Ruminants Flashcards
BRDC – Bovine respiratory disease complex
Involves the susceptibility of the animal, the environment in which it is kept, the management of the animal as well as the various disease agents to which it is subjected.
BRSV infection in calves
Occurrence from 3 weeks, higher occurrence in beef growing cattle between 3-9 months. Fever and respiratory symptoms could be very expressed at 1st infection but not later.
BRSV infection in calves PREVENTION
- Colostral immunity: not 100% protection but better recovery
- Improvement of hygienic conditions, isolations
- Vaccination: short time defense, reinfections
Dry cows 2x prepartum
Calves after 12-16 weeks of age
IBR Infection in growing cattle
o General respiratory disease BHV-1
o BHV-5: non purulent encephalitis
• Spread by aerosol. The genital form of the disease is contracted venerably
Shipping Fever
- Occurrence: 7-10 days after transportation and herd mixing
- Respiratory symptoms, high temperature, pneumonia
Adenovirus pneumoenteritis
• Occurrence 1-4 months
• 10 serotype (H: 2,4,6,10)
recovery after 1-2 weeks from 1st phase
Infectious keratoconjunctivitis
- Pathogenes: Moraxella bovis
- Vectors: flies
- Prevention: repellent treatments
- Vaccinations (herd specific vaccines)
Nutrition related diseases in cattle
Ruminal Parakeratosis,
Ruminal tympany/bloat
Factors affecting beef reproduction
Environment, metabolic status, breed, BW, housing, oestrus detection, timing of AI, lactation anestrus
Cows per bull?
10 for young,
25 for experienced
Primary reproductive indices (Targets)
- Calving interval (<400 days), Calving to conception (85-120 days), Age at 1st calving (2 years)
- Reproductive culling rate on a yearly basis (<8%)
- Percentage of abortions/confirmed pregnancy (<5%)
Secondary reproductive indices (Targets)
First AI to conception interval.
First service conception rate (>40%)
Interdigital dermatitis treatment
- Functional hoof trimming
- Remove the loose horn, clefts, fissures)
- Foot bathing after the trimming 5 days
Interdigital Phlegmone
Causes + Symp
Cause: - Fusobacterium necrophorum, - Prevotella intermed. (Dichelobact. Nod.) - Staphylococcus Aureus Symptoms: - Severe lameness - Red tough, skin between the ID space
Causes + Symp
Causes: o The metabolic disorder of the corium – direct result of acidosis o Laminitis occurs because of increasing histamine concentration in the rumen Symptoms: o Convex wall o Discoloration of the sole o White line separations o Double sole
Sole ulcer
Causes + Symp
Causes: overburdening of affected claws, Interdigital dermatitis
Symptoms: More or less severe lameness. The corium and the horny shoe are disconnected - corium comes out
Sole ulcer
Regular hoof trimming, both claws have to be on the same level treatment
Dermatitis Digitalis (DD) Causes
Cow discomfort = Stress = feeding troubles (energy, protein, acidosis, alkalosis, loose of body condition)
Hygiene problems:
o Stable comfort
o Overcrowded
o Heat stress
o Dirty boxes, dirty barns Infectious diseases: IBR, BVD
Dermatitis Digitalis (DD) Symptoms
Between the bulbs, Interdigital skin, Front of the coronet, Dew claws Inside of the horny shoe o Long hair surrounded o Strawberry wound o Pus on the wound o Painful - Tip toeing
Dermatitis Digitalis (DD) Scaling
o M0= NO SYMPTOM o M1=EARLY/subclinical (2 cm-smaller) o M2= Ulcerative /painful (2 cm-bigger) o M3= Healing, non-painful o M4= Chronic, (California type)
Functional Hoof trimming
- Remove the sole height of the overburdened claw. Put the weight to sound claw
- Remove the sharp horn edges, fissures and small loose parts of the horn especially on the bulb are
Interdigital dermatitis- Prevention
Functional hoof trimming
Interdigital phlegmon IPh - Prevention
Regular foot bathing (HCHO, CuSo4, ZnSo4, Glutaraldehyde)
Healthy skin,
Healthy claws, feet
Laminitis = L -Prevention
Feeding on proper way
In the parturition time proper help to the cow, hygienic calving down
Regular hoof trimming in the dry off period x2/yearly
Sole ulcer = SU - Prevention
- Regular hoof trimming
- Demotec 90/95/easy block application
- Bovimix/Bovibond block application - glue
Dermatitis digitalis (DD) – Prevention
- Factor disease → eliminate all the possible factors
- Avoid Cow discomfort - Stress - feeding troubles (energy, protein, acidosis,
- alkalosis, loose of body condition)
- Look out for a good hygiene, Stable comfort, no too many cows in one group
- Avoid Heat stress
Deifnition of Mastitis
- Inflammation of the udder
- Causing agents are mostly microorganisms
- Other reasons can be in the background (mechanical, chemical etc.)
Forms of Mastitis:
- Galactophoritis
- Parenchymal mastitis
- Interstitial mastitis
Clinical Mastitis:
- 20% of all cases
- Immediately recognizable
- Local symptoms: redness, swelling, pain heat
- Systemic signs: fever, anorexia, endotoxaemia, shock
- Gram negative: coliform mastitis + endotoxins. Watery milk, tachycardia,
- Diarrhea, weakness, decr rumen motility
- Staph Aureus: - exotoxin, low survival, high fever, rumen stops, pain,
- Lameness: Quickly turns gangrenous, bloody milk.
