RSA Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Flashcards
Testing and run-ups of aircraft engines must, as far as possible, be avoided during the period of -
20h00 and 04h00
To comply with nouse abatement procedure 1, an aircraft should take-off and climb to 800ft AGL at what speed?
Climb at V2 + 10 knots
To comply with noise abatement procedure 1, from 800ft to 3000ft AGL an aircraft shall climb at what speed?
Climb at V2 + 10 to 20 knots
To comply with noise abatement procedure 1, from 800ft to 3000ft AGL an aircraft shall climb and maintain what configuration?
Maintain with flaps/slats in take-off configuration
To comply with noise abatement procedure 1, all aircraft at or below FL100 will fly a maximum speed of?
250 knots
To comply with nouse abatement procedure 2, an aircraft should take-off and climb to 800ft AGL at what speed?
V2 + 10 to 20 knots
Before selecting a new SSR code, the transponder should be set to?
All aerodrome within..?… shall comply to the transition altitude of an aerodrome with such transition altitude.
25 nm
The transition altitude for aircraft beyond 25nm of an aerodrome with a listed transition altitude, is?
2 000ft
No transition level shall be more than ..?.. above the transition altitude within 25nm of an ATSU.
1 000ft
The transition level for aircraft flying 25nm away from any of the aerodromes with:
A listed transition level, or other transition regulations. will be?
3 000ft AGL
An obstruction on an aerodrome chart, height above sea level is indicated?
At the top of the symbol
An obstruction on an aerodrome chart, height above ground level is indicated?
At the bottom
A VOR/DME is indicated by?
A VOR symbol within a square
In class F -
Advisory service will be provided
Class G is -
Information airspace
The following NADP 1 will be in force at the listed airport:
King Shaka International Airport (Durban) NADP 1
The following NADP 2 will be in force at the listed airports: #10
#1 Bram Fischer International Airport. #2 Cape Town International Airport. #3 East London Airport #4 George Airport #5 Kimberley Airport #6 Lanseria International Airport #7 O R Tambo International Airport #8 Port Elizabeth International Airport #9 Upington International Airport #10 Wonderboom Airport (Pretoria)
1.1.3 Radar facilities are established at the following ATC Centres in the RSA:- 7 POINTS
#1 Cape Town International Airport #2 King Shaka International Airport #3 East London Airport #4 O R Tambo International Airport #5 Port Elizabeth Airport #6 Bram Fischer International Airport #7 George Airport
What is The application of radar control service ?
Radar coverage in controlled airspace at each of the centres mentioned in para 1.1.3
above is defined as per the Radar Minimum Altitude Charts in Aerodrome section of
the AIP.
Class A.
All airspace FL200 and or as designated. With IFR only
Class B.
All controlled airspace below FL200 in the case of a Control Zone (CTR). IFR and VFR permitted (controlled).
Class C:
All controlled airspace below FL200. In the case of an Air Traffic Zone (ATZ), aerodrome separation will be applied.
Class D:
All controlled airspace below FL200 in the case of an Air Traffic Zone (ATZ).
Class E.
Not in use.