Rules Flashcards
What are your actions if a sound signal is heard in restricted vis but it’s not detected on radar?
Reduce speed to minimum at which course can be kept. Navigate with extreme caution until situation is over.
What are your preparations when encountering restricted visibility?
Call captain, engine room.
Post extra lookouts & monitor radar.
Nav lights and fog signal on.
Close WT doors & go to hand steering.
What are the light characteristics of a safe water mark?
Isophase, occulting, morse Alpha, or one long flash every 10s.
When would rule 19 apply?
In or near restricted visibility when vessels are not In sight of one another.
Which vessels does a power driven vessel have to give way to?
A vessel restricted in ability to manoeuvre.
A vessel engaged in fishing.
A sailing vessel.
When would a risk of collision be deemed to exist?
When the compass bearing of the approaching vessel does not appreciably change.
What must a vessel do when required not to impede the passage of another vessel?
Required the give way vessel to take early action to allow sufficient sea room
Which vessels are required not to impede a vessel CROSSING a TSS
None. Its vessels following the TSS who aren’t to be impeded
What’s the sound signal for a vessel aground?
3x bell, 5s bell ringing, 3x bell at intervals not exceeding 1 minute.
Which kind of vessels can you never determine the length of from their lights?
Which vessels are always making way when displaying side lights?
What’s the fog signal for a PDV underway but not making way?
Two prolonged blasts at intervals not exceeding 2 mins
At what angle would a vessel be deemed to be overtaking? What if you’re not sure if you are or not?
When approaching a vessel from more than 22.5 degrees shaft the beam. If you’re not sure you should assume you are and act appropriately.
What’s the top mark and lights of a north cardinal?
White light. Constant flashing. Top make two black cones apex’s up.
A vessel is detected by radar on starboard beam in res vis. Actions & why?
A large alteration of course to port as not to alter towards a vessel abeam or Andy the beam.
You spot a vessel displaying CBD shaped on port side. You are a PDV, actions?
Series of compass bearings.
I should avoid impeding, sound one short and alter to starboard.
Either parallel course or if sea room pass ahead.
What’s the fog signal for a vessel underway and making way?
One prolonged blast at intervals not exceeding 2 minutes.
What’s the fog signal for a vessel engaged in pilot duty?
Addition to the one prolonged of a PDV she may sound 4 short when she deems appropriate
What’s the colour top mark and lights of a port lateral mark
Red buoy, can shaped, red light at any rhythm other than 2+1
A vessel is detected by radar in res vid on the port bow. What’s your actions?
Alter course to starboard as not to alter your port for a vessel forward of the beam
What light characteristic & top mark does a south cardinal have?
White light, flashes 6 times plays one long flash. Two black cones apex’s down.
In restricted visibility a vessel is detected by radar on the port beam. What are your actions?
A large alteration of course to starboard as not to alter course towards a vessel on or abaft the beam
What top mark and light characteristics does an east cardinal have?
White light flashes 3 times. Top mark is two black cones bases touching
A power driven vessel sights a fishing vessel in port bow. Risk of collision exists, action?
Series of compass bearings.
Sound one short and alter to starboard
Pass well astern and return to original course/track
What is the light characteristics of an isolated danger mark?
White light, group flash 2. Top mark two black balls
Colour, light characteristics and top mark of a starboard lateral mark
Green buoy come top mark, green light any pattern than 2+1
What top mark and light does a west cardinal have?
Two black cones Apex’s touching, white light flashing 9 times
You sight a vessel on your port side. It’s a crossing situation. ROC exists, actions?
I am the stand on vessel as per rule 15. So I shall Stand on with caution.
I am unsure of this vessels intentions so I shall Sound 5 short blasts of the ships whistle.
When it becomes apparent the other vessel is not taking action I will:
Sound one short and alter to starboard
Pass well clear and when safe return to track.
What is the fog signal for a vessel at anchor?
Rapid ringing of bell for 5 seconds at intervals not exceeding 1 minute
What’s the fog signal for a vessel CBD
One prolonged blast followed by two short at intervals not exceeding 2 minutes.
What’s the official definition of restricted in ability to manoeuvre?
A vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel
Fishing vessel with outlying gear starboard side. What are your actions when ROC exists?
Give way, alter course to port.
In restricted visibility a vessel sighted directly astern, ROC, actions?
Large alteration of course to starboard.
You are a PDV in a narrow channel. A fishing vessel on port side of channel. What are your actions?
Proceed with caution as I am not to be impeded by a fishing vessel.
Allow time to let them act.
I am unsure of this vessels intentions so I will Sound 5 short blasts.
Once it becomes apparent the other vessel is not taking action not to impede me under rule 8 I remain fully obliged to act.
I would Make a large alteration of course to starboard to pass well ahead of this vessel and avoid crossing her stern.
Proceeding along a narrow channel. A sailing vessel on the starboard side. Your actions?
Under rule 9 a sailing vessel is not to impede my passage so I will continue on with caution.
Once it has become apparent she is not taking action I will Sound 5 short.
Slow all way off the vessel and allow them to pass ahead. (Starboard would be unsafe water)
In a TSS. Proceeding along the lane. Small vessel on your port side. Actions?
Under rule 10 I am not to be impressed by a vessel less than 20m in a tss so I shall continue on with caution and give them time to act.
Once it has become apparent she is not taking action I shall Sound 5 short as I am unsure as her intentions.
Make a large alternation to starboard as more effective than a speed change.
If I leave the traffic lane I shall re enter at a shallow angle as possible.
You have a fishing vessel directly astern. They are coming up with a 0 cpa. Actions?
Stand on with caution and monitor.
Sound 5 short.
Alter course to starboard (keep stbd side clear)
In restricted visibility, vessel on the starboard quarter. Actions?
Under rule 19 part D (I) I shall avoid an alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or Abaft the beam. So I shall Large alteration of course to port.
You are in a TSS. Fishing vessel on the stbd side. Roc. Actions?
Under rule 10 a fishing vessel shall not impede the passage of any vessel following a lane.
So I will Stand on with caution.
Once it is apparent she is not taking action to not impede me I shall make 5 short blasts.
Alteration of course to starboard.
Restricted vis. One vessel on port bow. One on starboard quarter. What’s your actions?
Slow vessel to mimimim we can steer. Contradiction of both rules.
Why must vessels travel at a safe speed?
To take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped in an appropriate distance
When can a vessel alter to port in a head on situation?
The only way we can depart from the clear rule of 14 is to avoid immediate danger under rule 2
Which type of vessels by definition is a power driven vessel?
A vessel constrained by draught
How must a vessel constrained by draught navigate?
With particular caution, with full regard to their special condition
When may you take action as the stand on vessel?
When it’s apparent that the other vessel is not taking appropriate action
Why did you not just slow down as the five way vessel in a crossing situation?
As per rule 8, an alteration of course is more readily apparent to the other vessel
When the give way vessel in a crossing situation, can you go to port?
You can, only if the circumstances of the case can not allow an alteration of course to starboard
What is a bold alteration?
A bold alteration is one that is apparent to other vessels and results in the passing at a safe distance
In which rules and situations does impeding begin to be added?
Rule 9
Rule 10
Rule 18
What is the definition of a vessel not under command?
A vessel through which some exceptional circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as required by these rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel
What is the definition of a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre?
Due to the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre as per these rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel