Romeo And Juliet Exam Flashcards
Flat character
A character that embodies a single personality trait
Round character
A character that embodies many personality traits. They are similar to a “real” person
A character who sets off another character by contrast
A play where the central character meets with great misfortune or disaster
Tragic hero
The main character of a drama that meets his end by either fate, character flaw, or a combination of the two. The hero is typically a character that the audience roots for making the utimely ending all the more sorrowful
Dramatic irony
A contrast between what the audience perceives and what a character does NOT know
A speech in which a character is alone on stage and expresses thoughts out loud
A long, uninterrupted speech presented in front of other characters
Words spoken by a character in a play, usually un an undertone and not intended to be heard by the other characters
Iambic pentameter
Five verse feet with each foot an iamb (a total of ten syllables)
Text aids
Explanations of descriptions in a play
What event does the Prologue foreshadow?
Romeo and Juliet’s deaths, the two families making peace
In Act 1, what message does the Prince give to Capulet and Montague?
No fighting or you’ll be put to death
Why does Romeo agree with Benvolio’s plan to go to the Capulet party?
Because Rosaline will be there
What does Friar Lawrence show avout himself in agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet?
He’s showing that he’s doing it for the long term effects in hopes of making peace with the two families
What makes Romeo’s love for Juliet different from his love for Rosaline?
Romeo’s love for Rosaline was unrequited. His love for Juliet was instantly and completely returned
What did Tybalt do that motivated Romeo to kill him?
Tybalt killed Mercutio. Mercutio was Romeo’s only good friend and he was enraged by his death. Romeo felt guilty too because he kind of caused Tybalt to be able to kill Mercutio
Why is Capulet so upset by Juliet’s refusal to marry Paris
He considers Paris to be a good match for her
Why does Juliet go to Friar Lawrence’s cell at the end of Act III?
She is trying to find a way out of having to marry Paris when she is already married to Romeo. Juliet asks for Friar Lawrences advice
What is Act IV mainly about?
The marriage of Juliet and Paris and the “death” of Juliet
How does Capulet respond when Juliet tells him she will marry Paris?
He is relieved and reschedules the wedding to the next morning
The use of hints or clues in a narrative to suggest what action is to come
What are some fears Julirt has about the potion?
- It may not work and she will have to get married
- What if the Friar mixed the potion to kill her
- What if she is put in the tomb, and wakes up before Romeo comes to save her & she suffocates in the tomb
- If she goes crazy from being in the tombs with her ancestors’ bones
What causes Friar Lawrence’s important message to go astray?
Friar Lawrence gave the message to Friar John to deliver. John went to find somebody to accompany him. But he was in the city visiting the sick. When John found him, the town health officials suspected they were both in a house that had been hit with the plague. They quarantined the house. John couldnt go to Mantua because he was stuck there
Why does Romeo decide to poison himself after he learns of Juliets death?
He has lost his interest in living
What causes Friar Lawrence to go to the churchyard?
His message to Romeo was not delivered, he has to assir Juliet when she wakes
What does Romeo notice when he gazes upon Juliet in the tomb?
That here cheeks are rosey, her lips are warm, and she doesnt look dead
The house of Montague
- Lord and Lady Capulet
- Romeo
- Benvolio - Romeo’s cousin
- Balthasar - Romeos serving man
- Abraham - Montagues serving man
- Rosaline
- Mercutio
The house of Capulet
- Lord and Lady Capulet
- Juliet
- Nurse
- Tybalt - Juliets cousin
- Samson, Gregory, Peter - serving men
- Paris
Neutral characters
- Friar Lawrence
- The Apothecary
- Prince Escalus
- The Chorus
Which character first persuades Romeo to attend the Capulets feast?
To what does Romeo first compare Julirt during the balcony scene?
The morning sun
Who proposes that a gold statue of Juliet be built in Verona?
To which powerful figure is Paris related?
On what day do Romeo and Juliet meet?
What term does Chorus use to describe Romeo and Juliet
Why does Tybalt first challenge Romeo to a duel?
He is offended that Roneo bites his thumb at him
How would the Capulets and Montagues describe the theme of Romeo and Juliet?
Hatred between two famikies can rob people of what they hold dearest
By comparing Paris to a book, Lady Capulet encourages Juliet to
Study all his features carefully
Why does the Apothecary agree to sell Romeo the poison?
He is poor and needs money
Who does Romeo kill outside the Capulet tomb?
Who first discovers Romeo’s dead body?
Friar Lawrence
“Her body sleeps in Capel’s monument,/And her immortal part with angels lives.”
Balthasae - he is giving a false report of juliets death
“Death, that hath suck’d the honey of thy breath,/ Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty.”
Romeo - Juliet looks beautiful dead
“See what a scourge is laid upon your hate,/ That heavan finds means to kill your joys with love…”
Escalus - Romeo and Jukiet killed each other because of their families hate for their love for eachother
What knowledge or revelation springs from the suffering of the characters?
The families are responsible for the deaths because they allowed the feud to continue
Why is the peace at the end of the play a “glooming” or gloomy peace?
Because for the families to make peace so many people died
Act II is mainly about
Romeo and Juliets decision to get married
What problems does Juliet envision growing out her love for romeo?
Her family will kill him
Who truthfully tells the Prince who was involved in both fights which take place in Veronas public square
Who kills Mercutio
Who said “a plague to both your houses”?
Who does Juliet turn to for advice and help with the problem of having to marry Paris?
The Nurse and the Friar
What is Juliets inner conflict once she realizes that Roneo killed Tybalt in order to save himself?
Romeo will get punished
When Juliet returns from seeing Friar Lawrence, why does Lord Capulet think Jukiet has consented to marry Paris?
Because she begs forgiveness from him
Causing great injury or ruin
Injustice; complaint
Wrongdoing; sin
Those who hold to a belief opposed to the established teachings of a church
Cleverness; slyness
To get or obtain
Worthless; cheap
Having dominating influence over others
The act of pleading on behalf of another
Of a sickly, pale-yellowish complexion
One who changes or is unsteady
Distressing; sad
Awkward; clumsy
- Montagues & Capulets fight. Prince breaks it up
- Romeo loves Rosaline
- Capulet & Paris talk about marrying Juliet
- Capulet party, Romeo falls in love with Juliet
- Balcony
- Romeo goes to Friar about marrying Juliet
- Nurse delivers message to Juliet
- Married
- Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo kills Tybalt
- Romeo banished
- Nurse brings Romeo to Juliet
- Juliet will marry Paris on Thursday
- Romeo leaves for Mantua
- Paris talks to Friar
- Juliet talks to Friar about avoiding marriage
- Capulet changes wedding to Wednesday
- Juliet takes potion
Juliet is discovered “dead”
- Romeo learns that Juliet is “dead”
- Romeo kills Paris then himself
- Juliet wakes up and kills herself
- Fams make peace