Romania Flashcards
When was the fall of communism in Romania?
- Beginning of shift from quantity, poorer quality, frost- and disease-resistance hybrids from huge co-ops that had been the trend since WWll to privatized industry focused on quality

What are the most cultivated grapes in Romania?
- Feteasca Alba
- Feteasca Regala

(indigenous white grapes)
- Plus Riesling Italico (Welschriesling), Chard, Sauv Blanc, Muscat Ottonel and Pinot Gris w/ significant acreage
- Domestic preference for whites, however increase in international Cab Sauv, Merlot and PNoir to compete in world markets
Name three indigenous red grapes of Romania.
- Feteasca Neagra
- Burgund Mare
- Babeasca Neagra

(all three reds can achieve higher quality)
- Rosioara (Bulgaria’s Pamid) - generally table wine
What is Rosioara?
Rosioara (Bulgaria’s Pamid)
- Indigenous red generally made for table wine
- Vs:
- Feteasca Neagra
- Burgund Mare
- Babeasca Neagra (higher quality indigenous red)

The Bulgaria grape Pamid is known as what in Romania?
Rosioara (Bulgaria’s Pamid)
- Indigenous red - mostly used for table wine
- Vs:
- Feteasca Neagra
- Burgund Mare
- Babeasca Neagra

What are the broadest categories of Romanian wines?
- Wines for Current Consumption (Table Wines)
- Quality Wines

What are the 2 sub-categories for Table Wine in Romania?
- VM (Table Wine/Vin de Masa)
- VMS (Superior table wine/Vin de Masa Superior)

How are Quality Wines subdivided in Romania?
- VS: Quality wines with a geographic designation/Vin de Calitate Superioara/PGI
- DOC: Denumire de Origine Controlata/PDO

What are the requirements for Quality Wines in Romania?
- Produced from recommended and authorized grape varietals from one of the 7 major regions
- No hybrids

What are the subdivisions of the DOC category in Romania?

- DOC-DMD: Grapes harvested at full maturity
- DOC-CT: Late harvest grapes
- COC-CID: Botrytis-affected grapes
What geographic feature dominates central Romania?
The Carpathian Mountains

What is Romania’s climate?


What are the 7 wine regions of Romania?

NW counterclockwise
- Crisanei si Maramuresului Crisana** and **Maramures
- Banatului Banat
- Dealurilor Mutenei si Oteniei Hills of Muntenia** and **Oltenia
- Dealurilor Moldovei Hills of Moldova
Center, highest vineyards, buffered by Carpathian Mtns
- Podisului Transilvaniei Transylvania Plateau
E, Black Sea Coast
- Colinelor Dobrogei Hills of Dobrogea
- Teraselor Dunarii Danube Terraces

Name the 7 wine regions of Romania.

Start NW, moving counter clockwise around the Carpathian Mtns
- Crisanei si Maramuresului Crisana and Maramures
- Banatului Banat
- Dealurilor Munteniei si Olteniei Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia
- Dealurilor Moldovei Hills of Moldova
Eastern Black Sea Coast
- Colinelor Dobrogei Hills of Dobrogea
- Teraselor Dunarii Danube Terraces
Center, highest vineyards, buffered by Carpathian peaks
- Podisului Transilvaniei Transylvania Plateau

What is Romania’s rank in global production?


Eastern Europe: Country / Rank in Production / Appx Tonnage
- Romania / 13 / 410,000
- Hungary / 16 / 260,000
- Bulgaria / 21 / 130,000
- Czech Republic / 28 / 50,000
- Croatia / 31 / 46,000
- Slovakia / 35 / 33,000
- Slovenia / 39 / 25,000
How many zones are in Romania’s Banatului Region?

Banat - 2
- Banat DOC
- Recaș DOC
- Hills of Dobrogea - 3
- Babadag DOC
- Murfatlar DOC
- Sarica-Niculițel DOC
- Crisana and Maramures - 2
- Crișana DOC
- Miniș DOC
- Hills of Moldova - 10
- Bohotin DOC
- Coteşti DOC
- Cotnari DOC
- Dealu Bujorului DOC
- Huşi DOC
- Iana DOC
- Iaşi DOC
- Nicoreşti DOC
- Odobeşti DOC
- Panciu DOC
- Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia - 8
- Dealu Mare DOC
- Drăgaşani DOC
- Pietroasa DOC
- Sâmbureşti DOC
- Ştefăneşti DOC
- Banu Mărăcine DOC
- Segarcea DOC
- Mehedinți DOC
- Transylvania Plateau - 5
- Aiud DOC
- Alba Iulia DOC
- Sebeş-Apold DOC
- Lechinţa DOC
- Târnave DOC
- Danube Terraces - 1
- Oltina DOC

Which region of Romania has the most zones?