Subclinical Mastitis
- 80% of all cases
- Further tests
- Change in milk quality and quantity
Diagnostics for Mastitis:
- California Mastitis Test (CMT). Discard foremilk. Draw 1 or 2 squirts of milk from each quarter into the paddle. Put CMT reagent and mix. Immediate thickening is positive. No thickening is negative.
- Somatic Cell Count (SCC)
- Electrical conductivity
Treatment for clinical Mastitis:
- Milk with quarter milker
- Clean/disinfect liner
- Mark on sick cow group
- Milk again at the end with the rest of the sick cows
- AB treatment: intramammary
- Other therapy: antipyretics, infusions, cooling creams
Treatment for Subclinical Mastitis:
- Not advised during lactation unless bulk tank milk SCC is too high.
- Use AB free products.
- Dry cow therapy: selective
Factors affecting the development of mastitis:
Cow: udder shape, lenght and suspension. Immune system (IgA + IgG) Feeding Husbandry Milking Environment
Contagious mastitis pathogens
- Streptococcus Agalactia
- Staphylococcus Aureus
- Mycoplasma spp
- Corynebacterium bovis
Control of contagious mastitis pathogens
- Reduction of predisposing factors (skin lesions, milking machine)
- Help the immune system (No deficiencies, no metabolic disorders )
- Metabolic profile test - Prevent new infection
- Maintain hygiene and use diagnostic methods (Post milking teat dip)
- Eliminate reservoirs of disease
- Vaccinate: S.aureus
- Separate infected cows + Treat infected cows properly
Environmental mastitis pathogens
Streptococcus uberis
Gram negative bacteria – Coliform mastitis: E.coli, Klebsiella spp
Yeasts and Moulds: (Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida)
Elimination of environmental Mastitis predisposing factors
Hygiene in barns/parlor Group density Feeding after milking Hoof care Eliminate metabolic disorders and deficiencies Reduce Stress
In-between mastitis pathogens
Streptococcus dysgalactiae
Coagulase negative staphylococci
• S. epidermidis, S. hyicus, S. chromogenes, S. simulans S. warneri
Prototheca zopfii - Algae
How to take a milk sample
- Teat preparation
- Fore strip
- Teat end disinfection – inner teats first
- Keep the tubes and the caps sterile
- Tube not vertically, horizontally then 45°C
- Few squirts of milk – inner teats last
- Closing the tube
Is an overall profile of antimicrobial susceptibility testing results of a specific microorganism to a battery of antimicrobial drugs
Important Goat breeds:
- Saanen (milk)
- Nubian (milk)
- Alpine (milk)
- Boer (meat)
Common diseases of goats:
- Enterotoxaemia: Cl. perfringens C/D
- Tetanus: Cl. Tetany
• Sore mouth
• Internal & external parasites
• Respiratory diseases
• Pseudotuberculosis
• Listeriosis
• Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE)
• Mastitis
• White muscle disease
Main GOAT reproductive parameters
- Estrus cycle influenced by length of the day. Start estrus in autumn. 21d long cycle, 3 days heat.
- Maturation: 4-5 months - 1st breeding: 7-12 months - Pregnancy: 5 months
- Lifetime of productivity: does 8 years, bucks 5 years.
Herd health procedures for adult does:
- Trim feet - Treat foot rot and separate the infected.
- Deworming
- Palpate outside of mouth for jagged teeth
- Palpate udders for mastitis
- Vaccinate for Clostridium perfringens C and tetanus
Herd health procedures for adult bucks:
- Palpate testicles for firmness. Mushy may mean infertility. Measure scrotal circumference. Goal: >25cm.
- Check BCS (1-5)
- Vaccinate against Clostridia diseases.
- Trim beard to decrease urine smell
- Trim feet
Herd Health Procedures for Kids
- ID + Disinfect navel
- Colostrum: 40ml/kg BW in the first 4hrs of life
- Heat lamp if weak
- Examine for congenital defects: entropion, cleft palate, contracted tendons
- Kids lying down should be made to rise.
- Vit E and Se injection if there is a Se deficiency
Herd Health Procedures for kids:
1st week: dehorning, castration.
3rd week: check for anaemia.
4th week: Vaccine for Cl.perfringens C, D, tetanus.
Coccidiostatic treatment. FAMACHA score to determine need for deworming
3 months: separate intact males from females.
Principles of nutritional management (GOAT):
•Changes in feeds have to be introduced gradually
•Nutrition should be based on roughages, but concentrate supplementation needed in the periods such as:
o Before breeding seasons (Flushing),
o 3rd trimester of the pregnancy
o 1st three weeks of lactation
Sheep breeds:
Wool breeds
- Fine wool breed: Merino
- Long wool breed: Border Leichester, Borderdal, Cotswold, Lincoln, Romney
- Hair breeds: Barbados
Meat breeds:
- Suffolk, Charolaise, Texel, Cheviot, Hampshire, Dorset
- British milk sheep, Awassi
Prolific breeds:
- Boorola Merino, Finn Landrace, Romanov Sheep
Five separate management operations (Sheep):
- After weaning the whole flock should be carefully examined and placed into one group.
- During 6 weeks of restoration good feeding is needed
Ram preparation
- Begins at least 6 weeks before the mating season
Flock assembly
- 2 weeks before flushing the flock should be assembled
- Aim is to achieve increasing weight before mating
- Aim is to achieve increasing weight before mating
- Marker systems should always be used: color pads with harness, greasy paints on chest