Romeo and juliet quotes theme Flashcards
Love (confused) 1.5 Juliet
“my only love sprung from my only hate”
Love (confused) 3.2 Juliet
“o seperent heart, hid with a flowering face”
romantic Love 2.2 Romeo
“with love’s light wings did i o’ererch these walls”
romantic love 2.2 Juliet
“my bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep”
practical love 2.2 Juliet
“o swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon
practicle love 1.4 mercutio
“if love be rough with you be rough with it”
possesive love 5.2 Juliet
“i have brought the mansion of a love but not possessed it”
aggression 1.1 Tybalt
“peace? i hate the word, as i hate hell all montagues and thee”
aggression 3.1 Tybalt
“Boy this shall not excuse the injeries that thou hast done me”
keeping peace 1.1 Benvolio
i do but keep the peace put up thy sword or manage it to part these men with me
keeping peace 1.5 Capulet
be patient, take no note of him…make a mutiny among my guests
keeping peace 3.1 Benvolio
i pray thee, good mercutio let’s retire…these hot days is the mad blood stirring
keeping peace 3.1 Romeo
villain am i none
family 1.3 nurse
what lamb! what ladybird
family 1.3 Juliet
madam, i am here
family 2.5 Juliet
sweet, sweeet, sweet nurse
family 1.3 LC
nurse give me a while…Nurse come back
family 3.5 LC
talk not to me, for i’ll not speak a word. Do what thou wilt, for i have done with thee
family 1.2 Capulet
she’s the hopeful lady of my earth
family 3.4 Capulet
i think she will be ruled in all respects by me
family 3.5 Capulet
hang thee, young baggage, disobedient wretch
fate 3.1 Romeo
o i am fortune’s fool
fate 5.1 Romeo
then i defy you, stars!
fate 3.5 Mercutio
dreamers often lie
fate 5.3 Friar
unhappy fortune
foreshadowing 1.1 Proluge
a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life
fore shadowing 1.5 Juliet
if he be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed
foreshadowing 3.5 LC
i would the fool were married to her grave
foreshadowing 5.1 Romeo
i dreamt my lady come and found me dead, but breather such life with kisses in my lips, that i revived and was an emperor
Light imagery 1.5 Romeo
o, she doth teach the tourches to burn bright
Light imagery 2.2 Romeo
it is the east and juliet is the sun
Light imagery 3.2 Juliet
Give me my Romeo. And when i shall die, Take hima dn cut him out in little stars and he will make the face of heaven so fine
Light imagery 3.2 juliet
if love be blind, it bests agrees with night
Light imagery 3.5 Romeo
more light and light more dark and dark our woes
Light imagery 5.3 Romeo
For here lies juliet and her beauty makes this vault a feasting presence full of light