Ros/DoM Plan Quotes Flashcards
“Nevermind my bruises…”
“Never mind my bruises, Hug me, kiss me, suck my juices Squeezed from goblin fruits for you” - religion sacrifice
“Maul’d …”
“Maul’d and mock’d her, Lizzie uttered not a word”- religion sacrifice
“Her days are practised in…”
“Her days are practised in such noble virtue That sure her nights… Are more in heaven than other ladies’ shrifts”- Duchess virtuous
“In silver…
“In silver leaves and fleur-de-lys”- Virgin Mary
“Smile Thou…”
“Smile Thou and I shall sing, But shall not question much”- submission to God
“Where he is jealous…”
“Where he is jealous of any man he lays worse plots for them than ever was imposed on Hercules”- Cardinal sinful
“I have taken you off…”
“I have taken you off your melancholy perch, Bore you upon my fist, and showed you game”- desire sinful
“Not a body…”
“Not a body and not a soul: Not so much as a grain of dust”- comfort in death
“I shall not …”
“I shall not see the shadows”- comfort in afterlife
“Who would be afraid on’t…
“Who would be afraid on’t, Knowing to meet such excellent company In th’other world?”- comfort in afterlife
“Her hair…”
“Her hair grew thin and grey”- sin deterioration
“I’ll go hunt…”
“I’ll go hunt the badger by owl-light, ‘Tis a deed of darkness”- lycanthropy
“Gnash’d her teeth in baulked desire”- desire unfulfilled
“I have desired…”
“I have desired, and I have been desired, but now the days are over of desire”- desire unfulfillable.
“I go I know…”
“I go I know not whither”- afterlife uncertain
“Now from my heart…”
“Now from my heart, Love’s deathbed trickles, trickles”- heart losing passion
“Women like that part…
“Women like that part, which, like the lamprey, hath ne’er a bone in’t”- women sexual
“the howling ….
“the howling of a wolf”- lycanthropy
“I am Duchess…
“I am Duchess of Malfi still”- powerful
“Heaven gates are…
“Heaven gates are not so highly arched as prince’s palaces”- harder to get into heaven
“She suck’d until…”
“She suck’d until her lips were sore; then flung the emptied rinds away”- pursuing desire
“Yet my mouth…
“Yet my mouth waters still”- unfulfilled
“Lay a naked sword…”
“Lay a naked sword between us, keep us chaste”- desire
“We are forc’d to woo,…
“We are forc’d to woo, because non dare woo us”- pursues desire
“The marriage night…”
“The marriage night is the entering into some prison”- pursuing desire bad
“How doth our sister…”
“How doth our sister Duchess bear herself in her imprisonment?”- imprisoned for pursuing desire
“I wish and…”
“I wish and I wish I were a man”- want to be powerful
“I never said…”
“I never said I loved you, John”- defiant
“It’s a weary life…”
“It’s a weary life, it is, she said, Doubly blank in a woman’s lot”- unfairness
“Diamonds are of most value…”
“Diamonds are of most value, they say, that have passed through most jewellers hands”- powerful
“I did vow never to…”
“I did vow never to part with it, But to my second husband”- witty, powerful
“Why will you…”
“Why will you haunt me?”- obsession
“They sounded…”
“They sounded kind and full of loves”- manipulation
“You know already…”
“You know already what man is”- sexually obsessed
“That day we waded…”
“That day we waded ankle-deep for lilies in the beck”- sinful
““There is a kind of honeydew…”
“There is a kind of honeydew that’s deadly: ‘Twill poison your fame Look to’t. Be not cunning”- reputation/ shame
“old anchorite…”
“old anchorite for devotion”- pursuing devotion
“I tell my secret?…”
“I tell my secret? No indeed, not I”- powerful
“Not as much…”
“Not as much as a grain of dust”- rather be dead
“Let me have some…”
“Let me have some buds to cheer my outcast state. He answered not.”- desperate for power
“Come violent death”- death over powerlessness
“Pale young wife”- powerless
“Close the pistol…”
“Close the pistol to her brow, God forgive them this!”- powerless
“The door was …”
“The door was shut. I looked between Its iron bars”- powerlessness
“I account this world …”
“I account this world a tedious theatre, For I do play a part in’t ‘gainst my will.”- powerlessness
“You took my heart in…”
“You took my heart in your hand…With a critical eye you scanned it”- trusting/ powerless
“You are very cold…”
You are very cold. I fear you are not well after your travel”- trusting
“For I account it…
“For I account it the honourablest revenge”- leading to despair
“She’s plagued…”
“She’s plagued with art”- leading to despair
“Maude Clare was…”
“Maude Clare was like a queen”- isolation
“I sit here quite…”
“I sit here quite alone Blinded by tears”- despair
“Now dust an embers mock…”
“Now dust an embers mock my fire; Where was the hire for which my life was hired?”- purposeless
“Where thirsting longing eyes…”
“Where thirsting longing eyes Watch the slow door That opening, letting in, lets out no more”- desparation
“Oh vanity…”
“Oh vanity of vanities, desire!”- love vain
“Twas just like one…”
Twas just like one that hath a little fingering on the lute yet cannot tune it”- sexual
“’This was my…”
“’This was my fathers poniard”- Phallic symbol
“Do you remember Jeanie,….
