Rules and Regulations Flashcards
True or false: Suspension or revocation of a falconry permit is the responsibility of the State, tribe, or territory.
True or false: As an apprentice you may have any number of State, tribal, or territorial falconry permits and you may possess the number of raptors allowed by those permits.
True or false: A raptor bred in captivity must be banded with a seamless, non-reusable metal band.
True or false: Without exception, your sponsor is responsible for the health, maintenance and security of raptors you possess under your permit.
You must have raptor housing facilities approved before you may obtain a bird to use in falconry.
You must have jesses or the materials and equipment to make them, leash and swivel, bath container, and appropriate scales or balances for weighing raptor(s) you possess.
If you capture a bird you are not allowed to possess, you…
must release it immediately.
You may recapture a falconry bird you have lost…
at any time.
True or false: If you are an Apprentice falconer, you may not take a nestling from the wild.
True or false: You may release any falconry bird back to the wild and are not required to follow State or territorial and Federal laws and regulations before the release.
.True or false: Raptors removed from the wild for falconry are always considered ``wild’’ raptors.
If you are an Apprentice falconer, you may use a bird you possess in conservation education programs presented in public venues…
only under the supervision of a General or Master falconer
True or false: You may use falconry raptors to make movies, commercials, or in other commercial ventures.
True or false: You may receive feathers for imping from other permitted falconers, wildlife rehabilitators, or propagators in the United States, and you may give feathers to
True or false: Your falconry permit does not authorize you to capture or release raptors or practice falconry on public lands if it is prohibited on those lands, or on private property, without permission from the landowner or custodian.
True or false: As an Apprentice falconer you may possess a bird that is imprinted on humans.
True or false: You may substitute any falconry school program or education to shorten the period of 2 years at the Apprentice level.
True or false: You must be at least 21 years of age before you can qualify as a General Falconer.
True or false: You must have your permit(s) or legible copies of them in your immediate possession if you are not at the location of your falconry facilities and you are trapping, transporting, working with, or flying your falconry raptor(s).
A General falconer decides to breed two (2) of the raptors he/she legally possesses under his/her NYS Falconry License. This is…
illegal to do pursuant to a State falconry license.
*A NYS falconry license does not authorize raptor propagation. The falconer must obtain a State license that authorizes raptor propagation and if held for more than 8 months for propagation, a Federal Propagation Permit.
Assuming a NYS Apprentice falconer has been licensed for at least 2 years; what is the youngest age he or she can be considered for upgrade to a General falconer?
18 years old
A NYS Apprentice falconer may, under the supervision of his or her sponsor, capture from the wild one of the following species:
a passage Red-tailed Hawk.
*New York State Falconry Regulations prohibit the taking or possession of eyas raptors by Apprentice falconers. Apprentice falconers may only take or possess passage Red-tailed Hawks or American Kestrels.
To be eligible for a New York State Apprentice Falconry License, an applicant must be…
at least 14 years old
According to Article 11, Title 10, Section 11-1005, of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law, how many members may be appointed to the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation Falconry Advisory Board?
not less than five (5)
If a falconer’s bird accidentally kills an animal that is outside of the legal season, or of the wrong species or sex, the falconer shall…
leave the dead animal where it lies and/or allow his/her raptor to feed upon the kill
Qualifications for an Apprentice falconer to be eligible for upgrade to become a General falconer include…
(4 points)
- the Apprentice must have possessed and hunted wild raptors for at least four (4) months of each year.
- the Apprentice must be at least 18 years old and have practiced falconry with wild raptors for at least two (2) years.
- the Apprentice must provide a written summary to the department of their experience maintaining falconry raptors, including what species they held and how long each bird was possessed.
- The Apprentice must provide written recommendation for advancement by his/her sponsor and at least one other NYS licensed general or master falconer who has
evaluated the candidate’s level of proficiency in the sport of falconry in the field.
One qualification that a falconer must follow after taking a nestling raptor is to install metal flashing at the base of the tree in which the nest is located. Such flashing must… (3 points)
- be at least two feet wide and completely wrapped around the tree
- be at least four feet from the ground
- be painted to match the color of the tree
First year passage birds may only be captured from…
September 1 through January 31
While present at the capture of a first-year passage Red-tailed Hawk by another falconer, you as a licensed NYS falconer may take possession of the bird at the capture
site if…
the falconer gives the bird to you and you report the take.
