Romeo And Juliet Flashcards
What does arbitrate mean
Reach an authoritative judgment or settlement
Elements of a Shakespearean tragedy
Five acts, Act III is always the climax, written in blank verse, make frequent use of iambic pentameter
What does amble mean
Walk or move at a slow relaxed rate
What does sententious mean
Full of meaning or wisdom
What does jocund mean
Cheerful and lighthearted
What does rote mean
Repetition of something to be learned
What does misadventure mean
An unfortunate event or mishap
What does dank mean
Disagreeably idark musty and typically cold
What does penury mean
Extreme poverty
What does peruse mean
Examine carefully at length
What does presage mean
A sign or warning that something will happen
What does carrion mean
The decaying dead flesh of animals
What does sunder mean
Split apart
What does conspire mean
Make secret plans jointly to commit a harmful or unlawful act
What does baleful mean
Threatening harm or menacing
Having a harmful or destructive effect
What does minion mean
A follower or underling of a powerful person
What does propagate mean
To multiply
What does dirge mean
A mournful song or piece of music
What does conduit mean
I channel for conveying water or other fluid
What does impute mean
Present as being caused done or possessed by someone
What does scurvy mean
A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C
What are three themes of Romeo and Juliet
The consequences of forbidden love, the clashes of values (young and old), the relationship between fate and free will