“Do you remember Jeanie, How she met them in the moonlight” Death better than powerlessness
“While to this day no…”
“While to this day no grass will grow Where she lies low”- powerlessness
“Now let Thy judgement…
“Now let Thy judgement stand- yea, judge me now”-devotion keeps her from suicide
“a woman’s words…
“a woman’s words are weak”- powerless
“Portia, I ‘ll new kindle thy coals again…”
“Portia, I ‘ll new kindle thy coals again, And revive the rare and almost dead example Of a loving wife.”- suicide
“you tell me of…”
“you tell me of the future that you plann’d”- control
“your darkest actions…”
“your darkest actions - nay, your privatest thoughts - will come to light”- lack of control
“O dream how sweet…”
“O dream how sweet, too sweet, too bitter sweet”- womans sexuality limited
“I dare say Meg or Moll…”
“I dare say Meg or Moll would take pity upon you, if you’d ask” Men unvirtuous
“Thy curiosity Hath…
“Thy curiosity Hath undone thee- thou’rt poisoned with that book.”- desire sinful
“Marry? They are most …
“Marry? They are most luxurious, Will wed twice”- marriage twice sinful, control
“Virtually everything [Rossetti] …
“Virtually everything [Rossetti] writes is to be understood in a religious context” Simon Humphries
The Cardinal “can …”
The Cardinal “can toss off his religious vocation as easily as he can remove his cardinal’s robes” Leah Marcus
“She is a religious poet…
“She is a religious poet, but much of her work is driven by uncertainty” Humphries
“As Ferdinand descends into lycanthropy…
“As Ferdinand descends into lycanthropy…he takes on subhuman attitudes that Protestant culture associated with Catholic spiritual predation” Leah Marcus
“Rossetti had passionate sexual feelings…
“Rossetti had passionate sexual feelings awakened by her love affair with Collinson that were denied any output.” Kathleen Jones
“Rossetti deliberately sets her…”
“Rossetti deliberately sets her sights on another world…, where death equals life” Rosenblum
“It reflects a profound fear..”
“It reflects a profound fear of female sexuality and its potential consequences” Harrison
“Of course theirs is…”
“Of course theirs is…a marriage that began with the woman on top” Theodore Leinwand
“Rossetti’s poetry succeeds…”
“Rossetti’s poetry succeeds… “because she is trying to make a woman’s voice thunder like a man’s” Arthur Waugh
“Rossetti uses the symbol of the dead woman…”
“Rossetti uses the symbol of the dead woman to ‘reverse the paradox’: ‘the dead woman really lives; the powerless woman, like an immobile soul, has power” Alexander Welsh
“The nature of …”
“The nature of female rule is unnatural” John Knox
“Marriage could mean…”
“Marriage could mean silence. But Christina Rossetti was not silenced” A&C Belsey
“Christina Rossetti fascinates…”
“Christina Rossetti fascinates because she is an enigmatic figure, in life and in literature” Kathleen Jones
“The play insists that one can…”
“The play insists that one can never be too sure about other people’s intentions” Frances E Dolan
“The Duchess’s misery is… also a profound…”
“The Duchess’s misery is … also a profound internal agony, rooted in her awareness of the inescapable isolation of her position as both a woman and a ruler.” Peter A Womack
“Her poetic voice often…”
“Her poetic voice often reflects a resignation to unfulfilled longing” Isobel Armstrong
“The Duchess is reduced…”
“The Duchess is reduced to the stereotype of a penitent whore” Lisa Jardine
“The Duchess of Malfi… steps out of the path of…”
“The Duchess of Malfi… steps out of the path of duty and marries for lust” Lisa Jardine
“In the end, Rossetti’s love for God…”
“In the end, Rossetti’s love for God always trumps the love another person” Bocher
“The brothers may be justified in taking an interest in their sister’s marital affairs…”
“The brothers may be justified in taking an interest in their sister’s marital affairs, but it is rather difficult to see how they can be justified in their inordinate interest in her sexual being as well” Jankowski
Rossetti “accepts the burden of womanhood…”
Rossetti “accepts the burden of womanhood and paints herself as a poet who belongs nowhere” Rosenblum
“[Women] became an object of commerce…”
“[Women] became an object of commerce who- passed from father to husband- sealed a bargain of greater or lesser economic significance” Jankowski
“Rossetti stages textural death in order to…”
“Rossetti stages textural death in order to dramatise the plight of female writers” Alfano
“In… The Duchess of Malfi characters are highly conscious of…”
“In… The Duchess of Malfi characters are highly conscious of life after death, and in particular of the heavenly judgement that awaits them.” Marche
“Women write about death as…”
“Women write about death as a metaphor for their own cultural powerlessness” Gilbert
“The education of women [in the Renaissance period] meant that they became more…”
“The education of women [in the Renaissance period] meant that they became more conscious of their inherent free will, but convention prevented them from exercising it.” Barbara Banks Amendola
“Christina was by nature rebellious, passionate ….”
“Christina was by nature rebellious, passionate and spontaneous, and these qualities did not fit very well with Victorian notions of female meekness and submission.” Jones