Part 1 Definitions & Abbreviations 2 Flashcards
AFM means
aircraft flight manual;
AGL means
above ground level;
AIC means
an Aeronautical Information Circular;
AIM means
Aeronautical Information Management;
AIP means
an Aeronautical Information Publication;
AIRAC means
Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control;
AIR SUP means
an AIP Supplement;
AME means
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer;
AMO means
Aircraft Maintenance Organisation;
ASTO means
Aviation Security Training Organisation;
ATC means
Air Traffic Control or Air Traffic Controller;
ATIS means
Automatic Terminal Information Service;
a defined area on a land aerodrome intended to accommodate aircraft for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refuelling, parking or maintenance;
a service provided directly by means of an ATS surveillance system;
“ATS surveillance service”
the authority to fly issued in terms of Subpart 2 of Part 24 of the regulations as a restricted certificate of airworthiness is ?
“authority to fly”
the means by which aircraft, aerodrome vehicles and other objects can automatically transmit and/or receive data such as identification, position and additional data, as appropriate, in a broadcast mode via a data link;
“automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast”
the height above the surface of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 20 000 feet covering more than half the sky;
the certificate referred to in Article 31 of the Convention, issued in terms of Subpart 8 of Part 21 of the regulations, and includes an authority to fly issued in terms of Subpart 2 of Part 24 is ?
“certificate of airworthiness”
a passenger who has reached his or her second but not his or her twelfth birthday;
a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified height above the surface without an upper limit, unless an upper limit is specified as published in an AIP, AIC or NOTAM and designated as a control area;
“control area”
any flight which is subject to an air traffic control clearance is ?
“controlled flight”
as controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface to a specified upper limit as published in an AIP, AIC or NOTAM is ?
control zone”