RULE 7: Snapping and Passing the Ball Flashcards
After a huddle or shift, all Team A players come to a stop and remain stationary for one second. Then, before the snap, two or more simultaneously change their positions.
RULING: All 11 Team A players must again stop for one second before the snap, otherwise it is a live-ball foul at the snap for an illegal shift. Penalty—Five yards from the previous spot (Rule 2-22-1).
Ten Team A players shift while A1 remains stationary. A1 then starts moving backward before one second elapses and the ball is snapped.
RULING: If A1, who moved, did not halt with the other Team A players for one second before the snap, it is a dead-ball foul at the snap for a false start. Penalty—Five yards from the succeeding spot.
After the Team A players have stopped for one second, end A88 runs wide and stops, and before one second elapses, back A36 starts moving backward.
RULING: Legal. But if back A36 starts before end A88 stops, the simultaneous movement of two players constitutes a shift, and all Team A players must be stationary for one second before the snap (Rule 2-22 1).
Team A is in a no-huddle offense and is moving to the line when the ball is made ready for play. Although some players settle into their positions and stop, at least one player never stops and is still moving when the ball is snapped.
RULING: Dead-ball foul: Illegal shift that converts to a false start. Team A never satisfied the one-second rule before the snap. Officials should shut the play down and penalize Team A five yards.
Team A has 3rd and 3 at the B-40. QB A12 is in shotgun formation, (a) makes a fake clap standing in position; (b) makes a fake clap while chucking his shoulders and hands forward in an exaggerated motion simulating the start of the play
RULING: Rule 7-1-2-b-4-c states that it is a false start if the quarterback makes any quick, jerky movement that simulates the start of the play. In (a) no foul; (b) false start on A12.
1/10 @ A-25. Defender B70 is lined up with his right hand and helmet in the neutral zone. As the play clock winds down, restricted lineman A77 reaches out and touches B70.
RULING: Dead ball foul, false start by A77 resulting in 1/15 @ A-20. In this play the defense is lined up in the neutral zone, and there is no immediate reaction by the offense, and then the offense subsequently moves to touch or contact the defender and is a false start on the offense (Rule 7-1-2-b-3).
A21 is legally on the end of the line of scrimmage next to A88, who is in a three-point stance. Team A stops for one second while A21 and A88 are in the above positions, and then A21 moves to a legal backfield position and stops. Then A88 moves to a wider position on the line.
RULING: Legal if both A21 and A88 are stationary at the snap (Rules 2-22-1 and 7-1-4).
A21 is legally on the end of the line of scrimmage next to A88, who is in the stance of a restricted lineman. Team A has stopped for one second when A21 leaves the line of scrimmage and goes in motion into the backfield. A88 moves to a wider position on the line.
RULING: A88 may break his three-point stance since he is now on the end of the line of scrimmage, but Team A must stop again for one second before the snap to
make the play legal (Rule 7-1-4).
B71 crosses the neutral zone into the Team A backfield and does not threaten any Team A player. A23, legally in the backfield, intentionally reaches to contact B71.
RULING: Team A foul, false start. Penalty—Five yards from the succeeding spot.
Snapper A1 lifts or moves the ball forward before moving it backward to start the snap. B2 bats the ball, causing it to roll loose with B3 recovering.
RULING: Team A foul, illegal snap, ball remains dead. Penalty—Five yards from the succeeding spot (Rule 4-1-1).
A66, a restricted lineman between the snapper and the player on the end of the line, or A72, a restricted player on the end of the line of scrimmage: 1. Lifts a hand or hands from the ground immediately when threatened by B1, who is in the neutral zone.
RULING: Blow the whistle immediately. Team B dead-ball foul, offside. Penalty—Five yards from the succeeding spot.
A66, a restricted lineman between the snapper and the player on the end of the line, or A72, a restricted player on the end of the line of scrimmage: 2. Lifts a hand or hands from the ground upon initial charge by B1, who (a) does not enter the neutral zone or (b) enters the neutral zone but does not threaten the position of A66 or A72.
RULING: In both (a) and (b), blow the whistle immediately. Team A dead ball foul, false start. Penalty—Five yards from the succeeding spot.
Note: Before the snap, a Team B player who enters the neutral zone may threaten a maximum of three Team A linemen. If the Team B player enters the neutral zone directly toward a Team A lineman, then that Team A player and the two adjacent linemen are considered to be threatened. If the Team B player enters the neutral zone toward a gap between two Team A linemen, then only those two Team A players are considered to be threatened.
A80 on the end of the line, a nonrestricted interior lineman or a back, misses the snap count and makes a casual movement that is not abrupt, quick or jerky and does not simulate the start of a play.
RULING: No foul by Team A
A30, lined up legally as a back, starts in motion legally. He then turns so that he still is legally in motion but is facing his line of scrimmage using a “side-step” motion. At the snap, A30 is bent slightly forward at the waist and is either continuing his “side-step” motion or is “marking time” in place.
