Roman Religion Culture Flashcards
what did a sacrifice embody?
had to embody life in some form- bc life = energy, and divine energy is necessary to answer the prayer
what was used for sacrifice?
animals, small cakes, flour mixed with salt, flowers, honey, cheese, fruit, wine, milk
what happened when an animal was sacrificed?
most vital parts (heart, liver, entrails) and carcass (more appetizing part) was eaten at the time by those present
science of taking the omens
what animals would be sacrificed at temple?
pig, sheep, bull or all 3 (the suovetaurīlia)
what happened after an animal was killed?
the vital organs were inspected by the haruspicēs, people who claimed they were able to tell from marks on organs whether the omens were favorable or not
what was the most popular form of augury?
auspicium (taking of the auspices) can be described as bird watching (avis- bird + spectare- to watch), auspex based predictions upon number of birds seen at particular time, direction of flight