Rotational (Microwave) Spectroscopy Flashcards
Rotation of molecules?
3 axes of rotation, movement of inertia (I) defines energy of rotation
Ia = Ib, Ic about the molecular axis is very small
Energy of rotation depends on?
Mass of atoms
Distance between atoms
Angular velocity
Selection rules for rotational spectroscopy?
In order to interact with EM radiation, the molecule must possess an electric dipole which can oscillate at the frequency of the radiation – also called a transition moment
Gross selection rule?
Molecules must possess a permanent dipole, only heteronuclear diatomics give a pure rotational spectrum
Specific selection rule?
Only transitions between adjacent energy levels can occur DeltaJ ± 1
Expression for rotational energies?
EJ = BJ(J+1)
Lower reduced mass?
A lower reduced mass will give a larger rotational constant, Thus,H2 ,whichhasthe lowest reduced mass of any molecule, will have a large rotational constant
High reduced mass or large r?
Molecules with a high reduced mass, or large r have small B constants, rotational levels are not resolved for very large molecules because they are so close together in energy
Absorption spectroscopy?
Spectroscopy looks at transitions, we know the energies and the selection rules, we can predict what the spectrum will look like, absorption occurs when the photon energy matches the difference between energy levels
Line spacing in rotational (microwave) spectroscopy?
The levels get further apart as J increases, the spectrum therefore consists of a series of equally spaced lines – separation is 2B, measuring B from the spectrum –> calculate the moment of inertia,
knowing m1 and m2 –> calculate the bond length
Why are not all the intensities of the lines the same?
We have to look at the occupancy of the levels, need to look at the population and degeneracy
What is degeneracy?
Degeneracy – number of levels with exactly the same energy
What does the intensity of the absorption peak depend on?
The intensity of the absorption peak depends on the number of molecules that absorb the radiation i.e. the number in the energy level – the population, usually fewer molecules
in higher energy states, more likely to have higher E states populated if deltaE is small
Trends in Boltzmann distribution?
As exponential term tends to 0 where n upper = n lower, change in energy is very small or T is very large
If exponential term is large, the negative sign means n upper «_space;n lower, change in energy is very large or T is very small
Boltzmann and populations at higher temperature?
At higher temperatures, there is higher population of higher levels
Boltzmann and populations when change in energy is large?
If change in energy is large, only the lowest energy levels will have significant populations
Boltzmann and populations when change in energy is small?
If change in energy is small, many energy levels will be populated
Population trends?
The population falls off exponentially as change in energy increases
Implications of the Boltzmann Distribution when the energy gap is large?
Large energy gap - most population will be in the ground state unless the temperature is very high, e.g. at room temperature, most molecules are in their ground electronic state - energy spacing between electronic states is large compared to kBT
Implications of the Boltzmann Distribution when the energy gap is small?
Small energy gap - higher levels are populated at moderate temps e.g. at room temperature, there is a significant population of higher rotational levels - energy spacing between rotational states is comparable with (or smaller than) kBT
Implications of the Boltzmann Distribution when two levels have the same degeneracy?
For two levels with same degeneracy as T tends to infinity, then populations of upper and lower levels becomes the same, the upper level can never have a higher population than the lower state in a solely thermal distribution
How to account for degeneracy?
Also need to account for the degeneracy – number of states with the same energy,
modify Boltzmann with a simple term reflecting this: gupper/glower
Example of degenerate orbital?
2p orbitals, 2 electrons in each orbital – all have the same energy
Degeneracy of rotational levels?
Rotational energy levels are also degenerate, degeneracy, for a rigid rotor, there will be a number of levels with identical energy
Rotational levels?
Rotational levels: (2J + 1) fold degenerate, in this course, the degeneracy factor is only relevant for populations in Rotational spectroscopy
What does intensity of absorption peak depend on?
Intensity of the absorption peak depends on how many molecules are in the J’th state,
If change in energy is much less than Boltzmann constant?
If change in energy «_space;kBT so the population ratio for these levels is determined largely by the ratio of the degeneracies
What happens to the degeneracy as J increases?
The degeneracy increases as J increases; However, the value of change in energy also increases and eventually becomes greater than kBT - the ratio of the populations becomes < 1 at high values of J, overall, this means that the population of molecules is spread throughout many rotational levels
Occupancy of levels?
Occupancy of levels rises and
passes through a maximum
– just as observed in the spectra
Diatomic effects of isotopes?
Isotopic substitution does not affect electronic binding, and therefore inter-nuclear distance, r unchanged,
change in mass –> change in I
It is the reduced mass that is affected by isotopic substitution
Assumption we have made in rotational spectroscopy?
We have assumed a rigid rotor – chemical bonds are not rigid, this modifies the energy, Bond lengths get slightly longer as J increases, separation between peaks decreases – B isn’t a constant, also not all molecules are diatomic
How is rotational energy quantised in microwave rotational spectroscopy?
EJ = BJ(J+1) for a rigid diatomic rotor
Selection rules for microwave rotational spectroscopy?
Selection rules: permanent dipole in molecule change in J ±1
Rotational spectra correspond to?
Rotational spectra correspond to microwave radiation, recorded in gas phase
What does analysis of spectrum allow?
Analysis of the spectrum allows very accurate measurement of bond lengths and/or identification of species
Important point of a rotational spectrum?
The absorption’s occur at wavenumber up to approximately 100cm-1, there is a number of sharp absorption’s that occur at regular equally space intervals the line intensities start off small get larger as the energy increases by then pass through a maximum before retuning to very small
Populations of rotational energy levels?
The energy difference is much less than KbT so the population ratio for these levels is determined largely by the ratio of degeneracies although the degeneracy of the level increases as J increases the value of the change in energy also increases and eventually becomes greater than KbT. Because of the two opposing factors the ratio of the populations of adjacent levels becomes less than 1 at high values of J
Why are the peaks equally space in microwave spectra?
Energy is only absorbed when it exactly matches the difference between energy levels, absolutions occur at values of 2hB, 4hB, 6hB and 8hB and so on the rotational spectrum therefore has a series of regularly spaced lines, the energy difference between successive lines is always 2hB
Non rigid rotors?
As the energy increases the molecule rotates fast and the bond lengths get slightly longer this is known as centrifugal disruption to account for this an additional term is added to the equation to described the energy of the rotating diatomic molecule more accurately, the effect of centrifugal distortion in the spectrum is that the spacing between the lines gets smaller as J increases, high accuracy measurements of bond lengths need to incorporate this effect but for most purposes treating molecules as rigid rotors is sufficient
Why do measurements normally take place in the gas phase?
Since in a solid molecules are not free to rotate and in a liquid or solution collisions occur too frequently for molecules to rotate freely enough to give rise to spectra
What is the importance of J in microwave spectroscopy?
J is the rotational quantum number and can make any value from 0 to infinity, EJ is the energy of the Jth level, the lowest energy has J=0 and molecules in this level have zero rotational energy EJ = 0, the next lowest energy level has J=1 and so on. The wave function for J=0 has the same shape as the s orbitals of the hydrogen atom and so is the same in all directions, there are three wave functions for J=1 so the J=1 level is triply degenerate analogous to the three p orbitals of the hydrogen atom, the J=2 level has a degeneracy of 5, analogous of 5d orbitals, in general the degeneracy of level J is (2J + 1)