Romantic Poetry Flashcards
Describe the era before Romantic Poetry
Milton. Lines were “high english”, iambic pentameter, usually very hard and unrelatable.
Romantic Period began and ended…
Began in 1798 with Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads. The Romantic Period ended in 1850 with the death of Wordsworth.
What events in the time period inspired Romantic Poetry?
The American, the French, and the Industrial Revolution.
Spent most of his childhood exploring country side. Visited France during the Revolution. Befriended Coleridge and worked with him. Brother and two Children died. Was made poet laureate at age 73. Died in 1850.
William Wordsworth.
Was a surgeon’s apprentice, but then decided… nah
John Keats
Besties with Wordsworth. Brilliant student who originally went to Cambridge. Joined the army for a while. Dreamed of cult perfect society in America. Started using opium copiously. Later became a public lecturer, and a writer for newspapers and magazines
Samuel Coleridge
Wrote a pamphlet called The Necessity of Atheism. Fell in love with Mary Wollstonecraft while he was married. Became buds with Lord Byron. Denied custody of his two kids. Left to Italy with Mary
Percy Shelley
Uncle died and he inherited an estate. Wrote poems about countries he visited. Involved in several love affairs. Befriended Shelley and lived in Pisa with him. Travelled to Greece to fight for independence from Turkey. Regarded as a national hero in Greece later
Lord Byron
Wrote: Lyrical Ballads, Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud, Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known, The World Is Too Much with Us, Ode: Intimations of Immortality.
William Wordsworth
Wrote: Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to a Grecian Urn, Ode on Melancholy
John Keats
Wrote: This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison, The Rime of The Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan
Samuel Coleridge
Wrote: Ozymandias, Sonnet: England in 1819, Ode to West Wind, Ode To a Skylark, To a Dirge
Percy Shelley
Wrote: She Walks in Beauty, Darkness, Apostrophe to the Ocean.
Lord Byron.
5 elements of a Romantic Poem
Poet as subject Non artificial Style Nature and Poet Imagination Transcendentalism
Poet as subject
a romantic poem is usually in first person and the poet is the subject
Nonartificial Style
a romantic poem is accessible and understandable by all: common subject and language. Poems sound spontaneous and powerfully emotional
Nature and Poet
nature is subject in most romantic poetry. Poet is isolated and reflective with a free imagination
Use of all faculties of the brain to create an experience more real than actual ones
Experience outside of human perception that we can tap into at times. Imagination is used to transcend into a mindset similar to when we were kids: wonder, magic all that jazz.