RS&L Y09 Aut 1 Flashcards
the belief that God is all-loving and good
the belief that God is all-powerful
the belief that God is all-knowing
the belief that God exists outside of time and space, beyond the human realm
the belief that God is close to humanity and involved in the world
the belief that God is all-loving and good
the belief that God is all-powerful
the belief that God is all-knowing
the belief that God exists outside of time and space, beyond the human realm
the belief that God is close to humanity and involved in the world
ex nihilo
God created everything (the universe) out of nothing.
complete trust or belief in someone or something, especially God, even without proof
Son of God
One of the titles given to Jesus, as he is a person of the Trinity. He was the sacrifice to save humans
The Word
Another name for Jesus - used to prove Jesus always existed as he was present at creation.
One of the names given to God - the creator of humankind.
the belief that the Christian God has three forms: father, son and spirit.
Holy Spirit
the third person of the Trinity and is present on the Earth at all times to guide Christians
The belief that God came to Earth as a human in the form of Jesus. He was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born from Mary.
God loved the world
John 3:16
Creation (God the Father at creation)
Genesis 1 Creation.
Creation (the Holy Spirit at creation)
Genesis 1 Creation
The Word (Jesus was present at creation).
John 1:1-3 The Word became flesh.
What did the word become?
The Bible teaches: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”
saving the soul so it goes to heaven
a state of eternal happiness in the presence of God
the place of eternal suffering or state of being without God
the intermediate state where souls are cleansed in order to enter heaven
bodily resurrection
the belief that on the day of judgement people’s bodies will be raised from the grave and made whole again
(salvation through) works
the idea that you can earn your way to heaven through being a kind person, helping those in need and following God’s rules
(salvation through) law
the belief that you can reach heaven by following religious laws
the unconditional and generous love that God shows to people who do not deserve it
(salvation through) grace
It is God’s unconditional love, and faith in him that will enable salvation.
(salvation through) spirit
The holy spirit gives people a special sense of faith, allowing them to reach salvation.
The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
•In the Bible Jesus taught: “whatever you did for one of the least of these…, you did for me.”
God loved the world so much…
The Bible teaches: “For God so loved the world that he sent his only son to die so that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
What does grace do?
The Bible teaches: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves. “
making amends or payment for a wrong. - the belief that Jesus’ sacrifice restored the relationship between God and humanity.
The death of Jesus - a form of the death penalty used by the Romans
Jesus rising from the dead three days after being crucified
Taken up to heaven, Jesus was taken up to heaven 40 days after his resurrection.
Doubting Thomas
One of Jesus’ disciples who refused to believe that Jesus had come back to life until he touched the crucifixion wounds.
something that breaks the laws of nature and is believed to be impossible (e.g. - growing an arm back)
The baptism of Jesus
Jesus places himself under water for a moment, as he lifts his head out the water a voice from the sky says; “This is my son, whom I am pleased.” The Holy Spirit comes down from heaven and enters Jesus.
The Great Commission
Jesus’ commandment to his disciples that they must share the Christian message
What did Jesus say before he died?
The Bible teaches: Jesus said “Father forgive them”
What did the angel say?
The Bible teaches: “The angel asked., “Why do you look for the living among the dead?”
What did St Thomas say?
Jesus Appears to Thomas.
The Great Commission.
The Great Commission.