Rum, Tequilla, Mezcal Flashcards
What is the difference between rum, rhum agricole, and cachaça?
Classic rum is distilled from fermented sugarcane products, usually molasses, a syrupy byproduct of refining cane or beet sugar. In the U.S. and many other countries, rum must derive from cane, not beet.
Rhum agricole differs from rum in that it’s distilled directly from pressed cane sugar instead of fermented juice or cane byproducts like molasses, and it usually comes from French-speaking Caribbean countries. Agricole” means “agricultural” in French. Really taste the terroir, generally a grassy, slightly funky profile.
Cachaça is like rhum agricole, in that it can only be distilled from sugarcane juice; but, like rum, that juice must be fermented. Alcohol levels have to register between 38 and 48 percent by volume, as opposed to rum’s usually higher content.
Define Rum
A distilled spirit produced from fermented sugarcane or molasses (a byproduct of processing sugarcane into sugar.
What are the four major styles of rum?
Light rum
Dark rum
Demerara rum
Rhum agricole
*spiced rum a style?? (Rum flavored with spice or fruit)
How is most light rum distilled and filtered?
by the continuous method and filtered with charcoal after a short period of cask aging to remove any color it is best suited for mixing, as it has little character.
**Some light styles, such as Mount Gay from Barbados, are golden in color and have gained complexity from time in cask.
What is Demerara rum?
a light rum style unique to Guyana, where the spirit is distilled from molasses and sometimes aged for over a decade prior to release.
What is Cachaça?
Brazilian spirit that provides the base for the caipirinha cocktail, is produced from fermented sugarcane and is essentially light rum.
Describe dark rum
How is it distilled?
Dark rum is fuller in body, obviously darker in color, and dominated by more complex caramel notes, rather than the simple suggestion of sweetness in most light rums.
—Quality dark rums, such as those produced in Jamaica, may be distilled twice in pot stills and aged for a number of years prior to release; this darkens the spirit but the final color is almost always achieved by adding caramel.
What is Rhum agricole?
How is it distilled?
French style, produced mainly on Martinique
—Rhum agricole may only be produced from sugarcane juice; column distillation is mandated in Martinique.
What is the southernmost AOC in France?
Martinique AOC can claim to be the southernmost Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée in France, despite its location in the sunny Caribbean.
-produces Rhum agricole
Where is Tequilla primarily produced?
Where else may it be produced? (4)
Western state of Jalisco.
—The states of Guanajuato “guan-NA-HA-toe”
Tamaulipas “TAM-o-LEE-pas”
Nayarit “na-ja-REET”
Michoacán “MEECH-o-ah-CAN”
What ingredient is tequila produced from?
What is the best Tequila produced with?
What is mixto?
What does the law mandate in terms of minimums?
- fermented juice of the cooked piña (pineapple); the heart of the blue agave plant.
- the best Tequila is actually produced with 100% blue agave juice;
Mixto- any tequilla not 100% agave; most tequila is mixta.
law mandating a minimum 51% blue agave—other sugars make up the remainder of the ferment.
How is tequila distilled?
occurs in a traditional pot still (twice) or by the continuous method.
Tequila DO requirements:
Alcohol content?
Label Designations?
Alcohol content: 35-55%
—Blanco/Silver Tequila
—Oro/Gold Tequila: Spirit enhanced by “mellowing” with caramel coloring or oak extracts.
—Reposado (Aged) Tequila: Aged for a minimum of 2 months in oak or encino oak containers.
—Añejo (Extra-aged) Tequila: Aged for a minimum of 1 year in oak or encino oak barrels. Maximum barrel size is 600 liters.
—Extra Añejo Est. 2006 (Ultra-aged) Tequila: Aged for a minimum of 3 years in oak or encino oak barrels. Maximum barrel size is 600 liters.
—100% Agave: Tequila that does not include sugars from any source other than blue agave.
Why would some prefer younger tequila over longer aged tequila?
Some purists prefer younger tequila, where the oak does not mask the intrinsically salty, grassy character of the spirit.
