisters; Lenin chose the word because he said, ‘it reeks of blood’.
Commissar for foreign affairs
Equivalent to foreign secretary in Britain.
Camisa the nationalities
Minister responsible for liaising with the non-Russian national minorities.
Commissar of Enlightenment
Equivalent to an arts Minister.
Committee system
A process in which the deputies of the third Duma formed various committees to discuss and advise on particular issues.
Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
The new name adopted by the Bolshevik party in 1919.
Group of workers or farmers working together on their own enterprise.
Council of People’s Commissars
The cabinet of ministers responsible for creating government policies.
The Communist Party of Great Britain, formed in 1920, disbanded in 1991.
A term used by the Bolsheviks to cover any action of which they disapproved by branding it as a reactionary and opposed to progress.
‘dark masses’
The term used in court and government circles to signify the fear and content they felt towards the peasants were made up 4/5 of the population.
Decreed against Terrorist Acts, 1934
Gave the NKVD limitless powers in pursuing enemies of the state of the party.
‘Delivered the votes’
To use one’s control of the party machine to gain majority support in key events.
The shaping force of history that, according to Marx, leads in every historical period to a violent struggle between the exploiting and the exploited classes of the day.
Dictatorship of the proletariat
The last but one stage of history, in which the victorious workers would hunt down and destroy all the surviving reactionaries.
A settlement imposed on a weaker nation by a stronger.
A Marxist term relating to the prevailing ideas and culture within a society.
‘Dual authority’
Lenin coined this term to describe the uneasy alliance and balance of power between the provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet.
Putting the improvement of the workers’ conditions before the needs of the revolution.
Emancipation decree of 1861
The reform that abolished serfdom - a Russian form of slavery in which the landowner had total control over the peasants who lived and worked on his land.
Emigrant internationalists
Russian revolutionaries living in exile.
Those who fled from Russia after the revolution, either out of fear or from a desire to plan a counter strike against the Bolsheviks.
The forming within the party of groups with a particular grievance. Lenin used the term to brand as disloyal those Bolsheviks who opposed his policies.