RULING: Legal.
A30, lined up legally as a back, starts in motion legally. He then turns so that he still is legally in motion but is facing his line of scrimmage using a “side-step” motion. At the snap, A30, still behind the neutral zone, is moving slightly forward from the waist up or his “side-step” motion has veered slightly toward the line of scrimmage.
RULING: Live-ball foul at the snap for illegal motion. Penalty—Five yards from the previous spot.
Team A’s formation at the snap includes only 10 players: five players on the line of scrimmage numbered 50-79, one player on the line wearing
number 82, and four players in the backfield.
RULING: The formation is legal because Team A has no more than four players in the backfield and
the required number of players (five) on the line wearing 50-79.
Team A, with fourth and eight, sends two substitutes numbered 21 and 33 into the game as exceptions to the mandatory numbering, and they are positioned legally on their line of scrimmage between the end players on the line of scrimmage. After the ball is snapped, a Team A player, 15 yards deep in a scrimmage kick formation, throws a legal forward pass to an eligible receiver for a 10-yard gain.
RULING: Legal play (Note: The same play from a field goal formation is legal).
A33, an exception to the mandatory numbering rule, assumes a position on the line of scrimmage next to end A88. Before the snap, A88 moves to a backfield position and the flanker on the opposite side of the line moves to an end position on the line
RULING: Illegal formation. Since A33 is now an end, he is thus in an illegal position at the snap (live-ball foul).
Penalty—five yards, previous spot.
A33, an exception to the mandatory numbering rule, assumes a position on the line of scrimmage to the left of snapper A85, who is on the end of the line. All other Team A players on the line are to A33’s left. After a one second stop, all players on the line except A85 legally shift to the other side of the ball, with A33 now positioned as an end.
RULING: If the ball is snapped with A33 in this position, it is a foul for an illegal formation. A33 may not legally be on the end of the line at the snap. Penalty—five yards, previous spot.
At the B-45, Team A is in an alignment in which the snapper A88 is on the right end of the line. The linemen on his left are numbered 56, 63, 72, 22, 79, and 25. There are four players in the backfield. A44 is ten yards directly behind the snapper, and the other backs are to his left a few yards behind the line of scrimmage. No player is in position to hold for a place kick. After the snap, A44 completes a pass to snapper A88 for a touchdown. This happens on (a) first or second down; (b) third or fourth down.
RULING: Because there are only four offensive linemen numbered in the 50-79 range, the legality of the play depends on whether Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation. One of the requirements for such a formation is that “it is obvious that a kick will be attempted.” (a) Illegal formation: on first or second down, a team is very unlikely to punt, so it is not obvious that a kick will be attempted. (b) Legal play: touchdown. On third or fourth down a team may be likely to kick. (Rule 2-16-10)
Team A lines up with A11 ten yards directly behind the snapper. The other three backs are split wide, all outside the tackle box. Only four Team A linemen have uniform numbers between 50 and 79. A11 receives the backward pass from the snapper with Team A in this formation.
RULING: Live-ball foul. Illegal formation, not enough players numbered 50-79 on the line of scrimmage. Team A is not is a scrimmage kick formation, because in this alignment it is not obvious that a kick will be attempted. (Rule 2-16-10)
Team A lines up with six players on the line of scrimmage, five of whom are numbered in the range 50-79. A seventh player, A88, is in the normal location of an end, but he is positioned so that his feet and shoulders are clearly at a 45-degree angle with the line of scrimmage. The other four players are clearly in the backfield. The ball is snapped with Team A in this alignment
RULING: Live-ball foul, illegal formation. Every Team A
player must be either a lineman or a back; A88 is neither.
Snapper A1 lifts the ball before passing it backward, B2 bats the ball away, and B3 recovers the ball.
RULING: Team A dead-ball foul, illegal snap. The ball remains dead because it was not put in play by a legal snap. Penalty—Five yards from the succeeding spot. Team A retains possession
Snapper A1 legally begins the snap, but B2 bats the ball before A1 completes the snap, and B3 recovers the ball.
RULING: Team B foul and the ball remains dead. Penalty—Five yards from the succeeding spot. Team B may not touch the ball until it has been snapped. Team A retains possession.
Before the snap, a Team B player crosses the neutral zone and, without making contact, continues his charge behind a Team A lineman and directly toward the quarterback or kicker
RULING: A Team B player who is on Team A’s side of the neutral zone and is moving in a direct path toward the quarterback or kicker while he is behind an offensive lineman is considered to be interfering with Team A’s formation. Penalty—Team B dead-ball foul, offside. Five yards from the succeeding spot
Linebacker B56 is stationary within one yard beyond the neutral zone. As the offense is calling its snap signals, B56 feints toward the line in an obvious attempt to induce a false start by the offense
RULING: Dead-ball foul, delay of game. Five-yard penalty at the succeeding spot.
