RPH Midterm Exam Flashcards
everything that has happened in the past or an account of the past.
“History is not what happened in the past; rather, it is the act of selecting, analyzing, and writing about the past…”
James Davidson and Mark Lytle (1982)
is about the past and the study of the past.
On the part of the _________, the selected happenings are not only narrated but are also analyzed
it is based on an individualistic perspective
History as an act of CREATION
means to give new life and meaning to the forgotten past
History as an act of RECREATION
History studies the present in light of the past
Pallavi, Jyotrimayee, & Harichandan, 2019
two theories/types of history
Factual history and Speculative history
means that it is something that can be proven or has already been proven by some means
it is something that can be viewed from a different theoretical perspective or lens
it is to show proof and validity. It tries to analyze by answering the 3Wh questions: What, Who, and When.
Factual History
The ______ will identify specific events in the past.
_______ allows the historian to get to know the persons involved in the event.
______ is stating and determining the time and date of a particular historical event will add accuracy and reliability.
This type of history answers the questions “why” and “how.” This is a kind of inquiry that uses counterfactual speculation of historical events to reflect our present society and the social construct of memory
Speculative history
A German philosopher by the name of ______________ has also identified three types of history
Friedrich Nietzsche
3 types of history identified by Friedrich Nietzsche
Monumental History, Antiquarian History, and Critical History
This type of history is very common to those people who have made significant achievements and contributions to society, especially to the country. This type of recognizing the great works of men and women is what Nietzsche called _____________
monumental history
__________ gives reverence to the past, like the saving of the old buildings.
Antiquarian history
National Historical Commission of the Philippines
The purpose of this _______________ is to preserve the past for current and future admiration.
antiquarian history
This type of history selects the best from the past to create and build a better future
critical history
The Uses of History
- History can be influential and shaping human affairs
- History provides informed perspectives about the world
- History is a guide on making judgment
- History provides a better understanding of the present situation
Lesson 1.1:
Nature, Types, and Relevance of History
Lesson 1.2:
Historical Sources and Criticisms
a first-hand document or primary reference work
can be defined as artifacts left by the past (Howell and Prevenier, 2001)
scientific way of writing history
is the study of historical writing. It is a method in doing historical research that focuses on gathering documents from various sources (different libraries and archives) to form a pool of evidence needed in making a descriptive or analytical narrative. It also refers to the theory and history of historical writing.
“historia” which means _____ and “graphia” which means ______
- past
- to write
two general kinds of sources of history
(1) primary sources, and (2) secondary sources
can simply be defined as first-hand accounts. These accounts are written by the ones who witnessed as the event transpired. This kind of source can usually be found in memoirs, diaries, and personal journals of individuals
Primary sources
are already a derivative of primary sources which may provide interpretations, reflections, criticisms, etc. of it. Textbooks that compile and provide interpretations of historical events are great examples of this source of history
Secondary sources
Some sources provide both primary and secondary segments like _______
The Philippine Islands 1493-1989 (1903-09)
Emma Blair and James Robertson’s
Historical sources may also be classified as
intentional or
were created solely to leave the information for the other people or the next generation
Without that intent - ______
- Intentional sources
- Unintentional sources
Furthermore, sources may also be classified as ______, _______, ________
written, archaeological, or oral evidence
Written sources can be categorized into:
(1) narrative or literary source
(2) diplomatic source
(3) social documents
are documents that follow a narrated chronology for a variety of motives
Narrative or literary
sources (diaries, memoirs, even novels, and poetry)
are usually legal documents such as executive orders or court rulings
Diplomatic sources
Historians view _________ as the purest, most trustworthy, and best sources
diplomatic sources
are records from organizations and other bureaucracies. Birth, marriage, and death records are examples
social documents
______________ or material remains are also good sources of history. This is especially important in telling people about the times when no known written form of evidence has existed. This would include sculptures, potteries, weapons, jewelry, structures, and many others.
Archaeological evidence
is information that is transmitted from one generation to the next through the word of mouth. This kind of evidence as a source is usually from folk songs, tales and stories, and rituals from tribespeople which practice pre-modern life
Oral evidence
The reliability of oral evidence can be tested
internally or externally
is done by checking the coherence of the information content to the period, place, etc. it is supposed to tell.
internal test
is by knowing whether the narrator is a member of the group that controls the transmission of the information
External test
Usually, highly informative and valuable written sources can be found in ______, while unwritten sources are usually found in _______
- archives
- museums
process of history where only a part of what has happened in the past, was observed and recorded will come to be of use to the historians. It is the historians’ and history enthusiasts’ task to be able to discern what materials would be used in realizing “the account” of the past.
historical criticism
is a process by which a document is subjected to validate its authenticity and reliability.
historical criticism
There are two levels or parts of historical criticism:
(1) external criticism, and (2) internal criticism.
is concerned with the question of the authenticity of a historical source.
This is done by identifying the author of the source, the location and time of its production, and the material’s value as evidence.
External criticism
is concerned with the credibility and reliability of the content of the historical source.
This centers on how the author frames the substance and message of the historical material, and also the firmness and consistency of his reporting of the event.
