Rotator Cuff Injury Flashcards
What are the most common causes of shoulder problems?
- Subacromial impingement
- Calcific tendonitis
- Rotator cuff tears
- Rotator cuff arthropathy
What are the symptoms of rotator cuff injury?
- Shoulder pain worse on abduction
- Pain and weakness
What are the signs of rotator cuff injury?
- Subacromial impingement pain on abduction between 60-120 degrees
- Rotator cuff tears pain in first 60 degrees
- Tenderness over anterior acromion
What is rotator cuff arthropathy?
Specific pattern of shoulder degenerative joint disease that results from a rotator cuff tear leading to abnormal glenohumeral wear and subsequent migration of the glenohumeral head. Diagnosis with shoulder x-rays.
What are the treatments for a shoulder injury?
- Conservative: simple analgesia and physiotherapy
- Injection: steroid and local anaesthetic injection into subacromial space will act as both analgesia and anti-inflammatory.
- Surgery e.g. in supraspinatus/rotator cuff tear, arthropathy
What is the most common nerve injured in a shoulder dislocation?
Axillary nerve as it wraps around the humerus and can be tested with sensation in the regimental badge area and deltoid contraction.
What test is used to test to the supraspinatus?
Empty can test - abduct arm and medially rotate (thumb pointing down), examiner presses down on arm
What test is used to test to the subscapularis?
Lift off test - patient sitting down and bring dorsum of hand to lumbar spine and push away examiners hand
What test is used to test for acromioclavicular pathology/impingment?
Scarf test - ask patient to touch opposite shoulder with hand, can be reinforced by applying pressure on the elbow
What test is used to test to the infraspinatus/teres minor?
External rotation against resistance
What is the Hawkins-Kennedy test?
- Shoulder abducted to 90, elbow flexed to 90 with palm facing down
- Rotate shoulder so that palm goes down
- Pain suggest supraspinatus impingement
What are the shoulder muscles and their function?
- Supraspinatus - abduction, suprascapular nerve
- Infraspinatus - external rotation, suprascapular nerve
- Teres minor - external rotation, axillary nerve
- Subscapularis - internal rotation, upper and lower subscapular nerves
What conditions can cause restriction in abduction?
- OA
- Frozen shoulder
What are the features of frozen shoulder?
- PMH of diabetes/thyroid disease predisposes to frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis
- Plain XR not showing OA changes will lead to diagnosis of frozen shoulder
- Middle glenohumeral ligament is important in the restrictive element of frozen shoulder
What are the features of a rotator cuff tear?
- Traumatic or degenerative
- Complete tears or partial (on the bursal or articular surface of the tendon or as an intrasubstance tear)
- Associated with impingement of the shoulder both as a cause of tendon wear and as a secondary symptom
- Majority of tears involve the supra +/- infraspinatus tendon
- Asymptomatic tears should not undergo treatment
What are the signs on examination for frozen shoulder?
- Painful, stiff movement
- Limited movement in all directions, with loss of external rotation and abduction
How do you manage a shoulder dislocation?
- If the dislocation is recent then reduction may be attempted without any analgesia/sedation (anterior can use Kocher technique reduction)
- However, other patients may require analgesia +/- sedation to ensure the rotator cuff muscles are relaxed