Rural Health (3 Questions), Vulnerable Populations (6 Questions) Flashcards
Know what Social Capital is
Social Capital =
= The networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively
Know what shapes perceptions of vulnerability.
Vulnerability =
- results from the?
= the susceptibility to harm
- from complex interactions between the resources available to individuals and communities and the challenges they face over the life course
Vulnerability includes*
1) P____ incapacities
2) __ __ __
3) Disadvantaged _____ status
4) Inadequacy of interpersonal n____ and s____
5) Physical l____
1) Personal
2) SES
3) Social status
4) networks, support
5) location
1) Personal incapacities =
= physical and cognitive impairments, chronic illness exacerbate vulnerabilities
2) SES =
= SES indicators are associated with every measure of health and health care
- infant/adult mortality, morbidity
- impairment and disability, health behavior
- less access to medical care of all types
3) Disadvantaged social status =
= stigma, prejudice, discrimination
- segregation by race/class
- leads to high concentrations of devalued ppl such as those with mental illness, substance abuse
4) Inadequacy of interpersonal networks and supports =
= social capital
- members of a community should know how to access and utilize resources
ex) during katrina, there were buses used to evacuate ppl but many didn’t know about them
5) Physical location
Such as
- low density, impoverished rural areas
- urban ghettos
- communities with underdeveloped deteriorating infrastructure
- lack of employment opportunities
- inadequate medical, social, educational services
- poor transportation, communication facilities
- high crime and victimization
- exposure to environmentally adverse outcomes
Vulnerable populations include
- economically disadvantaged
- racial/ethnic minorities
- uninsured
- low income children
- disabled
- incarcerated
- immigrants, refugees
- those with HIV and other chronic health conditions
- homeless
Tri-morbidity =
in homeless
= substance addition, mental illness, another chronic health problem such as HTN