Internal criticism
Aside from this basic test,
historians might also look into disciplines like sigillography (sigils), paleography (hand-writing), genealogy (lineage), heraldry (coat of arms), linguistics (grammar and vocabulary) and many others to examine the authenticity of documents
Generally, Philippine historiography can be divided into the
pre-colonial period, colonial period: Spanish and American, and post-colonial period
There is only limited information during this era. This is because almost all records did not survive; most of the writings were written on perishable materials such as bamboo or leaves.
Pre-colonial Period
the first and only written document found in the early Philippine language as of the moment is called
The Laguna Copper Inscription (LCI)
Before the LCI, most of the earliest Philippine histories we had were written by westerners such as
Antonio Pigafetta and Maximilianus Transylvanus
Filipino historians like ________________________________________________________work hard to counter the colonial historiography that dominated Philippine historiography for a long time.
Diokno, Salazar, Agoncillo, Ileto, Guerrero, Ocampo, and others
Lesson 2.1:
Pre-Filipino Historical Source
Lesson 1.3:
Philippine Historiography
Module 2:
Analysis of
Historical Sources
are tools for organizing and representing
knowledge. It is a graphic organized or a visual map of a certain concept. Concepts may be concrete objects or abstract ideas. It may be done by linking aspects of the concept to the central concept – the archaeological
Concept map
Its popularity can be credited to how it is talked of in the elementary and high school history curricula in the Philippine school system. It is also an artifact featured in an old peso bill.
Manunggul jar
Another pottery left by our ancestors which is evidence of the practice of secondary burial
Maitum anthropomorphic jars
was recovered from the 1970s. It was found in Libertad, Butuan City, Agusan del Norte. Archaeologists
date the artifact to be from 9th -12th century AD, which is still significantly
happened before the first colonizers
came to the Philippine islands. It is described to have been made of ivory tusks made from a rhinoceros horn.
Butuan ivory seal
also known as Butuan silver paleograph, is a 17.8 by 1.3 cm strip made of silver which sports engraving said to may have been carved out using a knife. It was said to have been found in one wooden coffin by treasure hunters
Butuan silver strip
Lesson 2.2:
Historical Source during the Early Contacts with Colonizers
is a famous Italian
chronicler and traveler who joined Magellan’s expedition to look for an
alternative route going to the Moluccas. He went to Spain in 1519 after learning
the announcement of Magellan’s voyage. Throughout the voyage, he had lost
a day because of taking down notes.
Antonio Pigafetta
a Portuguese, led the Spanish armada de Molucca
in 1519. He was deemed to be an exceptional navigator and seaman; thanks to
Portugal’s maritime heritage. Nevertheless, he surpassed those earlier
Portuguese mariners by venturing the unchartered seas by sailing westwards
to Asia instead of eastwards
Ferdinand Magellan
Spanish Armada de Molucca was composed of 5 ships, namely
Santiago, San Antonio, Concepcion, and Victoria
The Captain-General, Ferdinand Magellan, was on board in _________, the largest ship
They spent _______________ to cross the pacific
3 months and 20 days
When they reached the Pacific, there were only three ships from the fleet that had survived
(Trinidad, Victoria,
and Conception)
____________ is presently called as the Mariana Islands
The Ladrone Islands
The fleet was on an island called Humunu Island (Homonhon) and
found what they called the _________________ for this is the place that they found two springs of very freshwater and the first signs of gold in the island.
“Watering Place of Good Signs”
king of Cebu
Until in 1565, Spain has made its permanent settlement in Cebu through ______________________
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.
Lesson 2.3:
Historical Source during the Encompassing Years of the Spanish Period
Visayan Customs Regarding Marriage
Marriage of the chiefs
Marriage among the timaguas
Marriages among slaves
Visayan Customs Regarding religious beliefs
Belief regarding the dead
Belief concerning the destination of souls
Baylanes (Babaylan)
Belief concerning the world
They say that there is in the sky another god, called ______
Visayan Customs Belief concerning the world
Guarding the dead
Mourning the dead
One of the observances which are carried out with most rigor is that called ______
three ranks of men in these islands
chiefs, timaguas, who are freemen, and slaves
Lesson 2.4:
Historical Source during the
Period of Reforms and Propaganda
______________ – one of the great Filipino propagandists
Marcelo H. del Pilar
The Catholic Church in the Philippines has two types of priests;
secular and regular priests.
did not belong to any religious order. They were Filipinos who were just trained to run parishes under the supervision of the bishops
Secular priests
belong to religious orders such as Franciscans, Jesuits, etc. Their main task is to spread Christianity
regular priests
Lesson 2.5:
Historical Source during the
Period of Revolution
The revolution of _____ against the Spaniards is an event that is always highlighted in the discussion of Philippine history.
Sppanish ruled for
330 years
Katipunan was said to have three grades or degrees:
Katipon (Associate), Kawal (Soldier), and Bayani(Hero)
It was in _________________________ that the three grades were reduced to two with the emergence of the
Akibat (Companion) and the abolition of the Bayani. The grades were then the
Akibat and the Kawal. The grade Katipon was reduced to mere membership and
not a grade itself
_______ – the Brains of Katipunan
Emilio Jacinto
spread the ideologies of the Katipunan through their newsletter called
Ramon Blanco’s declaration of Martial Law in the
critical eight provinces
Manila, Cavite, Laguna, Bulacan, Batangas, Tarlac, Pampanga, and Nueva Ecija
create a meeting to unify all of the Katipunan to formally create the first republic of the Philippines. This meeting would later become known as the __________