Romanticism Flashcards
Evelina, The Wanderer, Cecilia (1782) and Camilla (1796) are works by?
Frances/Fanny Burney
Lake Poets?
- Wordsworth
- Coleridge
- Southey
Cockney School
- Hunt
* Keats
Satanic school
• Shelley, Byron and their ‘group’
The Mirror and the Lamp (New York 1953), Natural Supernaturalism (New York 1971)
M. H. Abrams
The Common Reader is an essay by?
Virginia Wolf
The Madwoman in the Attic is a Book by
Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar
Which novel portrays the characters - Fanny Price, Henry Crawford, Edmund and Thomas Burtram, Aunt Norris?
Mansfield Park (1814)
Which novel portrays the characters - Catherine Morland, James Morland, Henry Tilney, John Thorpe, Mr and Mrs Allen?
Northanger Abbey
Name the epistolary novel written by Jane Austen?
Lady Susan
Which novel is set in the fictional country village of Highbury?
Emma by Jane Austen
Which of the Jane Austen Novels is said to be a criticism of gothic genre of fiction?
Northanger Abbey
The Magic Toyshop is a novel by?
Angela Carter
Frank Churchill, Mr Fairfax, Harriet are characters in which Jane Austen novel?
Which novel of Jane Austen was Published posthumously in 1818?
Anne Elliot is the central character in Jane Austen’s which novel?
Of which novel did Virginia Wolf say that it was extraordinarily fine and extraordinarily boring?
Jane Austen’s last incomplete work before death?
Waverley novels are attributed to?
Walter Scott
silver-fork novels, were a 19th-century genre of English literature that depicted the lives of the upper class and the aristocracy. Who coined the term ‘silver fork’?
William Hazlitt
Mr Pancks is a character in which Dickens’s novel?
Little Dorrit
Castle Rackrent, The Parent’s Assistant, Practical education, Belinda, Helen, The purple Jar are works by?
Mary Edgeworth
The life of Lord Byron was the biography written by?
John Galt
Who is known with the soubriquet of ‘Scottish Jane Austen’?
Susan Ferrier
A simple Story is written by?
Elizabeth Inchbald
The Old Manor House is written by?
Charlotte Smith
The Age of Reason, The Rights of Man, Common Sense, The American Crisis are all written works of?
Thomas Paine
The Nemesis of Faith is a Novel by
James Anthony Froude
Enquiry and Caleb Williams are works by?
William Godwin (QAlso Mary Wollstonecraft’s husband)
Vindications of the Rights of Woman was published in?
“A Red, Red Rose”, “A Man’s a Man for A’ That”, “To a Louse”, “To a Mouse”, “The Battle of Sherramuir”, “Tam o’ Shanter” and “Ae Fond Kiss” are poems/songs by?
Robert Burns
The Book of Thel, Tiriel are Poems by?
William Blake
Who claims that John Milton was a true poet and his epic poem Paradise Lost was “of the Devil’s party without knowing it.” He also claims that Milton’s Satan was truly his Messiah.
William Blake
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The Book of Urizen, Book of Ahania were written/sketched by?
William Blake
Which poem has a female character Oothoon, called the “soft soul of America”?
Visions of the Daughters of Albion by William Blake
Name the books that form The continental prophecies by William Blake
America, Europe and The Song of Los (Africa and Asia).
Name the books that form the prophetic books by William Blake
Vala (1797, rewritten with the title Th Four Zoas), Milton
and Jerusalem
Songs of Innocence and of Experience is a notable work by?
William Blake
Which poem could be found in the preface to William Blake’s epic ‘Milton: A Poem in Two Books’?
And did those feet in ancient time
Preface to the Lyrical Ballads was written by
What is egotistical sublime?
A phrase coined by Keats to describe his version of Wordsworth’s distinctive genius.
The poems - An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches by Wordsworth are in what form of poetry?
Heroic couplets
The borderers by Wordsworth is a book based on?
King Lear
Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems, is a collection of poems by?
William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey is the last poem in the collection of poetry called?
Lyrical Ballads
Who defined Poetry as the ‘spontaneous overflowing of powerful feelings?
William Wordsworth
‘Th Ancient Mariner’, is a poem by?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
‘Ode to Duty’, The White Doe of Rylstone, Th Ruined Cottage, The Excursion are poems by?
Name the four characters in the Prelude by Wordsworth
First - the poet himself
second - the Wanderer
third -the Solitary (he has lost his wife, and lives alone, far from all human contact)
fourth - the Pastor
When was the Prelude (intro to The Recluse) published
1850 (three months after Wordsworth’s death)
The prelude was published in how many books?
“Ozymandias” (1818), “Ode to the West Wind” (1819), “To a Skylark” (1820), “The Mask of Anarchy” (1819), The Cenci (1819), Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude (1815), Julian and Maddalo (1819), Adonais (1821), Prometheus Unbound (1820), Hellas (1822), and final, unfinished work, The Triumph of Life (1822) are works by?
P B Shelley