*New York State Falconry Regulations provide for the acquisition of a bird, taken by another falconer, to a licensed falconer at the capture site. The falconer receiving the bird from the person who captured the bird is responsible for reporting the take and the
bird counts as one of the two (2) raptors the falconer receiving the bird is allowed to capture in that year.
True or false: General Falconers may not possess more than three (3) raptors and may not obtain or take more than two (2) replacement raptors during any calendar year.
True or false: Captive-bred progeny of lawfully acquired raptors may be bought, sold, bartered and offered for sale or barter under a falconry license.
True or false: The Lacey Act pertains to illegal interstate traffic of wildlife.
True or false: Individuals licensed as Master falconers in New York State may possess a Northern Harrier for falconry.
*The Northern Harrier or Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) is listed as a threatened species in New York State and may not be possessed for falconry pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 173.1
True or false: While hunting game with a falcon in New York State, a falconer must observe the same hunting hours as those prescribed for the licensed small game gun hunter.
True or false: The holder of a New York State Falconry license and a valid small game hunting license is not required to have a Federal “Duck Stamp” to legally hunt waterfowl with a raptor.
True or false: An annual falconry report is only required when a falconer’s activities have included hunting.
True or false: Blue jays, Robins and Field sparrows may be hunted with a raptor.
True or false: Apprentice falconers my not capture, but may possess, nestling raptors.
True or false: In New York State, nestling raptors may only be captured on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from April 15th through July 15th.
*Pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 173.3 nestling raptors may be captured from May 1 through July 31, inclusive, except that nestling Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) may be captured from February 1 through July 31, inclusive (due to their earlier hatching period).
True or false: Licensed falconers in New York State must obtain a signed and written capture authorization form prior to capturing raptors from the wild.
*In New York, a falconer must only have their valid state falconry license and permission of the land-owner prior to capturing any raptor from the wild.
True or false: General and Master falconers may remove only one nestling raptor from any one nest.
True or false: A New York State falconry license expires on December 31st of the year it was issued.
*New York falconry licenses expire every fifth year following issuance.
True or false. An Apprentice falconer must be under the direct supervision of their sponsor only on the first occasion when they hunt with their raptor.
*An Apprentice must be under the direct supervision of his or her sponsor on at least the first two occasions when hunting with their raptor. However, the sponsor may decide that additional supervised hunts are necessary to develop or ascertain the apprentice’s
True or false: Captive-bred progeny of lawfully acquired raptors may be bought, sold, bartered and offered for sale under a falconry license
True or false: Adult Red-tailed Hawks may be captured for use in falconry under a Master falconry license.
*Only passage raptors may be taken for falconry under any class of falconry license. A falconer who captures a raptor in adult plumage must immediately release that raptor at the capture site
True or false: No falconer shall capture first-year passage birds after January 1st.
*First-year passage birds may be captured from September 1st through January 31st, inclusive.
True or false: Application for or renewal of a falconry license must be made on forms provided by the department
*Pursuant to ECL 11-1003 and 6 NYCRR Part 173.2 the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources shall provide the forms necessary to apply for or renew a New York State resident falconry
True or false: A falconer must report the death, escape, or permanent release of any raptor held under their falconry license.
*A falconer must either enter the required information within ten (10) days in the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) electronic database at http.// or submit a paper federal form 186A to the department.
True or false: New York State licensed Apprentice falconers may not possess more than one raptor at any one time and may not obtain more than one raptor for replacement during any calendar year.
Falconers are bound by the ethics of the sport, by New York State Falconry Regulations and by tradition to..
Always leave at least one young in any eyrie.
*Leaving at least one young in the nest allows the adult birds to complete their normal annual breeding cycle successfully, which establishes a biological tie to the nest-site and insures their return the following year.
A New York State resident must possess a valid Apprentice, General or Master Falconry
license issued pursuant to this part, to…
obtain, buy, sell, barter, possess and train raptors for
falconry or to engage in falconry.
A nonresident of New York State may engage in falconry in New York State without a New York State Falconry license provided he or she meets all the following requirements: (3 points)
(1) possesses a valid New York State nonresident license authorizing the hunting of small game;
(2) possesses written proof that he or she is legally authorized to engage in falconry in the State or province where he or she resides;
(3) possesses written proof that he or she legally
possesses the raptor(s) to be used for falconry in New York State.
. All falconry licenses shall expire on…
December 31 every fifth year following issuance.
