Route 53 Flashcards
What is DNS?
Convert human friendly domain names to ip addresses
Which does Route 53 support - IPV4 or IPV6?
Supports both IPV4 and IPV6
What is the Top level domain?
The last word in the domain name
Who controls top level? Who controls below top level?
ICANA, domain registrar
What is TTL?
Length of time DNS record is cached e.g. a domain name can switch pointing to a diff ip
What is a SOA?
Start of Authority contains all the different types of DNS records, start of DNS
What is an A record?
Basic DNS record, mapping of domain name to ip
What is a CNAME?
Record mapping one domain name to another
What is an Alias Record?
AWS specific, works like CNAME, mapping resources in aws hosted zones to AWS resources.
What records can be used with naked domain names? (zone apex record) and what can’t?
CNAME cannot be used with naked domain name
A records and Alias records can
Between a CNAME and Alias record which should you choose?
Choose Alias Record
What is a NS Record?
A Name Server record directs traffic from top level domains to the SOA where all the DNS records are
What is simple routing policy? How are ip’s returned? Can you have a healthcheck? ip’s returned? Can you have a healthcheck? How many record sets do you create?
Only have one record maps to multiple ip addresses. IP’s are returned in a random order
No healthcheck can be done
A single record set
What is weighted routing policy? How are ip’s returned? Can you have a healthcheck? How many record sets do you create?
Splits traffic based on weights assigned. (e.g. different regions)
Yes can configure healthcheck
Create mutliple record sets each with different weights and healthchecks
What is a health check in Route53?
Can be set for individual record sets. Record set will be removed until it passes the health check. SNS compatible
What is failover routing policy? How are ip’s returned? Can you have a healthcheck? How many record sets do you create?
It is an active/passive setup using health checks, where 1 record set is the primary pointing to ip (e.g. region), and another record is a secondary pointing to a diff ip (e.g. diff region). Fails over to the secondary if the primary record fails the healthcheck
What is geolocation routing policy? How are ip’s returned? Can you have a healthcheck? How many record sets do you create?
Traffic is sent based on location of users for e.g. localization, directing to different region.
You can use healthchecks.
You create a record set for each region.
What is geoproximatiy routing policy? How are ip’s returned? Can you have a healthcheck? How many record sets do you create?
Available only with route 53 Traffic Flow, direct traffic based on user/resource location and bias (shrinks/expands geo regions).
What is latency routing policy? How are ip’s returned? Can you have a healthcheck? How many record sets do you create?
Direct traffic based on lowest network latency for end user (fastest response time) e.g. direct to fastest region
Create 1 Recordset per each region.
Health checks can be used
What is multivalue answer routing policy? How are ip’s returned? Can you have a healthcheck? How many record sets do you create?
Route 53 returns multiple values (multiple ips). Can check health of each resource and returning healthy only ips.
Like simple routing but with healthchecks.
Yes Healthchecks are used
You create 1 recordset for each healthcheck. 1 record set points to ip address in 1 particular region