RR5: Proteins that regulate transcription-Activators Flashcards
Do transcriptions done by RNA pol 1 and 3 require the same elements as the one done by RNA pol 2?
No. RNA pol 2 requires TF elements, but transcription 1 and 3 have other required proteins to work.
Do transcription done by RNA pol 1 and 3 also require ATP?
NO. Only transcription done by RNA pol 2 is ATP-dependent. Pol 1 and 3 don’t need ATP to get from a Closed PIC to an open PIC
What could explain the RNA pol 2 to go in 2 different directions during transcription?
In genes that don’t have a TATA box, RNA pol 2 could go in 2 different directions during transcription. The TATA box is not necessary for transcription, but it helps transcribe in a single direction. In large promoter that don’t have a TATA box, there might be multiple start sites.
Why are promoter-proximal elements important?
They are recognized by specific DNA-binding proteins that act to influence transcription (enhance or inhibit). They are required for the activation of transcription.
How would we be able to know if a section is a proximal-promoter element essential for trasncription?
If the region interacts with proteins necessary for transcription, then we know it’s necessary. By putting that sequence in a gel, if the sequence moves faster, it means the protein is not interacting with the region, because the heavier, the slower they go on the gel.
What is the method used to know if a section of DNA is interacting with a protein?
Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA).
gel/band/mobility shift assays
How does ESMA or gel/band/mobility shift assays work?
Concept: DNA fragments will migrate in a different way through an electrophoretic field when it’s bound to a protein.
- Use a radiolabelled dsDNA segment as a probe
- Make the probe interact with nuclear subtract.
- If a protein in the nuclear subtract binds to a part of the probe, it will move differently on the gel.
- Creates a gel shift and a complex, so we can know which section is important for transcription for example.
But we still can’t know the exact sequence that is bound by the protein.
How can we make sure a given factor interacts with a cis-acting element and activates transcription?
- Generate a cDNA that corresponds to the protein we’re studying.
- Put that cDNA in a plasmid
- Create another plasmid with a reporter gene and the sequence that would bind to the protein we’re studying.
- Co-transfect the 2 plasmids (expression vectors) in a cell
- With the plasmid with the cDNA, the cell should be able to make the protein.
- The protein should then be able to interact with the other plasmid that has the sequence it would normally bind to.
- If it works, the protein will bind to the binding sequence and it should increase the transcription of the reporter gene.
- Observe if the reporter gene is expressed more than usual, if it is, you were right and that protein is binding to that sequence and it does play a role in increasing the efficiency of transcription.
What are transcription factors?
They can be either transcriptional activators or repressors.
They are DNA-binding proteins.
They can bind to proximal elements, enhancers or specific sequences that activate transcription.
They have multiple domains that have various functions.
They have domains made-up of helices.
The helices that interact with the DNA are called recognition helices.
What are recongition helices?
They are alpha-helical domains in transcription factors that interact with DNA to bind.
They interact with the nucleobases of the major groove of DNA.
How does the binding between recognition helices of transcription factors and the major groove of DNA happen?
Binding occurs through non-covalent interactions with the atoms in the bases.
Other amino acids within the recognition helices contribute to stabilizing the binding with DNA. The negative phosphates in the DNA backbone interact with the positive bases in the recognition helices.
What is GAL4?
It’s a transcription factor from yeast.
It has multiple domains.
What are the roles of GAL4?
Stimulate transcription with its activation domain.
Binds to UASgal with its DNA binding domain.
What is UASgal?
It’s an upstream activating region.
When GAL4 interacts with UASgal, the gene can activate transcription very effectively.
How precise does the interaction between GAL4 and UASgal need to be?
Very precise. GAL4 has a DNA-binding domain on the N-terminal region. When you remove 50 amino acids, it can no longer bind to UASgal.
And because it can’t interact, it can’t activate transcription.
To have transcription, transcription factors, like GAL4, need to bind to DNA to activate transcription. Is it enough or do we need something else?
DNA binding is not enough. Even if we leave the N-terminal of GAL4 and it can still interact with UASgal, the transcription is no longer efficient.
