Ruin Theory Flashcards
What is infinite ruin probability for a binomial model
Why would the infinite horizon ruin probability exceed the ruin probability for t years?
Every scenario that experiences ruin in the first t years certainly experiences ruin over longer horizons that include those first t years.
What are the boundary conditions for V(u,t)
V(u,t)=1 if u<=-1
V(u,0)=0 if u>=0
Possibly also if there is a dividend barrier in place we can introduce another barrier also.
What equation must the adjustment coefficient satisfy
Adjustment coefficient must satisfy : E^rc = E(E^rY)
How could you potenially steer Newton Raphson away from zero root for solving for adjustment coefficient
You will always get r=0 as answer
A way to steer newton raphson away from the zero root is dividing through equation analytically by (e^r -1)
What is the upper bound for infinite ruin probability according to Lundberg?
Upper bound of ruin infinite horizon probability e^-ur
What conditions must be met for the ruin probability to be strictly less than 1
Expected claims must be less than the premiums.
What effect does a new dividend policy have on a company’s infinite horizon ruin probability where company pays out immediate dividend once they hit a certain capital
Under most of the dividend strategies considered, the ruin probability
over an infinite time horizon tends to one; all firms will go bust eventually. The (infinite-horizon) ruin probability is no longer considered a relevant way to establish capital requirements.
What are the Boundary conditions for recurrence relation of PV of future dividends
S(-1) = 0 and s(b+1)=s(b)+1
Formula for checking concavity and what it means
If this holds then check next case - the last case where this condition holds is the optimal barrier.
Is it necessarily the case that distributing the maximal possible capital is in shareholders best interests?
Running with minimal capital is unlikely to be in shareholders interests if the business is profitable. This is because a breach of regulatory capital closes the business and forfeits the shareholders access to the future profit stream. A better strategy is to maximise expected future dividends which may imply retaining profits above the minimal regulatory capital level.
Formula for sum of a geometric progression
1+z+z^2+…+z^(r-1) = (1-z^r)/(1-z)
How to show something is a valid PDF
Non negative and showing that it integrates to 1
Formula for MGF
MyR = E(e^rY) = Integral 0,infinity f(y)e^ry)
What range of values for which does lundberg’s inequality apply?
Applies if and only if the premium exceeds the mean claims - It may not also apply if the claim distribution has fat tails as the MGF will not be defined (infinite) for positive R. Therefore there is no solution for the adjustment coefficient.
Why might shareholders exert pressure for dividends ?
To get money earlier and loss of time value on delay outweighs the impact on the ruin probability of delaying payout.
What is the infinite ruin probability in the binomial case where upstep happens with probability p
Infinite ruin is 1 if p<½ - implies negative drift
Prove Exp (-RUt) is a martingale using the definition of a adjustment coefficient
What is an alternative algorithm for calculating ruin probabilities other than a lattice? Give a situation where you could not use a lattice
Monte Carlo simulation. If surplus is not an integer we cannot use lattices - would have to work in units of 0.5 for example if surplus was 1.5 to make the surplus an integer again.
What generally is the directional impact of lower premiums of ruin probabilities
Higher ruin probability
Why can there only be two values of R solving the adjustment coefficient
There can be no further roots as ln My(r) is strictly a convex function or r so can intersect the straight line cr in at most two places.
In the context of the lundberg model describe in general terms sensitivities of ruin probability:
Time horizon
If mean claims are less than premium then the infinite ruin probability tends to 1.
In the context of the lundberg model describe in general terms sensitivities of ruin probability:
Observation frequency
The same adjustment coefficient R applies any frequency of model under Lundberg models therefore Lundberg’s inequality implies the same upper bounds in any case, and we have ψ(u) ≤ e^−Ru, where the model is monthly, annually or weekly.
However the actual ruin probabilities are higher in case of more frequent observations. For example in the case of monthly vs annual.There are some scenarios where surplus goes negative at a month end but not at any year end. This corresponds to ruin under the monthly model and not under the annual model. We conclude that Lundberg’s inequality is tighter in the monthly case than in the annual case.
In the context of the lundberg model describe in general terms sensitivities of ruin probability:
Expected annual profit
We can discuss the effect of shifting the profit distribution (by changing premiums)In general R increases as the premium increases implying a reduction in the ruin probability as the business becomes more possible. As the premium increases, R tends towards the upper limit for which MT (r)generally this indicates that however profitable the business, the large-u behaviour of the ruin probability is bounded below by the tail fatness of the underlying loss distribution. Hence changing premiums leaves the shape of the profit distribution unchanged.
In the context of the lundberg model describe in general terms sensitivities of ruin probability:
SD of annual profit
We can also discuss scaling the profit distribution by a factor and the effect this has on ruin probabilities. Scaling the profit distribution should alter the Standard deviation of returns however the transformation leave the shape of the distribution unchanged. As u has scaled by a factor m, so R should scale by a factor m−1. This doesn’t affect ruin probabilities
In the context of the lundberg model describe in general terms sensitivities of ruin probability:
Skewness of annual profit
Increasing the skewness of the claims distribution (while keeping mean and standard deviation of profit fixed) results in a lower adjustment coefficient, and so a higher ruin probability