Hills of Moldova - 10
- Banat - 2
- Banat DOC
- Recaș DOC
- Hills of Dobrogea - 3
- Babadag DOC
- Murfatlar DOC
- Sarica-Niculițel DOC
- Crisana and Maramures - 2
- Crișana DOC
- Miniș DOC
Hills of Moldova - 10
- Bohotin DOC
- Coteşti DOC
- Cotnari DOC
- Dealu Bujorului DOC
- Huşi DOC
- Iana DOC
- Iaşi DOC
- Nicoreşti DOC
- Odobeşti DOC
- Panciu DOC
- Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia - 8
- Dealu Mare DOC
- Drăgaşani DOC
- Pietroasa DOC
- Sâmbureşti DOC
- Ştefăneşti DOC
- Banu Mărăcine DOC
- Segarcea DOC
- Mehedinți DOC
- Transylvania Plateau - 5
- Aiud DOC
- Alba Iulia DOC
- Sebeş-Apold DOC
- Lechinţa DOC
- Târnave DOC
- Danube Terraces - 1
- Oltina DOC

Which region of Romania has the least amount of zones?; which region has the most?

Danube Terraces - 1
(vs Bannat has 2, Crisana and Maramures has 2, Hills of Moldova has the most 10)
- Banat - 2
- Banat DOC
- Recaș DOC
- Hills of Dobrogea - 3
- Babadag DOC
- Murfatlar DOC
- Sarica-Niculițel DOC
- Crisana and Maramures - 2
- Crișana DOC
- Miniș DOC
Hills of Moldova - 10
- Bohotin DOC
- Coteşti DOC
- Cotnari DOC
- Dealu Bujorului DOC
- Huşi DOC
- Iana DOC
- Iaşi DOC
- Nicoreşti DOC
- Odobeşti DOC
- Panciu DOC
- Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia - 8
- Dealu Mare DOC
- Drăgaşani DOC
- Pietroasa DOC
- Sâmbureşti DOC
- Ştefăneşti DOC
- Banu Mărăcine DOC
- Segarcea DOC
- Mehedinți DOC
- Transylvania Plateau - 5
- Aiud DOC
- Alba Iulia DOC
- Sebeş-Apold DOC
- Lechinţa DOC
- Târnave DOC
Danube Terraces - 1
- Oltina DOC
How manzy zones are within the Transylvania Plateau region of Romania?

Transylvania Plateau - 5

(medium in terms of size, Danube Terraces has 1 zone, Hills of Moldova has 10 zones)
- Banat - 2
- Banat DOC
- Recaș DOC
- Hills of Dobrogea - 3
- Babadag DOC
- Murfatlar DOC
- Sarica-Niculițel DOC
- Crisana and Maramures - 2
- Crișana DOC
- Miniș DOC
- Hills of Moldova - 10
- Bohotin DOC
- Coteşti DOC
- Cotnari DOC
- Dealu Bujorului DOC
- Huşi DOC
- Iana DOC
- Iaşi DOC
- Nicoreşti DOC
- Odobeşti DOC
- Panciu DOC
- Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia - 8
- Dealu Mare DOC
- Drăgaşani DOC
- Pietroasa DOC
- Sâmbureşti DOC
- Ştefăneşti DOC
- Banu Mărăcine DOC
- Segarcea DOC
- Mehedinți DOC
Transylvania Plateau - 5
- Aiud DOC
- Alba Iulia DOC
- Sebeş-Apold DOC
- Lechinţa DOC
- Târnave DOC
- Danube Terraces - 1
- Oltina DOC
How many zones are within the Muntenia and Oltenia region of Romania?

Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia - 8

(2nd most, Hills of Moldova has 10)
- Banat - 2
- Banat DOC
- Recaș DOC
- Hills of Dobrogea - 3
- Babadag DOC
- Murfatlar DOC
- Sarica-Niculițel DOC
- Crisana and Maramures - 2
- Crișana DOC
- Miniș DOC
- Hills of Moldova - 10
- Bohotin DOC
- Coteşti DOC
- Cotnari DOC
- Dealu Bujorului DOC
- Huşi DOC
- Iana DOC
- Iaşi DOC
- Nicoreşti DOC
- Odobeşti DOC
- Panciu DOC
Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia - 8
- Dealu Mare DOC
- Drăgaşani DOC
- Pietroasa DOC
- Sâmbureşti DOC
- Ştefăneşti DOC
- Banu Mărăcine DOC
- Segarcea DOC
- Mehedinți DOC
- Transylvania Plateau - 5
- Aiud DOC
- Alba Iulia DOC
- Sebeş-Apold DOC
- Lechinţa DOC
- Târnave DOC
- Danube Terraces - 1
- Oltina DOC
Put the regions of Romania into most to least amount of zones.

- Hills of Moldova - 10
- Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia - 8
- Transylvania Plateau - 5
- Hills of Dobrogea - 3
- Banat - 2
- Crisana and Maramures - 2
- Danube Terraces - 1

Put the reions of Romania in order of least to most amount of zones.

- Danube Terraces - 1
- Banat - 2
- Crisana and Maramures - 2
- Hills of Dobrogea - 3
- Transylvania Plateau - 5
- Hills of Muntenia and Oltenia - 8
- Hills of Moldova - 10

Which region of Romania is furthest east?

Dobrogea (3 zones)
- vs Banat (2 zones), furthest west

Which region of Romania is furthest west?

Banat (2 zones)
- vs Dobrogea (3 zones), furthest east

Name a region of Romania located in the south?

Muntenia and Oltenia
- 8 zones
- 2nd most zones after Moldova in NE, which has 10 zones

Where is Moldova located within Romania?; why should you know that?

- NE
Hills of Moldova has more zones than any other region of Romania
- vs Muntenia and Oltenia has 8 zones, 2nd most