What is the difference between Tequila and Mezcal?
How Tequila is different from Mezcal 3 P’s:
Tequila is technically a mezcal. Tequilla is made from a single type of plant, blue agave (agave tequilana)—can can only be prduced in the state of Jalisco and in small parts of four other states.
Mezcal piñas are baked slowly in underground pits, rather than steamed. Mezcal agave takes on the aromas and flavors imparted by the burning wood and the earth cover. Tequila agave have no such influences.
What is Mezcal?
Where is predominantly made?
Distilled liquor produced from fermented agave.
Oaxaca (but the DO encompasses nine states and is governed by the Consejo Regulador del Mezcal.
What type of agave is 90% of Mezcal produced from?
Agave Espadín (Agave angustifolia)—rather than the blue agave of Tequila (Agave tequiliana).
How long does the Espadin plant take to mature?
6-10 years.
What other semicultivated or wild varieties of agave are used for Mezcal?
-many variations of Agave Karwinskii.
**some varieties take 20-30 years to mature.
What are the three Mezcal categories created in 2016 and what do they refer to?
Mezcal-industrially made spirit
Mezcal Artesanal-quality minded
Mezcal Ancestral- traditional techniques.
*more details in compendium
What are the 9 (11/12?) states of production for Mezcal?
Original 5?
2003 addition?
2012 addition?
2015 addition?
2016 addition?
Original 5- Oaxaca, Guerrero, Durango, San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas
Added in 2003: 7 towns in Tamaulipas state
Added in 2012: multiple towns in Michoácan state
Added in 2015: San Luis de la Paz in Guanajuato state
Added in 2016: multiple towns in Puebla state
2018 or 2019 addition of parts of the states of México, Aguascalientes, Morelos?? Fact check
What is the infamous worm called in Mezcal bottlings?
-marketing gimmick dating to the 1940s.
What Mezcal style incorporates raw chicken into the distillation process?
What are the aging requirements for Rhum Agricole?
—Blanc”: Min. 8 weeks in tank following distillation
—”élevés sous bois”: Min. 12 months in oak with a minimum of 250 g/hl in volatile elements other than ethyl and methyl alcohol
—”Rhum Ambré”: 18 months in oak barrels also called Rhum Paille
—”Vieux / Hors d’Age”: Min. 3 years in an oak cask of less than 650 liters with a minimum of 325 g/hl in volatile elements other than ethyl and methyl alcohol
-VO: min. 3 years in oak barrels
-VSOP: min. 4 years in oak barrels
-XO: min. 6 years in oak barrels
What are the label indications “Blanc” and “Vieux”?
Blanc”: typically show fruity, floral, vegetative and spicy aromas; no color
“Vieux”: typically show woody, fruity, spicy and balsamic aromas; honey- or dark-colored
** Rhum Agricole” must be included alongside “Martinique” on the label
What is Arrack and where is it from?
Distilled alcoholic drink produced in Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia made from either the fermented sap of coconut flowers, sugarcane, grain (red rice), or fruit depending upon the country of origin.
-considered the “rum” of Indonesia, because like rum it is distilled from sugarcane.
—not to be confused with arak, an anise-flavored alcoholic beverage traditionally consumed in Eastern Mediterranean and North African countries.
Where is Rhum Barbancourt from?
What is a horno?
The traditional stone or brick oven used to cooked the piñas. Hence the name of Sauza’s Hornitos.
In making Tequilla, what is the range of temperature desired for a cooked pina?
140 to 185 degrees fahrenheit.
What are the 4 DOs for Mexican distilled spirits?
—Bacanora DO
—Mezcal DO
—Sotol DO: Distilled from Dasylirion wheeleri (A succulent, rather than an agave plant.)
—Tequila DO
What are the 4 DOs for Mexican distilled spirits?
—Bacanora DO
—Mezcal DO
—Sotol DO: Distilled from Dasylirion wheeleri (A succulent, rather than an agave plant.)
—Tequila DO