Apprentice Birds Flashcards
The falcon in which sexual dimorphism is found in both plumage coloration and pattern is the…
American Kestrel.
*In the adult plumage, both the American Kestrel and the Merlin demonstrate conspicuous coloration differences based on gender. However, immature Merlins of either sex look the same.
What bird lacks distinctive “immature” plumage during their first year?
American Kestrel.
*American Kestrels differ from other falcons in that their first year plumage is very similar to their mature plumage. They differ also in the manner of the first molt. The body plumage, but not the large wing and tail feathers, are molted and replaced in the late summer. This means the first body plumage is scarcely fully grown before it begins to molt.
True or False:
The American Kestrel is closely related to the Eurasian Sparrowhawk.
*The Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) is a small Accipiter or short-winged hawk and is very similar to the Sharp-shinned Hawk (A. striatus). The American Kestrel (which was formerly called the American Sparrowhawk) is the smallest North American falcon.
Tail pumping, head bobbing, and hovering are the classic field identification characteristics of…
an American Kestrel.
A very small raptor hovering 20 feet above an open field is most likely a…
American Kestrel.
*There is nothing shy about a Kestrel. It lives, hunts, nests and perches right out in the open for all to see. The most typical hunting method of the species is that of hovering. Even when hunting from atop a pole, it may not make a direct flight to the quarry.
Instead it may fly out over the spot where it has seen something move, then hover over it before dropping down.
Although in the summer this raptor employs a hunting style adapted to catching grasshoppers and mice, wintering individuals often show a more typical falcon style when capturing small birds.
American Kestrel
The species that is most sensitive to weight fluctuations is the…
American Kestrel.
*Due to its small size and fast metabolism, an American Kestrel’s weight should be monitored regularly, particularly in cold weather.
True or False:
It is a good idea to have an American Kestrel wedded to the lure prior to flying it free?
*Having an American Kestrel wed to a lure is good for conditioning and recovery.
When caring for an American Kestrel, the falconer must be particularly attentive to…
(3 Points)
- weight management
- other avian predators
- injuries due to bating
*Due to the American Kestrel’s small size and delicate nature, special attention must be paid to its weight management and to injury prevention. They are also vulnerable to other avian predators.
A trait of the American Kestrel in the wild that carries over and becomes a vice when it is trained in falconry is…
*Kestrels have a tendency to carry, which serves them well in the wild but makes for poor falconry. This tendency can be overcome with consistent training. Turning an American Kestrel into a great game hawk has its challenges, but many falconers have been successful in taking small game, including birds, with Kestrels.
Traditional falconry equipment items not routinely used with American Kestrels include…
(3 Points)
- bells
- hood
- traditional Jesses
*Few falconers take the time or trouble to bell or hood a Kestrel. These birds become so tame that there is little advantage to a hood and they are extremely difficult to fit. Bells are unnecessary because they would have to be so light in weight that they would be of limited utility. Flying the bird with traditional jesses are illegal.
True or False:
In the wild, a Red-tailed Hawk will take neither game birds nor passerines.
*In periods when the Red-tailed Hawk’s normal food supply of rabbits and rodents becomes scarce, it becomes a surprisingly competent bird hawk, greatly feared by larger waterfowl and all upland game birds. Additionally, at such times, Red-tailed Hawks may
successfully attack other kinds of birds including crows, ravens, gulls, owls and other Buteos. In the western desert, Red-tailed Hawks live as much on rattlesnakes and other reptiles as they do rodents.
The sex of Red-tailed Hawks can be predicted in most cases by…
(2 Points)
weight and size.
*The North American bird manual no longer accepts the determination of sex of Redtailed Hawks made by banders because of the large overlap in the criterion used to distinguish the sexes. Falconers, however, continue to make good educated guesses.
The most reliable criterion is weight. The males follow well the concept of the term “tiercel” by truly being about 1/3 smaller than the females on average, but the size range within each sex is quite large: 26 to 44 ounces for males, 36 to 70 ounces for females, represent extremes. Males on average weigh 34 ounces, and females 49 ounces.
True or False:
There is no sexual dimorphism in the Red-tailed Hawk.
*In addition to being much larger and heavier, the females generally, through not always, have larger, more powerful thighs and feet, broader and larger heads, wide wings and a blockier overall build. As to behavior, the males are somewhat more spirited but also more temperamental. The females more readily “crash” into heavy cover in pursuit of quarry but they lack the quickness and aerial dexterity of the males.
