Rules of the Road Flashcards
Both INT & INL A vessel transferring cargo while underway is classified by Rules as a vessel
Restricted in her ability to manuver
Both INT & INL Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep out of the way of another vessel
Vessel restricted in her ability to manuver
Both INT & INL The term ‘restricted visibility’ as used in the Rules refers
To any condition where visibility is restricted
Both INT & INL To be considered ‘engaged in fishing’ according to the RoR a vessel must be
Using fishing apparatus which restricts maneuverability
INT ONLY The International Rules of the Road apply
Upon the high seas and connnecting waters navigable by seagoing vessels
Both INT & INL The Navigational Rules define a ‘vessel not under command’ as a vessel which
Through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the rules
Both INT & INL Which vessel is NOT to be regarded as a vessel ‘restricted in her ability to manuver’
A vessel pushing and a vessel being pushed when connected in a composite unit
Both INT & INL A vessel is being propelled by both sail and by engines, under the Rules the Road, the vessel is
A power driven vessel
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The term “restricted visibility” when used by the rules, refers to
any condition where visibility is restricted
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which situation would be a “special circumstance” under the Rules?
More than two vessels meeting
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND For the purpose of the Rules except where otherwise required the term
“Vessel” includes seaplanes
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND The term “power-driven vessel” refers to any vessel
with propelling machinery in use
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND What determines if a vessel is “restricted in her ability to maneuver”?
Whether the nature of the vessel’s work limits maneuverability required by the Rules
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND There is a provision to depart from the Rules, if necessary, to avoid
immediate danger
BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which vessel is “underway” according to the Rules
A purse seiner hauling her nets