Rule 5: Scoring And Timing Regulations Flashcards
A goal is made when (2)
- A live ball, that is not a throw-in, enters the basket from above
- A FT enters the basket from above
When a player scores a FG at the opponent’s basket it shall
Count two points for the opponent no matter where it was released
Act of shooting begins
With the start of a try
Act of shooting ends when
The ball is clearly in flight, even when the shooter is airborne
A try ends when (4)
- Throw is successful
- Certain it is unsuccessful
- The thrown ball touches the floor
- Ball becomes dead
When a player-control foul occurs after a goal
The goal shall be cancelled
The only infractions for which points are awarded are (2)
Goaltending; and basket interference by the defensive team
If .3 or less remains a player can only score by
Means of tap of a pass or tap of a missed FT
If it is discovered that teams were going in the wrong direction
All play shall count and teams shall resume in the proper direction
Length of each period
10 minutes
Length of Halftime
15 minutes
Intermission between consecutive periods shall be how long?
75s nonmedia
Length of extra periods
5 minutes
Intermission length before each extra period
1 minute
A try starts when
Player begins the motion that normally precedes the release of the ball on a try