True or False:
Red-tailed Hawks only nest in trees.
*In the western states, Red-tailed Hawks occasionally choose cliffs as their nest sites and in Arizona they sometimes nest in the tall saguaro cacti. Some also nest on the ledges of tall buildings in major urban areas, such as New York City.
In New York State, Red-tailed Hawks will lay their eggs in…
*Egg production in Red-tailed Hawks (as in most raptors) varies with the climate. In New York, Red-tailed Hawks lay their eggs in March or early April. Incubation averages 30 days and is shared by both sexes.
When their nest tree is climbed by a human, Red-tailed Hawks usually…
Utter vocal cries from a distance.
*Eastern Red-tailed Hawks almost never attack an intruder at the nest. Western Redtailed Hawks are sometimes more aggressive.
In the wild, Red-tailed Hawks generally fledge how many young?
On average, two are successfully fledged.
The Red-tailed eyas generally leaves the nest for the first time at…
Six Weeks.
*Young Red-tailed Hawks leave the nest at 45 days, but often return to the area in early summer.
During the fall migration, the best place to trap a passage Red-tailed Hawk in New York with a bow net or a mist net is…
atop a ridge running from northeast to southwest
*Migrating hawks tend to ride the updrafts southward from ridge to ridge. Two weeks after the Equinox, the Red-tailed Hawks begin to move, and the first cold front brings them over by the dozens each day. The best day is a fine cold day following foul weather, but if the wind gets too high it is hard coaxing them out of a soar. Trapping Red-tailed Hawks remains good into November.
True or False:
There are many varieties of Red-tailed Hawks in North America.
*Up to 14 sub-species have been described for Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), but falconers know that the Red-tailed Hawk is so variable that no two individuals look alike anyway.
The species best suited for taking rabbits is the…
Red-tailed Hawk
*The Red-tailed Hawk is oriented toward ground quarry, particularly large rodents and rabbits. The other birds are oriented toward avian prey.
To properly exercise a Red-tailed Hawk…
take it to the field and hunt with it.
*No stationary or “back yard” conditioning can compare in effectiveness to a regular, long walk with the bird following from tree to tree or tree to fist. A falconer can also carry the bird and call it off repeatedly or practice “fly-ups” while standing on a chair or ladder. However, this alone won’t get an intermewed bird back into hunting shape. The best method is to fly your bird hard and often.
Some eyas hawks may become so aggressive when they mature that they should only be taken as passagers. The species that displays this behavior to the greatest degree is the…
Eyas Red-tailed Hawks are known for their aggressive tendencies when they get older. Also, if an imprinted Red-tailed Hawk is lost, it may become a menace to dogs or humans.
Your imprint eyas Red-tailed Hawk has attacked a member of your hunting party. She binds to the person’s body with both feet and hangs. Some of her talons have drawn blood and there is a danger of serious injury. The best way to remove her is to…
Grab the hawk by its head and squeeze.
*In an emergency situation where there is potential serious damage to a human being, a domestic animal, or another raptor, a hawk can be removed from a “bind” or “crabbing” situation by clutching its head. When their head is grasped firmly, raptors typically let
go of whatever they are doing and grab that which is binding their head. Nevertheless, this method does not always work. The next best method is answer a. In nonemergency situations where there is no danger of serious injury, the preferred method
for removing an angry bird from a bind is to pull the rear talon of each foot back out of the wound and slide the front talons forward.
True or False: If your Red-tailed Hawk misbehaves, it should be disciplined immediately so that it will associate the punishment with the aberrant behavior.
*The non-social nature of raptors precludes any understanding by them of the use of pain or force or threat of force in their training.
True or False:
Aggression by a Red-tailed Hawk may not be manifested until its second or third year.
*Increased aggression toward humans and pets may develop in eyas Red-tailed Hawks upon sexual maturity.
Which raptor has the reputation for being the easiest to man?
passage Red-tailed Hawk
Which bird is most tolerant of the cold?
Red-tailed Hawk
The hunting style of a wild Red-tailed Hawk is best described as . . .
perch and wait
Red-tailed Hawks are commonly trained . . .
using operant conditioning techniques
The hunting style of a Kestrel most closely resembles . .
The American Kestrel is best suited to hunt . . .
2 Points
- Starlings
2. English sparrows
The raptor most likely to kill its prey with its powerful grip is . . .
Red-tailed Hawk