EC2 - EBS/EBS Volume Types/Encryption Flashcards
What does EBS stand for in AWS?
EBS stands for Elastic Block Store. It is a network drive that you can attach to EC2 instances.
What is the primary purpose of EBS Volumes?
EBS Volumes allow data to persist even after the EC2 instance is terminated. You can recreate an instance and mount the same EBS volume to access the data.
Can an EBS Volume be mounted to multiple EC2 instances at once?
No, an EBS Volume can only be mounted to one EC2 instance at a time.
How are EBS Volumes tied to Availability Zones (AZs)?
EBS Volumes are bound to a specific AZ and cannot be attached to instances in different AZs. However, you can move them across AZs using snapshots.
How can you think of EBS Volumes in simple terms?
EBS Volumes can be thought of as network USB sticks that you can attach to EC2 instances over the network.
What is the default free tier offering for EBS Volumes in AWS?
AWS provides 30 GB of General Purpose SSD (GP2) or Magnetic storage per month in the free tier.
How do EC2 instances communicate with EBS Volumes?
EC2 instances communicate with EBS Volumes over the network, which may introduce some latency.
What is the capacity provisioning requirement for EBS Volumes?
You must provision capacity in advance, specifying the number of GBs and IOPS (I/O operations per second) for the volume.
Can an EBS Volume be detached and re-attached to another EC2 instance?
Yes, EBS Volumes can be detached from one EC2 instance and attached to another quickly, making them useful for failovers.
Can EBS Volumes be created without being immediately attached to an EC2 instance?
Yes, EBS Volumes can be created unattached and attached to EC2 instances on demand.
What is the “Delete on Termination” attribute for EBS Volumes?
The Delete on Termination attribute controls whether an EBS Volume is deleted when the EC2 instance is terminated. By default, it is enabled for the root volume, but disabled for additional EBS Volumes.
What is the use case for disabling the “Delete on Termination” attribute?
If you want to preserve the root EBS volume when an EC2 instance is terminated (e.g., to save data), you can disable the “Delete on Termination” attribute for the root volume.
What is an EBS Snapshot?
An EBS Snapshot is a backup of an EBS volume at a specific point in time.
Is it necessary to detach an EBS volume before taking a snapshot?
No, it’s not necessary to detach the EBS volume, but it is recommended.
Can you copy EBS Snapshots across Availability Zones (AZs) or Regions?
Yes, you can copy EBS Snapshots across different Availability Zones or even across Regions.
How can you transfer an EBS volume from one Availability Zone (AZ) to another?
You can take a snapshot of the EBS volume and then restore it in a different AZ to transfer the volume.