The fee for a falconry license is…
A person must meet all of the following requirements to be issued a falconry license: (3 points)
(1) receive a score of eighty percent or higher on a written examination administered by the department to test the applicant’s knowledge of falconry and related matters;
(2) possess equipment and facilities for housing raptors that meet or exceed the standards for care of raptors listed in section 173.6 of this Part;
(3) possess a valid New York State hunting license authorizing the hunting of small game.
Apprentice Falconry License Requirements
5 Points
(i) be at least 14 years old;
(ii) if under 18 years of age, have a parent or legal guardian sign their application;
(iii) have a sponsor who is a licensed General or Master falconer in New York who has at least two years of experience in the practice of falconry as a licensed General falconer;
(iv) be under the direct supervision of his or her sponsor on at least the first two occasions when the Apprentice hunts with a raptor;
(v) comply with requests by his or her sponsor to ensure adequate training and to provide for the care of the raptors.
Apprentice falconers may not:
2 Points
(i) possess more than one raptor and may not obtain more than one raptor for replacement during any calendar year;
(ii) capture or possess nestling raptors.
General Falconry License
4 Points
(i) be at least 18 years old;
(ii) have practiced falconry with wild raptor(s) at the Apprentice falconer level or the equivalent for at least two years including maintaining, training, flying and hunting the raptor(s) for at least 4 months in each year; and 130
(iii) provide a written summary to the department documenting their experience maintaining falconry raptors including a summary of what species they held
as an Apprentice falconer and how long each bird was possessed;
(iv) provide written recommendation for advancement to the General Falconry license by his or her sponsor and at least one other New York State General or Master
falconer who has evaluated the Apprentice in the field to ascertain the candidate’s level of proficiency in the sport of falconry and the skill and ability in the care of raptors
commensurate with the activities and responsibilities of a General falconer.
General falconers may not:
3 Points
(i) possess more than three raptors and may not obtain or take more than two replacement raptors during any calendar year;
(ii) sponsor more than three Apprentice falconers at any one time;
(iii) sponsor an Apprentice falconer unless the General falconer has at least two years of experience in the practice of falconry as a licensed General falconer.
Master Falconry License
4 Points
(i) have at least five years of experience in the practice of falconry as a licensed General falconer or the equivalent;
(ii) have possessed a raptor for at least 3 years of the time specified in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph;
(iii) provide written recommendations for advancement to the Master license from three Master falconers who have evaluated the General falconer in the field to ascertain the candidate’s level of proficiency in the sport of falconry and the skill and ability in the care of raptors commensurate with the activities and responsibilities of a
Master falconer;
(iv) be approved, in writing, for advancement to the Master license by the Falconry Advisory Board.
Master falconers may not:
4 Points
(i) possess more than thirteen raptors at any one time during the calendar year not to exceed more than five raptors taken from the wild;
(ii) possess more than three of the following species: white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) or Steller’s sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) at any one time during
the calendar year, however, you may possess a white-tailed eagle or Steller’s sea eagle only if you meet the qualifications set forth under paragraph 9 of this section. A whitetailed eagle or Steller’s sea-eagle will count as one of the raptors you are allowed to
(iii) take more than two raptors from the wild as replacements during a calendar year;
(iv) sponsor more than three Apprentice falconers at any one time.
Master falconers may obtain any number of captive bred raptors as replacements during the calendar year; however…
the falconer must train them in the pursuit of wild
game and use them in hunting.
Master falconers may possess white-tailed eagles or Steller’s sea eagles provided he or she:
(3 Points)
(i) submits a written account of their experience to the department in handling large raptors, including information about the species they have handled and the type and duration of the activity in which they gained the experience;
(ii) submits two letters of reference from individuals with experience handling or flying large raptors such as eagles, ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis), goshawks
(Accipiter gentilis), or great horned owls (Bubo virginianus);
(iii) receives approval, in writing, from the Falconry Advisory Board following review and approval of the documentation required in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) above
True of false: All falconers must submit an annual falconry report to the department by December 31 of
each year, on forms provided by the department.
*This report must state, for the preceding year,
the band number(s) of the species (if applicable), species, sex, age and the dates of acquisition, where or from whom these raptors were acquired, and any other information requested on the forms.
True of false: Raptors which have been captured from the wild may not be bought, sold, bartered or
offered for sale or barter under a falconry license.
True of false: Captive bred progeny of lawfully acquired raptors may be bought, sold, bartered, and offered for sale or barter under a falconry license.
True of false: A falconer may obtain a raptor from a person outside New York State by any method which is
legal where that person resides.