Eligible receiver A83 is on the end of his scrimmage line and adjacent to the snapper in an unbalanced “T’’ formation. Quarterback A10 receives a handed snap and immediately conveys the ball to A83.
RULING: If the movement of the ball is forward and it left A10’s hand before having been touched by A83, it is a legal forward pass. A83 may have turned sufficiently to receive a backward pass or handoff (legal); but if the action immediately followed the snap, it is not likely that a handoff would have had time to
comply with the “turn’’ and “two yards behind the line’’ requirement.
B20 intercepts a legal forward pass (a) in his end zone, (b) on his three-yard line, and his momentum carries him into his end zone, or (c) in the field of play and retreats into his end zone (no momentum). In each instance, B20 fumbles in the end zone and the ball rolls forward and out of bounds on Team B’s two-yard line.
RULING: The ball belongs to Team B at the spot of the fumble (Team B’s end zone); (a) touchback, (b) Team B’s ball at the three-yard line, and (c) safety (Rules 8-5-1 and 8-6-1).
On second down, A1 fumbles the ball, which strikes the ground and bounces high in the air. B2 receives the ball while off the ground and returns to the ground out of bounds (a) in advance of the spot of the
fumble or (b) behind the spot of the fumble
RULING: (a) Team A’s ball at the spot of the fumble. (b) Team A’s ball at the spot where the ball crossed the sideline (Rules 4-2-4-d and 7-2-4).
Quarterback A10, who is not outside the tackle box and is attempting to save yardage, intentionally throws a desperation forward pass that falls incomplete where there is no eligible Team A receiver.
RULING: Intentional grounding. Penalty—Loss of down at the spot of the foul. The clock starts on the snap (Rule 3-3-2-d-4) unless Rule 3-4-4 applies.
After the Two-Minute Timeout in the fourth quarter, A10 is unable to locate an open receiver. To conserve time, he throws a forward pass that is incomplete where there is no eligible Team A player
RULING: Illegal forward pass, intentional grounding. Penalty—Loss of down at the spot of the foul. Because this play occurred after the Two-Minute Timeout, this foul comes under the 10-second runoff rule (Rule 3-4-4).
On third down after the Two-Minute Timeout in the second quarter,
potential field goal holder A4 muffs the snap and A4 or potential kicker A3 recovers the ball and immediately throws it forward to the ground.
RULING: Illegal forward pass for intentional grounding; not a valid
attempt to conserve time. Penalty—Loss of down at the spot of the foul. Because this play occurred after the Two-Minute Timeout, this foul comes under the 10-second runoff rule (Rule 3-4-4).
After the Two-Minute Timeout in the second quater, the ball is snapped over the head of quarterback A12, who is in the shotgun formation. A12 recovers the ball and immediately throws it forward into the ground to conserve time.
RULING: Illegal forward pass for intentional grounding; not a valid attempt to conserve time. Penalty—Loss of down at the spot of the foul. Because this play occurred after the Two-Minute Timeout, this foul comes under the 10-second runoff rule (Rule 3-4-4).
Late in either half with more than one minute remaining, A10 is unable to locate an open receiver. To conserve time, he throws a forward pass that is incomplete where there is no eligible Team A player
RULING: Illegal forward pass, intentional grounding. Penalty—Loss of down at the spot of the foul. The clock will start on the ready-for-play signal (Rule 3-3-2-e-14 and 3-4-3).
On third down near the end of either half, potential field goal holder A4 muffs the snap and A4 or potential kicker A3 recovers the ball and immediately throws it forward to the ground.
RULING: Illegal forward pass for intentional grounding; not a valid attempt to conserve time. Penalty—Loss of down at the spot of the foul. 10-second runoff option
for Team B (Rule 3-4-4). Clock starts on the ready-for-play signal (Rules 3-3-2-e-14 and 3-4-3) if the 10-second runoff is accepted.
The ball is snapped over the head of quarterback A12, who is in the “shotgun’’ formation. A12 recovers the ball and immediately throws it forward to the ground.
RULING: Illegal forward pass for intentional
grounding; not a valid attempt to conserve time. Penalty—Loss of down at the spot of the foul. Clock starts on the ready-for-play signal (Rules 3-3-2-e-14 and 3-4-3).
On third down near the end of the half, A1 muffs the snap. A1 or A4 catches the muffed ball and immediately throws it forward into the ground.
RULING: Legal play
On third down near the end of the half, A1 positioned seven yards behind the snapper—catches the snap and immediately throws the ball forward to the ground.
RULING: Legal play
With seconds remaining in a half and the ball ready for play, Team A quickly lines up and the ball is legally snapped to quarterback A12, who throws the ball forward directly to the ground. Team A’s formation was not legal at the snap. When the ball becomes dead, two seconds show on the game clock.
RULING: Illegal formation. Penalty—Five yards from the previous spot. The clock starts on the snap.