Route 53 - Routing Policies Flashcards
What is a Simple Routing Policy in AWS Route 53?
A Simple Routing Policy is the default routing policy where Route 53 responds to DNS queries with one or more IP addresses associated with a domain name.
How does a Simple Routing Policy handle multiple IP addresses?
If multiple IP addresses are specified, Route 53 returns all of them in the response, and the client chooses one randomly for routing.
Can a Simple Routing Policy be associated with health checks?
No, Simple Routing Policies cannot be associated with health checks.
What happens when a Simple Routing Policy includes an Alias Record?
When using an Alias Record with a Simple Routing Policy, only one AWS resource can be specified as the target.
What is an example use case for a Simple Routing Policy?
A Simple Routing Policy is ideal for straightforward DNS configurations where all traffic can be directed to a single or multiple static IP addresses without conditional routing.
What happens when you refresh a website configured with a Simple Routing Policy that has multiple IP addresses?
The client may choose a different IP address randomly from the DNS response, potentially routing to a different backend resource.
What is a Weighted Routing Policy in AWS Route 53?
A Weighted Routing Policy allows you to control the percentage of DNS requests routed to specific resources by assigning weights to each resource.
How is the percentage of traffic determined in a Weighted Routing Policy?
The percentage is calculated as the weight of a record divided by the sum of all weights for records with the same name and type.
Do weights in a Weighted Routing Policy need to sum up to 100?
No, weights are relative and do not need to sum up to 100. They just indicate the proportion of traffic directed to each resource.
What happens if a record’s weight is set to 0 in a Weighted Routing Policy?
A weight of 0 stops traffic from being sent to the associated resource.
Can Weighted Routing Policies be associated with health checks?
Yes, Weighted Routing Policies can be associated with health checks to ensure traffic is only sent to healthy resources.
What is a use case for Weighted Routing Policies?
Common use cases include load balancing across regions, testing new application versions with a small percentage of traffic, and gradually shifting traffic during a migration.
What is required for Weighted Routing Policies to work?
All DNS records must have the same name and type for weights to be applied.
What happens if all records in a Weighted Routing Policy have a weight of 0?
If all records have a weight of 0, Route 53 will distribute traffic equally among the records.
What happens if a resource has the highest weight in a Weighted Routing Policy?
Most DNS responses will direct traffic to that resource, but other resources with non-zero weights will still receive some traffic.
How are records managed in a Weighted Routing Policy in the Route 53 console?
Each record is created separately with the same name and type, but with different weights and optional health checks.
What is the purpose of a Latency-Based Routing Policy in AWS Route 53?
It redirects traffic to the resource with the lowest latency, ensuring users connect to the geographically closest or fastest resource.
How does Route 53 determine the lowest latency for a user?
Route 53 evaluates latency based on how quickly a user can connect to the closest AWS region associated with the resource.
What is a common use case for Latency-Based Routing Policies?
To improve user experience by reducing latency for applications and websites hosted in multiple AWS regions.
Can Latency-Based Routing Policies be combined with health checks?
Yes, they can be combined with health checks to ensure traffic is only routed to healthy resources.
What must you specify when creating a Latency-Based Routing Policy?
You must specify the region of each record, as Route 53 does not automatically determine the region from an IP address.