It means that there’s another domain that’s essential for transcription: an activation domain.
What domains are essential for GAL4 to activate trasncription?
DNA-binding domain: to bind to DNA
Activation domain: to stimulate transcription.
They are independent, one can exist without the other, but the 2 need to be there to have transcription.
Do all transcription factors have a DNA binding domain AND another domain that enhance transcription?
Almost always, yes.
Can I take the activation domain of a transcription factor and attach it to another different transcription factor?
Yes, it will activate the transcription of a reporter gene with that hybrid transcription factor as long as the DNA binding domain corresponds to the right DNA sequence.
What can be the functions of domains in transcription factors?
DNA binding
Transcription activation
Transcription repression
Chromatin remodelling
Nuclear import
Protein interaction
What are homeodomains proteins?
They are a group of DNA-binding transcription factors.
They deal with the structural position of parts of the body.
For example, if there’s a mutation in homeodomain proteins in flies, they give rise to homeotic transformations where they could grow legs where they should have eyes.
What are Zinc fingers?
They’re a group of DNA-binding transcription factors.
They are formed in a loop where a zinc ion coordinates cysteines and histidines together
There are 3 types of zinc finger binding domain transcription factors:
Why are the 3 different types of zinc finger binding domain transcription factors named C2H2, C4 and C6?
C2H2: Has 2 cysteines and 2 histidines
C4: 4 cysteines
C6: 6 cysteines
How do the 3 different types of zinc finger domain transcription factors bind to DNA?
C2H2: they have 3+ fingers and bind as monomers
C4: they have 2 fingers and bind as homo or heterodimers
C6: 6 cysteines metal ligands bind 2 zinc ions and they bind as monomers.
What are Leucine zipper proteins?
They are a group of DNA-binding transcription factors.
They are formed by 2 alpha-helices that bind to the major groove of DNA.
How do Leucine zipper proteins interact and bind?
They bind as homo or heterodimers. They interact through hydrophobic patches with another zipper.
The hydrophobic molecules of a single face of a leucine zipper will interact with the molecules on another leucine (it can be any hydrophobic molecules) interface to facilitate the interactions of the 2 monomers.
They are linked to these helices that interact with the major groove of DNA.
What are Helix-Loop-Helix proteins?
They are a group of DNA-binding transcription factors.
Similar to leucine zippers, but they have a loop that leucine zippers don’t have.
What are the groups/classes of transcription factors?
Homeodomain proteins.
Zinc finger domains.
Leucine zipper proteins.
Helix-Loop-Helix proteins.
Can transcription factors of different classes interact with each other?
Yes. The interactions favour the formation and stability of the ternary complex. It’s called Cooperative DNA binding.
It can happen off the DNA or on the DNA.
Sometimes, when 2 transcription factors don’t activate transcription very effectively on their own, they can join together to activate trasncription effectively.
What are the consequences of Cooperative DNA Binding?
More diversity.
More efficient activation of transcription.
Why would cooperative DNA binding between different transcription factors increase the diversity?
It extends the potential for diversified gene regulation.
It leads to more diverse transcriptional responses.
How can we know precisely which sequences the transcriptional factors are bound to?
ChIP-Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq).
How does ChIP-Chromatin Immunoprecipitation work?
- Find the protein that you want to study that interacts with the DNA sequence.
- Crosslinking (stick it together) of DNA-protein with formaldehyde
- Cell lysis
- Shear the DNA into small fragments
- Have an antibody of that protein.
- Immunoprecipitation with an antibody for that specific protein.
- DNA purification
- Analysis with PCR or Next-generation sequencing of bound DNA
- Analyze the peaks in the protein that interacts with the DNA
What do you do when you have an idea of what sequence in the DNA the protein is interacting with?
- Using the protein, you carry out a chip-seq, but just the immunoprecipitation.
- Use primers to carry out a PCR reaction because you know the sequence information.
- In the PCR, you check if that DNA template you used was present.
Very directed method, only when you know or think that you know the sequence to which the protein binds.