RPD Survey and Design (Lecture 2-Part 1) Flashcards
A(n) _________ is used to determine relative parallelism of surfaces on a dental cast
analyzing rod, which
A(n) _________ which is used to mark the height of contour on one or more surfaces of a dental cast
carbon marker
_________ are used to identify the positions of desired undercuts on dental casts
undercut guages
A _________, which is used during blockout procedures and in the construction of surveyed restorations
wax knife
A _________ designed to hold a dental cast. The surveying table includes a ball and socket joint, which permits spatial reorientation of the cast (ie, tipping or tilting)
surveying table
What are the two types of tilt that are determined at the beginning of surveying?
AP Tilt and Lateral Tilt
4 factors for a suitable tilt: 1. The presence of suitable _________
4 factors for a suitable tilt: 2. The elimination of hard and soft tissue ________
4 factors for a suitable tilt: 3. The creation of desirable ________
4 factors for a suitable tilt: 4. The establishment of appropriate _________
guiding planes
What are the two main types of teeth you need to mark HOC with the pencil?
1.Teeth you are clasping 2.places where major connector is going to be
When making the undercut marker with the surveyor, you mark the ______ boarder of your “scrape”.
The _______ can be used to contour the stone cast for needed guide planes or to demonstrate a change in height of contour
wax carver
Ok, JK LOL. There are actually 6 maxillary major connector designs…WHAT ARE THEY?
- A-P Strap 2. Single Palatal Strap 3. Complete Palatal Plate 4.U-shaped palate (horse shoe) 5.Palatal Bar 6.AP Palatal Bar
Which Max Major Connector provides maximum rigidity and minimum bulk and is great in cases with a torus palatines…
AP Palatal STRAP
Exam Q Both the Anterior and Posterior palatal strap should never be LESS than __mm wide
Because the AP palatal _____ is narrower than the AP palatal ______, they need to be THICK. This is more objectionable to the patient. Also due to the decrease in surface area, these do not provide as much STRESS distribution
Whats the most common major connector for a maxillary class III?
Palatal strap (or bar)
The AP measurement of a palatal strap should NEVER be less than __mm wide
Which maxillary major connector is indicated for MAXIMUM tissue support?
full palatal plate
Which maxillary major connector is indicated in long distal extension cases? (esp. if less than 6 anterior teeth remain)
full palatal plate
Which maxillary major connector should I use if the primary abutments are periodontally involved?
full palatal plate
Which maxillary major connector is a POOR connector and should never be used unless absolutely necessary!? What does it have the tendency to do under a load?
palatal horse shoe palatal connector….tendency to FLEX under a load
In the MAXILLARY arch boarders of a major connector should be positioned at least __mm from the free gingival margins
What happens if you do not have the required 6mm of space from the major connector to the free gingival margin on a maxillary arch?
carry the connector to the lingual surface
The boarders of the MAJOR connector should run _______ to the free gingival margin.
Gingival margins should be crossed at _______ to minimize coverage of the delicate marginal tissues
All major connectors should have smooth, _______ contours.
As a general rule, maxillary major connectors intimately contact the _________
underlying soft-tissue
Maxillary major connectors should have minor ________ at the borders that contact the palatal tissue…this is called _______ and is used to prevent food impaction under the partial…
What are the 5 types of MANDIBULAR MAJOR CONNECTORS?
- Lingual BAR 2.Double lingual bar 3.Lingual PLATE 4.Labial Bar 5.Swing-lock
How much room do you need for a lingual bar major connector on the mandibular from the free gingival margin to the lingual frenum? (what is the needed room from FGM? What is the minimum thickness of the metal?)
7mm (3mm from FGM and 4mm needed thickness)
What is the most commonly used mandibular major connector?
Lingual Bar
In the MANDIBLE, borders of the MAJOR connectors should be placed ___mm from the free gingival margin*
these are all indications for WHAT type of mandibular major connector: 1. High lingual frenum or
Lingual plate (apron, blanket)
IN a DOUBLE BAR mandibular major connector, what does that second bar act as?
an INDIRECT retainer!
Mandibular double bar major connector: the secondary bar acts as an indirect retainer and provides _______ stabilization of ________ involved teeth.
What is a drawback of the second bar in a double bar lingual mandibular major connector?
tends to be a FOOD TRAP
EXTREME lingual inclination of mandibular anterior teeth and lingual tori are indicators for WHICH mandibular major connector??
LABIAL Bar (not very esthetic eh?)
Which mandibular major connector is a variation of the labial bar. Useful for splinting periodontal weakened teeth, unfavorable tooth contours, and when key teeth are missing?
A minor connector joins smaller components to the major connector. Provides _______ and _______ to the denture
unification and rigidity
WHAT is the TERM for something that connects occlusal and incisal rests to the remainder of the framework? They are classified as minor connectors
Minor connectors originating from the gridwork adjacent to edentulous spaces usually take the form of vertical metal plates…
guide plates
_________ are cast as part of the RPD framework and cover the guide plane of the abutment tooth
Guide plates
A GUIDE PLAINE adjacent to a TOOTH-supported segment should be ___ to ___mm in height.
2 to 4mm
A GUIDE PLANE adjacent to an extension base segment should be ____ to _____mm in height.
1.5 to 2.0mm
TERM: A rigid component of a removable partial denture which seats in a recessed preparation on the occlusal, lingual, or incisal surface of a tooth to provide vertical support for the denture.
A Rest-A rigid component of a removable partial denture which _____ in a recessed preparation on the occlusal, lingual, or incisal surface of a tooth to provide _____ support for the denture.
TERM: A rest placed on the occlusal surface of a bicuspid or molar
Occlusal Rest
TERM: A rest placed on the cingulum of an anterior tooth (usually a canine).
TERM: A rest placed on an anterior tooth at the incisal edge
Incisal Rest
Rest seats should be _____ or _____ shaped
triangle or spoon
Occlusal rest seat width should be _____ the facio-lingual width of the occlusal table
Occlusal rest seat width should be ___ the m/d dimension.
Rest Seat Preparation: The MARGINAL RIDGE must be lowered and rounded to permit a sufficient bulk of metal to prevent fracture of the rest from the minor connector…HOW MUCH should it be lowered?
Occlusal rests must meet the minor connector at an ____ angle for maintenance of support; metal thickness at the junction should be ___-___ mm.
“______” shaped rest seats are the most frequently used for lingual surfaces of canines…ESPECIALLY which arch?
“Chevron”…MAXILLARY (mand is difficult)
Lingual rest seats can be conveniently placed using _______ type rotary instruments
Incisal rest seats can be prepared on WHICH TEETH?? with good success in patients with little or no concern for metal display; but, probably not acceptable by most.
mandibular canines
Incised rests should be ___mm wide and __mm deep
2.5mm wide and 1.5mm deep