Rosemount 3051 - Transmitter Specifications Flashcards
Where would go to you find information about all that is included in the reference manual?
Table of contents p. V (5)
What is the section at the back of the reference manual that lists the location of items in alphabetical order?
Index p.207 (217)
What section of the reference manual would you go to find a brief description on what each section is about?
Section 1. Introduction p.1(11)
What is the purpose of this manual in general?
To provide information on installing, operating, and maintaining the
Rosemount 3051. P.1(11)
Where would you find if there is a 24 hour customer service toll free number that you can use to get any information about the products described in the reference manual?
1.2 Service Support p.1(11) Note for technical support to contact the local sales centre (Spartan Controls in Alberta)
Can I use this manual to find information about the Rosemount 3051 with Foundation Fieldbus?
For Rosemount 3051 with FOUNDATIONTM fieldbus, see Rosemount Product Manual
00809-0100-4774. p. 3(13)
Referring to Figure 1-1 Block Diagram of Operation where is the “Rerange” function of the
transmitter located?
Electronics Board (Microcomputer) p.4(14)
If the transmitter is to be used for a draft range pressure transmitter (very low pressure application) what may be the effect of tilting the transmitter?
Be sure the transmitter is securely mounted. Tilting of the transmitter may cause a zero shift in the transmitter output. P.7(17)
What position is the transmitter calibrated for at the factory?
Most transmitters are calibrated in the horizontal position. Mounting the transmitter in any other position will shift the zero point to the equivalent amount of liquid head pressure caused by the varied mounting position. To reset zero point, refer to “Sensor Trim” P.10(20)
What does the procedure, Zero Trim compensate for?
Zero trim is a single-point offset adjustment. It is useful for compensating for mounting position effects and is most effective when performed with the transmitter installed in its final mounting position. P.81(91)
What will the Recall Factory Trim command allow for?
The Recall Factory Trim—Sensor Trim command allows the restoration of the as-shipped factory settings of the sensor trim. P.84(94)
Under Section 2 Installation, General Considerations there is mention of a plug that is to be installed in unused conduit openings on the transmitter, what is the minimum number of threads that are to be engaged for this plug?
Important Install the enclosed pipe plug (found in the box) in unused conduit opening with a minimum of five threads engaged to comply with explosion-proof requirements. P.7(17)
What is the location of the impulse (sensing line) taps and transmitter mounting position for Liquid, Gas and Steam Flow applications?
Liquid flow measurement - Place taps to the side of the line
Gas flow measurement - Place taps in the top or side of the line.
Steam flow measurement -Place taps to the side of the line. P.15(25)
Where would you go to find guidelines to determine transmitter location and placement of Impulse Piping?
Section 2.82 Impulse Piping P.14(24)
If you are wish to send and write any configuration changes to the transmitter what position would the Security Jumper have to be set to?
Set to OFF “If the transmitter write protection jumper is in the “ON” position, the transmitter will not accept any “writes” to its memory.” P.20(30)
What wiring gives the best results for the transmitter and what would be the maximum distance run length of wires?
2.9.2 Wiring Use shielded twisted pairs to yield best results. To ensure proper communication, use 24 AWG or larger wire, and do not exceed 5000 feet (1500 meters).p 23(33)
What is the minimum loop resistance required to communicate with a HART Communicator for this family of transmitter?
A minimum loop resistance of 250 ohms is required to communicate with a Field Communicator. P.25(35)
Where would you go to find what are the Hazardous Locations Certificates for this line of transmitters?
B.5 Hazardous locations certifications p.177(187)
What does the term Commissioning refer to?
3.3 Commissioning “Commissioning consists of testing the transmitter and verifying transmitter configuration data” p.40 (50)
When will the HART Communicator prompt you to set the loop to manual?
3.3.1 Setting the loop to manual “Whenever sending or requesting data that would disrupt the loop or change the output of the transmitter, set the process application loop to manual. P.40(50)
What table in the manual indicates the basic configuration parameters that should be verified as part of the configuration and start-up procedures for a 3051 traditional 4-20mA transmitter?
Table 3-1 3051 Traditional fast key sequence p.48 (58)
Using the table mentioned in the previous question what are the Fast Key Sequence values to check/change the SET Output (Transfer Function) from Linear (pressure/level applications) to Square Root (flow applications) for a 3051 traditional 4-20mA transmitter?
Transfer Function (Setting Output Type) 1, 3, 5 p. 49 (59)
What does Damping (Damp) command do to the transmitter output readings?
3.9.4 Damping The “Damp” command introduces a delay in the micro-processing which increases the response time of the transmitter; smoothing variations in output readings caused by rapid input changes. P.57 (67)
Using the sample calculation for a standard 3051C in the manual what is the required calibration frequency?
52 months p.75 (85)
If the transmitter is not communicating with the HART communicator what are the corrective actions that you could take according to Table 5.1 Trouble Shooting Table?
Verify the output is between 4 and 20 mA or saturation levels
Verify terminal voltage is 10.5 to 42.4 Vdc
Verify clean DC Power to transmitter (Max AC noise 0.2 volts peak to peak)
Check loop resistance, 250 ohms minimum (PS voltage -transmitter voltage/loop current)
Have Field Communicator poll for all addresses p.91 (101)
if you have a Model 3051CD with a range code of 2 what, in inches of H2O, is the minimum span, Upper Range Limit (URL) and Lower Range Limit (LRL) that this transmitter will operate at?
Table A-1 Min span = 2.5 inH20, URL= 250 inH2O p.108 (118)
Table A-2 LRL= -250 inH2O p.109 (119)
If you have a 3051CD transmitter with a Silicone Fill Sensor and Coplanar Flange what is the process temperature limits this transmitter can operate at?
Table A-5 –40 to 250 °F (–40 to 121 °C)(2)
According to drawing Number 03031-1024, sheet 3 of 9, what is the maximum supply voltage allowed for a CSA approved safety barrier for a 3051 transmitter with a 4-20 mA output in a Class I, Division 1, Groups C & D hazardous location?
3o v or less p.199 (209)
Coplanar is a trademark of what company?
“Coplanar is a trademark of Rosemount Inc.” Back Cover p(222)