Route 53 Flashcards
Route 53
Fully managed DNS Service
Route 53
Not Regional
Route 53
High availability
Route 53
Region-based routing failover
Route 53
Route 53
100% Availability
Route 53
target monitoring option
Route 53
May set up health checks
Route 53
Record composition (5)
Route 53
- Name
- Type
- Value
- Routing Policy
Route 53
CNAME limitation
Route 53
record cannot be the apex of the zone
Route 53
Alias record
Route 53
points hostname to AWS resource
Route 53
domain root option
Alias record
may be the root doman name
Alias record
Alias record
free of charge to query
Alias record
health option
Alias record
can include native health check
Alias record
automation option
Alias record
automatically recognizes changes to resource IP address
Alias record
record type
Alias record
Alias record
TTL limitation
Alias record
not configurable
Alias record
target limitation
Alias record
target may not be an EC2 DNS name
Alias record
health check
monitor resources
R53 health check
automate DNS failover
R53 health check
types of health checks (3)
R53 health check
- monitor endpoint
- calculated health check
- monitor CloudWatch alarms
R53 health check
monitor endpoint
R53 health check
query HTTP (or HTTPS, TCP) and confirm response
R53 health check
number of global, public health checkers
monitor endpoint
monitor endpoint
interval options (2)
monitor endpoint
- 30s
- 10s (fast)
monitor endpoint
threshold for when endpoint is healthy
monitor endpoint
> 18% health checkers report healthy
monitor endpoint
status codes required for pass
monitor endpoint
2## or 3##
monitor endpoint
additional health check monitor option
monitor endpoint
health check can monitor for text in first 5kB of response
monitor endpoint
firewall requirement
monitor endpoint
public monitor IPs must be allowed by firewall rules
monitor endpoint
Calculated health check
R53 health check
combines multiple health checkes into one
R53 health check
how you can organize checks
Calculated health check
can use OR, AND, or NOT logic
Calculated health check
child health check limit
Calculated health check
Calculated health check
customizable option
Calculated health check
customize how many health checks are needed to pass
Calculated health check
monitor CloudWatch alarms
R53 health check
allows for health checks on private hosted zones
R53 health check
3rd party registrar
may purchase domain through 3rd party and use R53
how to link registray
R53 3rd party registrar
set NS entries on registrars to AWS nameservers
R53 3rd party registrar
Fully managed DNS Service
Route 53
Not Regional
Route 53
Route 53
Region-based routing failover
Route 53
High availability
Route 53
100% Availability
Route 53
Route 53
May set up health checks
Route 53
target monitoring option
Route 53
- Name
- Type
- Value
- Routing Policy
Route 53
Record composition (5)
Route 53
record cannot be the apex of the zone
Route 53
CNAME limitation
Route 53
points hostname to AWS resource
Route 53
Alias record
Route 53
may be the root doman name
Alias record
domain root option
Alias record
free of charge to query
Alias record
Alias record
can include native health check
Alias record
health option
Alias record
automatically recognizes changes to resource IP address
Alias record
automation option
Alias record
Alias record
record type
Alias record
not configurable
Alias record
TTL limitation
Alias record
target may not be an EC2 DNS name
Alias record
target limitation
Alias record
monitor resources
health check
automate DNS failover
R53 health check
R53 health check
- monitor endpoint
- calculated health check
- monitor CloudWatch alarms
R53 health check
types of health checks (3)
R53 health check
query HTTP (or HTTPS, TCP) and confirm response
R53 health check
monitor endpoint
R53 health check
monitor endpoint
number of global, public health checkers
monitor endpoint
- 30s
- 10s (fast)
monitor endpoint
interval options (2)
monitor endpoint
> 18% health checkers report healthy
monitor endpoint
threshold for when endpoint is healthy
monitor endpoint
2## or 3##
monitor endpoint
status codes required for pass
monitor endpoint
health check can monitor for text in first 5kB of response
monitor endpoint
additional health check monitor option
monitor endpoint
public monitor IPs must be allowed by firewall rules
monitor endpoint
firewall requirement
monitor endpoint
combines multiple health checkes into one
R53 health check
Calculated health check
R53 health check
can use OR, AND, or NOT logic
Calculated health check
how you can organize checks
Calculated health check
Calculated health check
child health check limit
Calculated health check
customize how many health checks are needed to pass
Calculated health check
customizable option
Calculated health check
allows for health checks on private hosted zones
R53 health check
monitor CloudWatch alarms
R53 health check
may purchase domain through 3rd party and use R53
3rd party registrar
set NS entries on registrars to AWS nameservers
R53 3rd party registrar
how to link registrar
R53 3rd party registrar