Define “Stopway”
Used to stop in case of aborted T/O. Width can’t be less than the runway
Not intended for normal use
Define “Clearway”
Extends 75 m either side of the centerline.
Lengthwise it extends to the first non-frangible object to a maximum of 50% of the TORA
It has to be under airport authority control
Slopes upward at a gradient of max 1,25%
No part of the ground or objects exceeding 0,9m may protrude the plane
Definition of TOFL?
Longest of:
- TOD x 1,15
Define TODA?
TORA + Clearway
Define TODR?
The greater of
- Start to 35 ft with OEI at Vef
- Start to 35 ft with AEO +115% of that distance
The greater of:
- Start to 15 ft with OEI at Vef
- Start to 35 ft with AEO + 115% of that distance
- Damp
- Wet
- Contaminated runways?
- Damp: When the surface is not dry, but the moisture on it doesn’t give it a shiny appearance
- Wet: When the runway is covered with water, less than specified, or when there is sufficient moisture on the runway surface to cause it to appear reflective, but without significant areas of standing water
- Contaminated: When more than 25% of the runway surface area is covered with more than
- 3 mm standing water
- Compacted snow
- Ice and wet ice
Define “Balanced field length”?
What’s the purpose of Balanced field length calculations?
To simplify calculations
What’s the downside of using BFL?
It might restrict max T/O weight
What does a balanced T/O result in?
The shortest possible runway length for the given conditions
Draw the balanced field length diagram
Dist req on vertical axis
Engine failure speed on horizontal axis
ASD increases with speed
OEI TOD decreases with speed
Why is the screen height reduced to 15 ft on a wet runway it?
The ASD increases and by reducing the screen height the OEI TOD has to reduce to re-balance the fieldbut at a lower V1 speed.
What do you have to look out for when reducing V1?
Make sure it does’t go below Vmcg
When would you use an un-balanced field length?
When you need to carry extra weight and you have a long clearway
How can you carry more weight by reducing V1?
Reduced V1 leads to TOD increasing which leads to ASD decreasing.
Use the decreased ASD to increase weight