Rosh 5 Flashcards
Target temperature when cooling someone with heat stroke?
Criteria for simple febrile seizure?
- Age 6 mo to 5 years
- only 1 sz in 24 hours
- non-focal
- normal neuro exam
How is malrotation diagnosed?
Upper GI series
When is surgery indicated in hyphema?
When IOP is uncontrolled
- > 25 after 24 hours in sickle patients
- > 50 for 6 days in healthy patients
*Also pediatric its with grade 4
Tx of septic joint in sickle cell patient?
Vanc + Cipro for better coverage of salmonella
PNA tx for cystic fibrosis pt?
-Vanc, Zosyn + amino glycoside for double pseudomonas coverage
Clinical presentation TTP?
- fever, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, neuro sx, renal failure
- PLEX + steroids
diagnosis in anemic patient with low MCV and target cells?
Beta thalassemia
Nerve commonly injured in peri-lunate dislocation?
What nerve often gets injured with anterior knee dislocation?
What deficits do you get?
- Common Peroneal
- Impaired dorsiflexion
- sensory: Lateral lower leg, dorm of foot sparing lateral aspect
Which STEMI typically causes Papillary muscle rupture?
Inferior (STE in II, III, aVF)
How long after ingestion Acetaminophen should a level be checked?
4 hours
What dose of Tylenol is thought to = toxic dose?
150 mg/Kg
What meds can cause an increase in lithium concentration?
Diuretics, particularly thiazides.
Lithium excreted Renally
Indications for HD in lithium OD?
- level > 5
- level > 4 with any renal dysfunction
- seizure
- dysrythmia
Most reliable lab abnormality in heat stroke?
Elevated AST/ALT
When should a febrile neonate receive acyclovir?
- ill appearing
- mucocutaneous vesicles
- maternal hx of genital herpes
- seizures
60 mg/kg/day divided TID
Fracture of what carpal bone is associated with ulnar nerve injury?
What factors increase risk of non-union in clavicle fractures?
- elderly
- high risk mechanism
- female
- medial 1/3
- severely comminuted > 2 cm
- severely displaced > 100%
*n/v compromise, skin tenting, open fx = ortho consult
Slow A-fib = think patients with _____?
Hypothyroid (myxedema coma)
Mgmt post-strep glomerulonephritis
Lasix if edemetous
Polycythemia Vera treatment?
Hydroxyurea, aspirin, phlebotomy
Most common brain mass in kids?
- solid appearing, homogenous, midline posterior fossa mass
- HA, n/v, ataxia, CN6 palsy
Features of astrocytoma in kids?
- cystic appearing
- rim enhancement with central necrosis